evening glory, Moonflower vine, Moon vine, दूधियाकलमी Dudhiakalmi (Hindi), गुलचांदी Gulchandi (Marathi), Candra pushpa (Kannada), Naganamukkorai (Tamil) ;


I thought my journey (as an explorer) to ‘Convolvulaceae Week’ for the current session ended last night! But this afternoon i chanced upon another member of this family what i think is Ipomoea bona-nox L.

It is a big sized flower with equally big leaves. I think the ID is correct because –

1) my copy of “Plant Groups” (by H. Mukherji) describes it as “a large climber with white flowers….”

2) it conforms the words “giant white moonflower” & “vines and climbers” as have been described in http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/893/#b

3) as i plucked a flower-bud to force open its petals i noticed secretion of “milky juice” and “greenish midpetalline bands” as have been described at http://www.mpbd.info/plants/ipomoea-alba.php

4) But i may be wrong, because there is one similar post at – efi thread that suggests otherwise.

Now, it’s before you to validate the ID.

Species : Ipomoea bona-nox L. ???

Habit : herb, trailer & climber

Habitat : wild, beside ditch

Date : 14-March-2012, 4.50 p.m.
Place : Kamarkundu (Hooghly), WB

I too never noticed it before and there were only two buds in one of those plants. Hope there will be many in coming days.

It’s my pleasure to share any info i am able to collect on our biodiversity. Today i revisited the place and also surrounding area, found more of this plant. I could collect some more data on it –
1) The stem has ‘hook’ like structure, attaching a photograph
2) A local person said that it blooms in the evening
3) A housewife from the same place said they sometimes make vegetable dishes out of its buds

yet another photo of the same plant..

Completely new to me.
Very interesting Ipomoea.
Especially the corolla which is deeply lobed unlike others.

In the first & second photos i slit open the flower to have a better look inside it. In the last photo (later added) though the flower looks like having deeply lobed corolla. Unless i get some more i won’t be able to confirm.

Nice photo series , although generally the current legitimate binomial of Ipomoea alba should be used in place of any synonyms…

In one of my previous reply i used the term “hook” for those “prickle” like growth on the stem. But “hook” is not a scientific word in this case for sure.
What will be the correct term?

I’ve encountered various terms and none seem to be precise , so they are frequently referred to as soft spine-like protuberances…sometimes encountered on the petiole or main stems of Ipomoea alba but more frequently seen on the closely related night blooming species of Ipomoea muricata.

think soft prickles or tubercles would be more appropriate and often used for these species.

Thank you for even more terms. ‘Tubercles’ is a new word to me. Attaching another photograph recorded this evening.

yet another one…

Thank you for taking care of my concern. At the time of posting i failed to find this appropriate description of those ‘protuberances’. However, i collected a flower-bud of the same plant this afternoon and kept it in a vase in order to monitor it. Attaching a photograph.

Yes,the literature often uses the term tubercle for these type of protuberances although most definitions of tubercle specifically indicate that a tubercle is round or rounded :
A tubercle or tuberculum. n. In botany, any root of a class embracing both tuberous roots and tubercles: used specifically by Lindley. n
-cle— suffix forming nouns
indicating smallness: cubicle
Tuberculate: An organism or part of an organism which is covered in fleshy and raised protuberances, also called tubercules.
tubercle n. 1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) any small rounded nodule or elevation, esp on the skin, on a bone, or on a plant.
small eminence, or warty outgrowth ;a tuberlike swelling
[C16: from Latin tūberculum  a little swelling, diminutive of tuber ]
and since the protuberances on Ipomoea alba, Ipomoea muricata and Ipomoea parasitica are usually not truly rounded , I have usually opted to call it like it is e.g. a soft-fleshy spine or thorn-like protuberance because the structures in question are usually not rounded.

Interesting species. The flower is nocturnal. The flower opens in the evening and closes by next morning.

Yes Sir, it is nocturnal, and i have watched this by keeping a bud into our flower vase (actually, an empty bottle!). But it couldn’t opened up its petals fully. I think it needs a cushion underneath, say, of its own leaves, in order to keep its petals wide open.

