Alamo Vine, Egyptian Morning Glory • Tamil: Siru-thali-kodi;


Convolvulaceae Week: Ipomoea coptica from DelhiIpomoea coptica (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 4: 208 208 1819.

Syn: Convolvulus copticus L.; Ipomoea dissecta Willd.

A glabrous prostrate or twining herb with digitate 3-7 lobed deeply serrate leaves; flowers solitary white; capsule subglobose, glabrous.

Photographed from Rajouri Garden in Delhi, a weed of cultivation.

Growing wild



Prostrate Creeper for ID, Rajasthan, NAW-SEP16-03 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this prostrate creeper photographed in August 2016, growing in a section of a seasonal river bed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan.

adding another photograph. Attachments (1)

Ipomoea coptica I hope

It is not Ipomoea coptica 

The added pictures are Ipomoea coptica, is there a difference between the two. Attachments (2)

This is what I had uploaded from Delhi. Looks similar to … plant. 

I think all images (including those added by …) are of Ipomoea coptica on perusal of the following links:

Yes I too agree with others  But we have to note it is a variable species with variability in leaf structure

I have collected Ipomoea coptica from Morena district of Madhya Pradesh and published as new record for the flora of MP. But it is little bit different.







help to identify this creeper : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Please help to identify this creeper

16 October 19
Agra, U.P

Convolvulaceae ???

Ipomoea coptica I think. Please verify.

Thank you … I was guessing so but could not get matching leaves. Now I got it.
1024 × 695

Options were two ….. Ipomoea coptica or Merremia dissecta. Leaf smaller, lobes leaner in I . coptica.

Thank you Sir it’s matches with Ipomoea coptica.

I too agreed with Ipomoea coptica …

