Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyper. 42, t. 4 (1821). (Syn: Hypericum cernuum Roxb. ex D. Don; Hypericum patulum var. oblongifolium (Choisy) Koehne);
St Johns Wort • Hindi: बसंत Basant;
(India: Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh; Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal) as per BSI Flora of India(1993);
Much branched shrub up to 2 m tall with ascending branches; leaves oblong to oblong-ovate, sessile, 4-9 cm long, up to 3 cm broad; flowers 4-8 cm across, yellow, useually 1-3 flowered cymes, rarely up to 6 flowers; sepals elliptic-oblong, erect in bud, spreading in fruit, 6-8 mm long; petals obovate, 2-3 cm long, longer than stamens; stamens in 5 bundles; ovary 4-6 mm long, styles 5, twice as long as ovary; capsule 10-15 mm long, ovoid.

Hypericum For ID : Uttarakhand : 160413 : AK-3 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Hypericum seen growing wild on the mountain slopes on way to Nainital & Bhimtal.
Picture taken on 23/3/13.
Kindly id.

Hypericum oblongifolium

Amarnath Yatra – Hypericum oblongifolium (NSJ-03 – 27/08/2013) :  Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Hypericum oblongifolium from Pahalgam. Looks like a garden variety.

Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyper. 42, tab. 4. 1821
Syn: H. cernuum Roxb. ex D Don
Much branched shrub up to 2 m tall with ascending branches; leaves oblong to oblong-ovate, sessile, 4-9 cm long, up to 3 cm broad; flowers 4-8 cm across, yellow, useually 1-3 flowered cymes, rarely up to 6 flowers; sepals elliptic-oblong, erect in bud, spreading in fruit, 6-8 mm long; petals obovate, 2-3 cm long, longer than stamens;stamens in 5 bundles; ovary 4-6 mm long, styles 5, twice as long as ovary; capsule 10-15 mm long, ovoid.
Photographed from Bhageshwar in Uttarakhand.

Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyper. 42, tab. 4. 1821
Syn: H. cernuum Roxb. ex D Don
Photographed from Chaubatia garden, Uttarakhand

Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyper. 42, tab. 4. 1821
Syn: H. cernuum Roxb. ex D Don
Photographed from Batote in J & K


Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyper. 42, tab. 4. 1821
Syn: H. cernuum Roxb. ex D Don
Photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden

Beautiful Shots Sir


Plant from Uttarakhanda : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
please Identify this plant from Uttarakhanda

hypericum choisianum

Sorry for last reply, as style is very long it is Hypericum oblongifolium.

Yes, I agree with Hypericum oblongifolum

Correct. It is Hypericum oblongifolium.

Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight:: Hypericaceae- Hypericum oblongifolium:: NS 08 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
This is one of the commonest species of Hypericum in Western Himalayas.. I hope this is rightly identified as Hypericum oblongifolium… 

Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight: Hypericum sp for ID from Kashmir Unive. Campus-GSNOV13 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly help in the ID of this Hypericum sp. photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden.

As I could observe it is Hypericum oblongifolium, also found in Uttarakhand and Hiamchal Pradesh at altitdue of 1500 to 2000 m. Please also make it confirm from somewhere else.

The photograph you have uploaded may be Hypericum oblogifolium an invasive species

Plant from Uttarakhand : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
please Identify the other plant, also from Uttarakhanda. 

do you have the entire plant… habit and habitat?

After checking I found 2 more snaps. Attachments (2)

Hypericum oblongifolium I hope.

Hypericum oblongifolium (Hypericaceae).

Hypericum oblongifolium? ABMAY01/13 : 4 posts by 2 authors.
Our slopes have these brilliant yellow St John’s Worts everywhere. I have always thought them to be Hypericum choisianum. I measured the flowers in the picture below and found them to be about 2.5inch (6.4cm) across. Could these be H. oblongifolium? Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
09 May 2015
PS: I know these have medicinal value but do not know why butterflies do not visit this flower for feeding. I am yet to see one feeding on these though they are fairly common and conspicuous on the slopes.

It looks me Hypericum oblongifolium

I am adding some photos to clarify the ID points and to check if my identification is erroneous. Please advise.

Hypericum oblongifolium,
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
21-22 April 2017.
Attachments (10)

Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight:: Hypericaceae- Hypericum for id from Chakrata:: NS 06 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
This Hypericum was recorded from Chakrata area, Uttrakhand..
Leaves opposite, elliptic-ovate.. please suggest id..

Styles and staminal bundles 5 each, styles shorter than ovary, sepals not folaceous. Can it be H. uralum.

Kindly check for Hypericum hookerianum, my post from Kodaikanal.

efi page on Hypericum hookerianum 

Sepal ovate, petal somewhat round, Stamens in 5 bundles, style 5 and equal to overy, so it should be Hypericum uralum

Thanks a lot … for valuable inputs leading to id..

Looking at the sepals & size of the flower & stamen, it appears lose to images at Hypericum oblongifolium as per keys at Flora of Pakistan


Hypericum choisianum ABAPR01/02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
St John’s Worts are out as well.
I think this is Hypericum choisianum but I could be mistaking it for H. oblongifolium. Please advise.
Hypericum choisianum?
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
7 April 2015

Looking at the sepals & size of the flower & stamen, it appears lose to images at Hypericum oblongifolium as per keys at Flora of Pakistan


Hypericum cordifolium from Shimla:
Hypericum cordifolium

Very catch of the plant this plant is very susceptible to rust fungi

I have not seen any fungus on this plant in shimla region during month of november

you can see them in warmer period of time

Can it be Hypericum elodeoides or Hypericum androsaemum

Would be interesting to know more about this sir… I have something similar… which I had thought to be H. oblongifolium…

Although basal shot of leaves and under side of flower would have helped in clear distinction but to me also the plant appears to be oblongifolium, primarily on the basis of distribution, H. cordifolium being restricted to Central Himalayas.
H. cordifolium                                                                H. oblongifolium Choisy (syn: H. cernuum Roxb)
Leaves 3-9 cm longcordate at base, midrib                       Leaves cuneate or rounded at base   
darkly marked below
Sepals lanceolate, 6-12 mm long                                     Sepals ovate, 5-8 mm long
Styles 1.5 times as long as ovary                                    Styles twice as long as ovary
Ditribution Central Himalayas                                          Distribution Western Himalayas
Both Hypericum elodeoides and Hypericum androsaemum are out of race because they have only 3 styles and much larger sepals.

SK1085 12 APR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each.
Location:  Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 3 April 2018
Altitude: 6000 ft.
Habit: Wild
Hypericum cordifolium Choisy   ??

Pl. check
Check the sepals and relative size of stamens compared to that of petals.

Yes, I already did !



SK 3575 11 July 2022: 10 very high res. images.

Location: Musikot, Rukum West, , West Nepal
Altitude:  1353m.
Date: 26 April 2022
Habit : Wild

I think it should be Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy as per images and details herein and as per keys in Flora of Pakistan and FoP illustration.


Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy:
There seems to be two entries for this sp. in the FoI.

Oops! One was a spurious entry. Removed now.


SK 3635 06 September 2022: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Timure, Surkhet,  Nepal
Altitude:  2100m.
Date:  22 March 2022
Habit : Wild 
Hypericum … ???


Yes … Looking for ID !

I think close to images at Hypericum oblongifolium Choisy