Moon vine MN131012: Ipomoea alba (Moon vine)
Family: Convolvulaceae
Place : Reti bunder, Dombivli

Ipomoea alba L. from Guwahati: Attached images are Ipomoea alba L.
Date :30/10/2012
Location: Maligaon, Guwahati-11 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
Habitat: Grows on Shrubs, small trees and ground also
Habit :Climber
Flower : Large, White in colour, 14 to 15 cm in length

Ipomoea alba Linnaeus – Hooghly:
Attaching images of Ipomoea alba Linnaeus, photographed today, in Hooghly.
ID help : efi thread

Nice photographs … I think Ipomoea violacea also looks similar to this?

I haven’t seen I. violacea yet, but just read description at FoC. As per FoC the stamens are inserted/included near base of corolla tube in I. violacea, but not in I. alba.
Moreover, the stem of I. alba has “soft spine-like protuberances”, don’t know if it is same in I. violacea.
Also habitat is different, i think.


Hooghly Today : Ipomoea alba Linn., morning dew and a butterfly:

Why the same species again, within a couple of days?
I think this butterfly is visiting the Ipomoea alba Linn. (দুধিয়া কলমী / হল কলমী) for the morning dew accumulated on its corolla!
And a journey to the history :-

ANDEC34 Convolvulaceae for identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7).

Nelliyampathy, Kerala
November 2014

moon vine?

Looks like it ma’am. Thank you. Ipomoea alba

The plant resembles to Ipomea alba

Jan2015sk12 – Ipomoea alba L. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
It is unbelievable that this plant can have such leaves!


¿ Operculina ?
Dear friends, please help with the ID of this Convolvulaceae member.
Date: 01 NOV 2016
Place: Kanakeshwar forest, Alibag
Habit: climber, armed stem (certain stretches), capsule, rising from leaf axil, about 15 – 20 mm across.
The capsule reminds me of Operculina turpethum, however its stalk seems relatively too short. Not sure of variability.

Please help with the ID; hopefully the pictures help.

It seems to be Ipomoea, need flowers for further comment

It is Ipomea alba

Ipomea id from Bangladesh _sm_2000 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 Mb each.

Habitat: along the karnafuly river, tidal river.

Flowering :November
Picture taken: 5/11/18
Location : chittagong

Calonyction aculeatum ? 

I guess correct ID …

moon flower though seems smaller (really cant tell, just an impression) than what i had sourced once from the sandy+loamy river edge land of an ashram on banks of ichhmoti river. so i guess … is on the right track

I think other habitat would suits for it, however, Icamoti river in Sathkira distruct of Bangladesh has tidal in nature with salt water.

Thanks, … for id and inputs. Efi page available at /species/a—l/cl/convolvulaceae/ipomoea/ipomoea-alba


At KanakeshwarSept’09?; Japada katte, Mysore- 31/Aug/09; Chethalayam, Wayanad- Sept’10?; 13/11/10- Chethalayam, Wayanad; Ipomoea alba – indiantreepix | Google Groups No morning glory – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Ipomoea alba :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
… at a resort  in Vythiri, Wayanad
Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl
Ipomoea alba L.   

Ipomoea alba :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 15 NOV 19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Vythiri  Wayanad
Date: November 15, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl
Ipomoea alba  L.

seems to be. a bitten up

Thanks … Most of the flowers, supposed to be large pure white, feast to eyes, were found like this. Must be some aggressive insects to whom it serves as food.

yes. sometimes we forget that most greenery is for them, not us really.

Ipomoea moonii : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).
Ipomoea moonii
Yesterday (4.10.10) at Kanakeshwar, Alibag

…, nice photo.  Is it a night bloomer?

i think so …

A view showing the sepals would be so helpful because the corolla of many species looks identical but the sepals show the differences vital to differential IDentification

On google search, I could not find any species like Ipomoea moonii. Would you pl. clarify ?

Ipomoea alba L.

Ipomoea alba


Fwd: Ipomoea id : 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Photo taken 27 dec

Is the habitat coastal or estuarine? Size of flower 15 cm?

Central Bangladesh, Flower is big basically the corolla when opened. largest size I  flower I ever seen

This can be Ipomoea violacea

Most probably Ipomoea alba.

Ipomoea alba L.

Yes to Ipomoea alba.


