Rubber tree; 





Rubber trees growing at a Rubber plantation in Pattambi, Kerala. 





ANMAY35/43 Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A.Juss.) Müll.Arg. : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date: 4th May 2015
Place: Hebri, Karnataka

Habit: Tree

Excellent !! I have never seen this..

It is the rubber treecultivated in South India and Andamans.

Thank you … Yes … First time seeing in Karnataka for me. I’m sure they grow it in lots of other places in Karnataka too, though.

Yes, here is the distribution records we have:
India: Cultivated in plantations in humid tropical areas, sometimes as an escape near plantations in Kerala, capable of natural regeneration. Assam, Manipur, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Native of Brazil now cultivated throughout humid tropics of Africa and Asia.

Uses. The latex from the tree trunk produces the natural rubber for wide utilities and commercially highly valuable.
We have also not seen any material from Karnataka.

Here is how the rubber is extracted.

Thanks for the information, … There are a few plantations in the Udupi district of Karnataka where I had recently been. Attachments (1)



Rubber tree.



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