Jasminum fluminense Vell., Fl. Flumin. 1: 10, t. 23 1829. (syn: Jasminum azoricum var. fluminense (Vell.) Eichler; Jasminum auriculatum var. zanzibariense Bojer ex DC.; Jasminum azoricum var. bahiense (DC.) Eichler; Jasminum bahiense DC. [Illegitimate]; Jasminum blandum S.Moore; Jasminum fluminense var. blandum (S.Moore) Turrill; Jasminum fluminense subsp. holstii (Gilg) Turrill; Jasminum fluminense subsp. mauritianum (Bojer ex DC.) Turrill; Jasminum fluminense subsp. nairobiense Turrill; Jasminum hildebrandtii Knobl.; Jasminum holstii Gilg; Jasminum lanatum Gilg & G.Schellenb.; Jasminum mauritianum Bojer ex DC.; Jasminum megalosiphon Gilg; Jasminum pospischilii Gilg; Jasminum rooseveltii De Wild.; Jasminum schroeterianum Schinz; Jasminum tettense Klotzsch; Jasminum uhligii Gilg & G.Schellenb.; Jasminum zanzibariense (Bojer ex DC.) Klotzsch); . Nitya Malli, Brazilian jasmine, Azores jasmine, River Jasmine, • Tamil: பெருமல்லி Perumalli; . Trop. & S. Africa to Arabian Pen. as per WCSP; . Angola; Bahamas; Belize; Botswana; Brazil Northeast; Brazil Southeast; Burundi; Cameroon; Caprivi Strip; Cayman Is.; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gulf of Guinea Is.; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica; Kenya; Leeward Is.; Malawi; Mauritius; Mexico Southeast; Mozambique; Namibia; Netherlands Antilles; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Northern Provinces; Panam; Puerto Rico; Rwanda; Saudi Arabia; Sierra Leone; Socotra; Somalia; Sudan; Swaziland; Tanzania; Trinidad-Tobago; Turks-Caicos Is.; Uganda; Venezuelan Antilles; Windward Is.; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life; . Flowers from Temple Gardens – Jasmine 2 – ID Please : Attachments (3). 9 posts by 3 authors. This is the second creeper. The Hindi name is the same, but is called ‘Nitya Malli’ in Tamil, as it flowers year long in the south. The leaves are shiny and green in colour, and the creeper itself is very hardy and needs little care. The flowers mostly have 8 or 9 petals. The flower is pure white without the pink lining on the petals found in a lot of other jasmine varieties. Jasminum flexile ? I think your Jasmine/ Nitya Malli is Jasminum multiflorum. Pl. see the links: Thanks for the reply. But I am afraid its not nitya-malli. I think your ‘Nitya Malli’ in Tamil is Jasminum multiflorum, as it flowers year long. What you posted may be a different Jasmine. What about Jasminum auriculatum for your post. See the link for the pictures: http://images.google.co.in/Jasminum%20auriculatum&um=wi & for details pl. see: It is mullai I think Jasminum auriculatum Thanks for the replies. jasminum auriculatum is ‘Juhi’, which is a shrub. We had 4 of them in our garden, but only one is left now, and its currently pruned. I will have to search for other places in Vrindaban where I can find ‘juhi’. Will post the photos when I can get to them. The link is in Bengali- I think it states something like ‘Juhi’ for the first plant picture, though I not much conversant with alphabets. May be some one knowing Bengali, clarify as to what is written in Bengali link. As per Tropical garden plants by Bose, Chowdhury & Sharma, Jasminum auriculatum is a woody climber, native of India, also grown as a struggling shrub without any support- with leaves mostly simple, but sometimes trifoliate. I think it’s better to put final reliance on authortative text- pl. see one for Jasminum fluminense http://aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/jasflu.pdf & check for yourself & match all the features in the description. If we look at the leaves, they clearly three leaflets. That rules out J. multoflorum (J. pubescens is synonym of that) which have simple (not compound) leaves. With 3 leaflets, we don’t have many choices. I feel it is River Jasmine (Jasminum fluminense). More information here:
Could be Jasminum fluminense as in FOI. Common name River Jasmine. It is Sayali in Marathi. Experts kindly validate. Quoting from … final explanation and identification. If we look at the leaves, they clearly three leaflets. That rules out J. multoflorum (J. pubescens is synonym of that) which have simple (not compound) leaves. With 3 leaflets, we don’t have many choices. I feel it is River Jasmine (Jasminum fluminense). More information here: http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/River%20Jasmine.html Here is the earlier post discussed in IndianTreePix. I tend to agree, as after a lot of digging around, this is the best identification I could get. I have taken new pics of this plant the description of this is as Habit climber Flower Highly Fragrant, white march April and rainy season plant evergreen leaves trifoliate, opposite Send the pictures of the leaves. Nevertheless, the climber seems to be a type of jasmine. May be Jasminum azoricum. I think more closer to images at Jasminum fluminense Vell. SYMBIOSIS : 705 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Red-base Jezebel butterfly on the flowers of Jasminum auriculatum. I think more closer to images at Jasminum fluminense Vell. rather than those at Jasminum auriculatum
SYMBIOSIS : 706 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Blank Swift butterfly on the flowers of Jasminum auriculatum. I think more closer to images at Jasminum fluminense Vell. rather than those at Jasminum auriculatum FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS ( JUTHI -1/KINSHUK -2/MALLIKA-3 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Attaching translated version of two songs by Tagore. In the first song JUTHI has been mentioned. KINSHUK and MALLIKA have been mentioned in the second one. I think more closer to images at Jasminum fluminense Vell. rather than those at Jasminum auriculatum a picture for you : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. This is Mallika in Bengali and also in Sanskrit, is it Jasminum sambac or Jasminum angustifolium? It doesn’t appear like Jasminum sambac from the pictures seen as per the following link: Thank you for the mail. I think the plant is J.angustifolium, but had doubt as the plant has been identified as J.sambac in a Book “Plants in the Puranas”. J.sambac is in Bengali (Beli, Balli or Ballika– Terms used by Tagore). From the Website mentioned by you, I find in Indonesia – sambac is also known as Melati, However, Melati (Malati) in Bengal is –Aganosma caryophyllata belonging to Fam- Apocyanaceae. One more point – you have mentioned that J. sambac is Syn. Nyctanthes sambac. Nyctanthes belongs to the Family –Nyctanthaceae not to Oleaceae. The best known species in the Family Nyctanthaceae is N. arbor-tristis (Sephalika or Seuli in Bengali- some times also known as Parijat) I think more closer to images at Jasminum fluminense Vell. rather than those at Jasminum angustifolium plant ID from ludhiana : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors. please help me to identify this plant habit climber leaf trifoliate flowering april, color white fragrance highly fragrant It may be Rhyncospermum jasminoides. i searched for this … i think iT is not Rynchospememum which is otherwise known as Trachelospermum jasminoids. It might be some species of jasmine. i will again take good pics in rainy season and we will again discuss it I hope Jasminum mesneyi Jasminum mesneyi is yellow flowering, is n’t it ? I think Jasminum fluminense Vell. as per comparative images at Jasminum . Jasmine in bloom: 1 high res. image. Leaves are not clear/ visible. Appears close to images at https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/10/jasminum-fluminense/ Pl. check. |
Jasminum fluminense (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024