Hyoscyamus niger

Hyoscyamus niger L., Sp. Pl. 179 1753. (Syn: Hyoscarpus niger Dulac (Unresolved); Hyoscyamus agrestis Kit. ex Schult.; Hyoscyamus auriculatus Ten. (Unresolved); Hyoscyamus bohemicus F.W. Schmidt; Hyoscyamus lethalis Salisb. (Unresolved); Hyoscyamus niger var. annuus Sims; Hyoscyamus niger var. chinensis Makino; Hyoscyamus officinarum Crantz (Unresolved); Hyoscyamus pallidus Waldst. & Kit. ex Willdenow ..);
Temp. Eurasia, NW. Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Altay, Amur, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, Central European Rus, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Chita, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East Aegean Is., East European Russia, East Himalaya, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Irkutsk, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Manchuria, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Northwest European R, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Primorye, Qinghai, Romania, Sakhalin, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russi, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Tuva, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, West Siberia, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Colorado, Great Britain, Illinois, Ireland, Myanmar, New Mexico, New South Wales, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, South Australia, Vermont, Victoria, Wisconsin, Yakutskiya as per POWO;
Common name: Henbane, Stinking nightshade • Hindi: Khurasani ajwain • Sanskrit: Parseek yawani • Kannada: ಖುರಾಸಾನಿ ಓಮ Khuraasaani oma, ವಿಲಾಯತಿ ತುಳಸಿ Vilaayati tulasi • Nepali: र्खुसानी ज्वाँनु Khursani jwanu, बजरभाङ्ग Bajarabhaang
Henbane, Stinking nightshade • Hindi: Khurasani ajwain • Sanskrit: Parseek yawani • Nepali: र्खुसानी ज्वाँनु Khursani jwanu; English: Black henbane, Henbane, Hogbean, Stinking night-shade, German: schwarzes Bilsenkraut; Sans: Dipya, Parasikaya; Hindi: Khurasaniajvayan; Beng: Khorasaniajowan; Mar: Khorasanivova; Tel: Khurashavivamam; Tam: Kurasaniyomam; Kan: Khurasanivadaki; Kashmir: Bazarbang;
Biennial herb, pubescent with glandular hairs; leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong, up to 30 cm long, cauline clasping or broadly cuneate at base, entire or lobed; flowers pale yellow with purple veins, subsessile or on short pedicels; calyx tubular-campanulate, 2-3 cm long, fruiting urceolate; corolla 2-3 cm in diam; capsule ovoid-globose with yellow-brownseeds.
Dried leaves and flowering tops constitute the important drug Henbane;
Mainly the seeds are used in formulations;



Solanaceae Week: Hyoscyamus niger from Kashmir:
Hyoscyamus niger L.,  Sp. pl. 1:179. 1753

Bad smelling herbaceous plant with lacerate leaves and yellow flowers with purple veins, capsule enclosed in enlarged calyx, the fruit opens by horizontal split which removes a lid at top (circumscissile).
Dried leaves and flowring tops constitute the important drug Henbane.
Common name: black henbane, henbane, hog’s-bean, stinking-nightshade
Sans: Dipya, parasikaya
Hindi: Khurasaniajvayan

VOF Week: Hyoscyamus niger at Mana:
Got to see this herb at the Outskirts of Village Mana while we were trekking towards Vasundhara Falls.
Bot. name: Hyoscyamus niger
Family: Solanaceae.
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 08:30AM
I hope the second photograph (i.e. Hyoscyamus niger-2.jpg) is also the same plant.

Yes … Usually a plants of disturbed/grazed lands. Yes the second photograph is fruiting branch of same.

yes, henbane. used be a useful medicinal and other uses plant…

Hyoscyamus niger L. (Solanaceae) from Uttarakhand : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
One of the plant which catches attention in Badrinath area is Hyoscyamus niger (Solanaceae) which is an important medicinal plant. It is known as ‘Khurasani- Ajwain’ locally and as ‘Parseek Yavani’ in Ayurveda.  Mainly the seeds are used in formulations.

Yes, eye catching indeed, haven’t seen in wild till now..

Yes … Commonly found in Pahalgam Kashmir


Solanaceae Fortnight : Hyoscyamus niger at Mana : PKA-FEB16/16: 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Got to see this herb at the Outskirts of Village Mana while we were trekking towards Vasundhara Falls in Badrinath region..
Bot. name: Hyoscyamus niger
Family: Solanaceae.
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 08:30AM

Lovely ..

Solanaceae Fortnight:Hyoscyamus niger from Kashmir-GSFEB37/39 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Hyoscyamus niger L., Sp. Pl. 1: 179. 1753.
Biennial herb, pubescent with glandular hairs; leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong, up to 30 cm long, cauline clasping or broadly cuneate at base, entire or lobed; flowers pale yellow with purple veins, subsessile or on short pedicels; calyx tubular-campanulate, 2-3 cm long, fruiting urceolate; corolla 2-3 cm in diam; capsule ovoid-globose with yellow-brownseeds.
Photographed from Kashmir.

Hyoscyamus niger L. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures of Hyoscyamus niger L. shot at Jomsom Nepal on 21 April 2013 at 9200 ft.

Superb details!!!

Thanks for uploading the plant photographs of Henbane used in Homeopathy medicine. It is poisonous if consumed in large quantities. Awesome photographs.


Kailas Manasarovar Route::Hyoscyamus niger NSJ-SEP 16/09 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
HenbaneHyoscyamus niger from Chhiyalekh valley of flowers Altitude 11000 feet. Kindly confirm the ID.

Yes it is.


Flowers from Valley, Uttaranchal- 26/07/2008; Pahalgam on June 20, 2010;flowers from Valley, Uttaranchal – indiantreepix | Google GroupsHyoscyamus niger from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Hyoscyamus niger:
Location: Kulgam, J&K.
Date of collection: 17|09|2021

Hyoscyamus niger: 3 images.
Location: Ganderbal J &K

Date of Collection: 24-04-2022
Kashmiri name: Khurasani as per the literature available on


Solanaceae: Hyoscyamus niger L.: 1 high res. image.
location/date (both): Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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