Hoya arnottiana Wight, Contr. Bot. India 37 1834. ?;
Hoya, Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower;
A creeper for id. : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) A creeper from Bhalukpong, Assam. for id. Consulting the Website, I assume the plant is a Hoya. A Hoya species is known as Wax plant and also porcellain flower plant. Ihe common garden species in Europe is H. comosa, which has pink flowers and lightly scented. The flowers come in umbell having even upto 50 flowers; The present one has yellowish white flowers, likely H. obscura. In India Hoya is included in Red Data Book. Concise flowers of the Himalaya only gives Hoya lanceolata: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/53934/ But I don’t see much details in your pictures to compare with it. However, you may check with the original pictures. Himalaya is considered the Centre of Origin of Hoya, naturally a high concentration of species is expected in this region. In Wikipedia I find a number of Himalayan Hoya species, such as H. serpens, H.fusca, H. thomsonii, H, polynura, H. arnottica, H. costacea , H, acuta, H.longifolia, H, lanceolata, H. obscura so on.. This plant is definitely not a lanceolata , Going through literature I come to an assumption that this plant is more likely a H. arnottiana (sub-Himalayan distribution, leave shape, blotches on leaves, flower colour. number of flowers in an Umbell-20-30). Another photo with more details attached) please don’t mind i just need to correct that the plant with week stem and which trails on ground are creepers; this one which is refered is a climber. a climber can be tendrillar climber or a twinner or climbing by other modified parts. this was … these descriptions of creeper vs. climber helped me; thank you very much, … Looks matching with Hoya arnottiana Wight but image quality is so poor that is id difficult to validate affirmatively.
. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) |