Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125:49. 2003 (syn. (≡) Heliotropium strigosum Willd. (basionym)); . Hindi: Chitiphul; Mar: Sanjuvanchivel, Sitachekes; Punjab: Kharai, Tindu, Gorakh pamo; Rajasthan: Choti santri; Konkan: Sanjuvanchivel; . ID plz_301110_RKC_03: Boraginaceae week: Heliotropium strigosum for validation: This one was shot from a canal bank in Karnal, and again from Tau Devilal Herbal Park, Yamunanagar (Haryana) on different occasions. Was posted earlier, id could not be concluded. Very small, prostrate herb, leaves oblong-lanceolate, hairy, flowers very small, white.. fruit could not be seen. I hope this should be Heliotropium strigosum. Request to validate/rectify the identification…. very nice pictures and depiction of the flowers and leaves of this tinies of the heliotropium … I fear I could not do that……no habit pics.. Yes agree with Heliotropium strigosum plant habit is decumbent or erect ? …..this was a decumbent almost spreading herb….
Kindly help in identification Herb in wasteland. Solapur Pictures taken on 2July13, 7.15AM. I think some Heliotropium sp… Please check Heliotropium strigosum Yes it looks like Heliotropium strigosum Willd. It is Heliotropium strigosum. Heliotropium strigosum for confirmation SMP Jun 02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Observed this small herb few cm in height. Flower size few mm. Is it Heliotropium strigosum? Heliotropium strigosum Willd. features (Ref. Prain; Haines) –
There is one H. strigosum var. brevifolia ( ?), featuring leaves under 0.5 inch long (ref. BP / Prain, FBI). This species maybe same, as per efi thread this is Heliotropium strigosum. Herb for Id-Karnal: I hope Convolvulus prostratus May species of Heliotropium ??? I also thought of some Heliotropium sp. but not much aware of similar sp. This is Heliotropium for sure..may be H. strigosum.. i agree with …, it is Heliotropium for sure. I think matches with images at Euploca strigosa Hooghly – Heliotropium strigosum Willd. ? : Attachments (9). 3 posts by 2 authors. I think matches with images at Euploca strigosa
Star White wildflower – efloraofindia | Google Groups A small wild herb found in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Flowering in December. Please identify. Heliotropium …, check with local floras for sp., Looks more like Suaeda fruiticosa Thanks …, Suaeda fruiticosa does look similar in appearance. However, I can see important differences. The leaves of my plant don’t look succulent. Also, they are quite hairy. Compare the attached composite image. Left one is my plant, and the right one is Suaeda fruiticosa from Flora of Israel Online website. Attachments (1) I have placed my observations of same under Heliotropium supinum…!! That’s it …! That’s my plant. Thanks for the identification! I think I said it too soon. Some images at Digital Flora of Karnataka agree with my plant: However, the leaves of many other images on the web do not agree well. Could that be variability of the species? I think my plant agrees best with Euploca strigosa. Heliotropium strigosum subsp. brevifolium is a synonym. Please assist with plant ID. Location: Neemrana, Rajasthan Found in the wild. Elevation: 1033 metres Again a Heliotropium sp. Pl. check comparative images at–-l/b/boraginaceae/heliotropium Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger as per comparative images at Heliotropium . Requesting species ID: Heliotropium 1 (Moyar area, Dry thorn forests, Nigiris: 2 high res. image. Euploca bracteata (R.Br.) M.W.Frohl. & M.W.Chase ?? Heliotropium bracteatum New name Euploca bracteata (R. Br.) M. W. Frohl. & M. W. Chase ! I think this is Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger as per images and details herein. . id request Boraginaceae: 4 high res. images. Please check the attached images, it seems some member of Boraginaceae. Captured Srinagar Uttarakhand 540m approx. Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger . Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger: 6 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 305m. Date: 28 August 2021 Habit : Wild . Id from kutch: 1 high res. images. date 7/10/2022 Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger Yes, appears close as per images at . References: |
Euploca strigosa
Updated on December 24, 2024