Indigofera trifoliata L. (Syn: Indigofera glandulifera Hayata; Indigofera trifoliata var. angustata Miq.; Indigofera trifoliata var. liukiuensis Matsum.; Indigofera barberi Gamble; Indigofera karuppiana Pallith.; Indigofera moluccana DC.; Indigofera multicaulis DC.; Indigofera peregrina DC.; Indigofera trifoliata var. brachycarpa Gagnep.; Indigofera trifoliata var. multicaulis (DC.) Miq.; Indigofera vestita Baker; Lotus perigrinus sensu Burm.f.); . Bangladesh (N) ; Bhutan (N) ; China (N) ; Guangdong; Guangxi; Sichuan; Yunnan ; East Timor (N) ; Hainan (N) ; India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Daman; Delhi ; Diu ; Goa; Gujarat; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Karnataka; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Manipur ; Meghalaya ; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu ; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Yanan ; Indonesia (N) ; Bali; Irian Jaya (N) ; Jawa (N) ; Laos (N); Lesser Sunda Is (N) ; Malaysia (N) ; Moluccas (N) ; Myanmar (N) ; Nepal (N); Pakistan (N); Philippines (N); Sri Lanka (N); Sulawesi (N) ; Taiwan (N) ; Thailand (N) ; Vietnam (N) Australia (N) ; Papua New Guinea (N); Bismarck Archipelago (N) as per ILDIS; . Undershrub with robust trailing branches; leaves trifoliate; leafletsshallowly notched, black-gland-dotted on under surface, racemes almost sessile, flowers bright red in axillary clusters, bristle-like calyx teeth and pubescent deflexed pod with distinct wings, 8-10 mm long, 4-6 seeded., seed, as long as broad and red flowers in axillary clusters. I. trifoliata I. prostrata I. glandulosa 1. Perennial, stout stems Annual, slender erect stems Annual, slender erect stems 2. Leaflets shallowly notched leaflets obtuse or mucronate leaflets obtuse or mucronate 3. lower surface black-gland dotted orange-gland dotted brown-gland dotted 4. pod 8-10 mm long, 4-6 seeded pod 13-15 mm long, 6-9 seeded pod 5-6 mm long, 1-2 seeded 5. pod distinctly winged pod faintly winged pod distinctly winged, wings toothed 6. seed as long as broad seed as long as broad seed longer than broad . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Indigofera trifoliata from Chakrata Tiger fall area-GSOCT32/37 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Indigofera trifoliata L., Cent.Pl. 2:29. 1756. Undershrub with robust trailing branches; leaves trifoliate; leafletsshallowly notched, black-gland-dotted on under surface, racemes almost sessile, flowers bright red in axillary clusters, bristle-like calyx teeth and pubescent deflexed pod with distinct wings, 8-10 mm long, 4-6 seeded., seed, as long as broad and red flowers in axillary clusters. Photographed from Chakrata Tiger fall road in September. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Indigofera trifoliata :: Chakrata :: NS OCT 74/74 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Lespedeza sp. from Chakrata Tiger fall area: Could this be an Indigofera species? I think pods of Lespedeza are 1-seeded. I may be wrong though. …, you are never wrong. I agree with your id : I. trifoliata. Surely Indigofera, but to me it look more like I. trita I did consider I. trita seriously but went for I. trifoliata because: 1. the pods appear winged. 2. under surface of leaf is gland-dotted 3. according to eflora of Pakistan inflorescence may be up to 4.5 cm long in I. trita, here it is sessile 4. I trifoliata is reported from the area, not I. trita Enclosing some more close ups I just came across the description in Herbaceous Flora of Dehradun by C R Babu, adjacent to our Chakrata. He reports Indigofera prostrata from the area, a species that was treated under I. trifoliata in FBI and few other Floras, but as distinct species by Gamble, Babu and now The Plant list. According to Babu the two are differentiated as under: Indigofera trifoliata: perennial, stout stems, leaflets shallowly notched, stout; pod 8-10 mm long, 2 mm broad, 4-6 seeded; sutures winged, seeds as long as broad. Indigofera prostrata: annual, slender stems, leaflets obtuse mucronate, slender; pod 13-15 mm long, 1 mm broad, 8-9 seeded, faintly winged; seeds longer than broad. In above photographs leaves appear mucronate, but other things don’t match I. prostrata they rather approach I. trifoliata. Your comments please. I consider the posted plant as Indigofera trifoliata, mainly due to the prominent wings. I. prostrata is a prostrate herb with very narrowly winged pods. It is not I. trita for sure. Just to complete the discussion please try to answer my query too… You are right to point out the possibility. Interestingly it is also reported in Herbaceous Flora of Dehradun. Here are characteristics of three suspected species: I. trifoliata I. prostrata I. glandulosa 1. Perennial, stout stems Annual, slender erect stems Annual, slender erect stems 2. Leaflets shallowly notched leaflets obtuse or mucronate leaflets obtuse or mucronate 3. lower surface black-gland dotted orange-gland dotted brown-gland dotted 4. pod 8-10 mm long, 4-6 seeded pod 13-15 mm long, 6-9 seeded pod 5-6 mm long, 1-2 seeded 5. pod distinctly winged pod faintly winged pod distinctly winged, wings toothed 6. seed as long as broad seed as long as broad seed longer than broad Based on length of pod and wings, it appears closer to I. trifoliata, but others are also very close. Appears closer to images of Indigofera glandulosa Wendl. by …, rather than images of Indigofera trifoliata L. by …. This should be either Indigofera trifoliata or I. trita, not I. glandulosa. Thanks, …, Appears like Indigofera trifoliata as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have marked to you separately in Dec.’15. If anyone still want it I can send it to him again. Thanks …, for the ID validation and the paper. ANSEPT75 Please confirm if Indigofera glandulosa : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6). Tharalu village Bangalore 26th September 2014 When compare with earlier postings it is matching with Indigofera glandulosa Thank you sir. Appears like Indigofera trifoliata as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have marked to you separately in Dec.’15. If anyone still want it I can send it to him again. It could be Indigofera trifoliata or I. prostrata, depends on minute difference which can be determined under stereomicroscope. Indigofera trifoliata L. (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (16) Location: Chobhar Height, Kathmandu , Nepal Altitude: 4600 ft. Date: 15 September 2016 I think matches with images at Indigofera trifoliata Location: Chobhar Height, Kathmandu , Nepal Altitude: 4600 ft. Date: 18 July 2017 Attachments (8) I guess same sp. Location: Chobhar, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 7 August 2018 Elevation: 4500 ft. Habit : Wild Attachments (7) Clicked these images at the Shilonda trail in SGNP in Sep 2015. Requested to please provide ID. Sir I think Indigofera trifoliata L. . Fabaceae for ID :: SGNP, Mumbai :: Sep 2015 :: ARKJUN-02 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Clicked these images at the Shilonda trail in SGNP in Sep 2015. Requested to please provide ID. Sir I think Indigofera trifoliata L. Please help me ID this Indigofera sp. Could this be Indigofera trifoliata? Date: 05 Nov 2017 Location: Mudumalai, Nilgiris, TN Altitude: 900 m asl Habitat: Deciduous forest I guess the ID is correct. Appears close as per first glance at–-l/f/fabaceae/indigofera/indigofera-trifoliata Indigofera trifoliata L. : 6 posts by 1 author. 6 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Chobhar, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 14 September 2020 Elevation: 1340 m. Habit: Wild SK170OCT29-2016:ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Chobhar, Nepal on 24 August 2013 at 4500 ft. Is it Indigofera trifoliata L. (accepted name) ?? Appears close to Indigofera prostrata Willd. as per comparative images at Indigofera I did not find listing in the book and the following link for Nepal. Pl. check other references on the net. Indigofera trifoliata Linnaeus ! . Indigofera trifoliata L.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Chobhar, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 03 September 2024 Elevation: 1400m. Habitat : Wild . References: |
Indigofera trifoliata
Updated on December 24, 2024