Jasminum mesnyi (Introduced)

Jasminum mesnyi Hance , J. Bot. 20: 37 1882. (syn: Jasminum primulinum Hemsl. ex Baker);
Primerose Jasmine, Yellow Jasmine, Chinese jasmine, Japanese jasmine, Japani chameli जापानी चमेली (Hindi); 
Alabama; Argentina Northeast; China South-Central; Florida; Honduras; Mexico Southeast; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
SC. China to Vietnam; Widely cultivated as an ornamental as per WCSP;

Kalatope id al 050311:  3 images.
Here are a few more photos of a flowering creeper outside my house
Location: Kalatope 2100 mt
Habitat- ? not sure if wild
Habit: climber, creeper
Height- 1.5 mts right now
Season- now (March)

I think Jasminum mesnyi

jasminum mesnyi, from the oleaceae family
darjeeling, second week of april

Yes this could be Jasminum mesnyi


Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 03122013 :: ARK-02 :  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013.

This should be Jasminum mesnyi, common name Primrose Jasmine.

Thank you … for ID….


Which Jasmin ?-PC-06-21032015 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
please ID this Jasmin. Is it Jasminum mesneyi
It has yellow colour double flower 2-2.5 across, flowers like a garland, bract oblong, corolla tube minutely funnel shaped and blooms in spring. It is a shrubby climber (rambler) and the branches are angled, pendant, trifoliate leaves, leaflets oblong lanceolet; apex minutely pointed/ blunt and green in colour.

Lovely picture … Yes, this is Jasminum mesnyiPrimrose Jasmine. The common name given on many sites is Japani Chameli, but I have known it locally as ‘Peech Chameli’. Peech is the word in Braj Bhasha for Yellow.

Hope you are doing good. I am a silent visitor to the group and other botanical sites, dont get the chance to contribute much, hopefully will correct the situation this year.
Wanted to write to you after reading a verse in ‘Dhammapada’ which described a fragrant variety of ‘Tagar’ or Crape Jasmine. I have never seen one myself so far. There is no fragrance at all. Shall send you the verse later, do let me know if you have ever seen or heard of a variety of Tagar which is fragrant.


Jasminum mesnyi Hance ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Location : Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date : 6 February 2018
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Habit : Cultivated.

Yes to me also appear close to images at Jasminum mesnyi

Nepali name : डबल जाई Dabal Jaaii 

Request for ID of the the angiosperm : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 MB.
Place: Bombay Shola, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
Date: 19/01/18

Looks like Jasminum humile..

This doesn’t look like Jasminum humile. Here is a close up of both flowers and leaves.
Attachments (1) – 3 MB.

Jasminum mayeri.

Jasminum mesnyi to me.

in Braynt Park, Kodaikanal; 26-2-2010, 2 pm- Delhi University Flower Show, Delhi; at Kodaikanal on the 23rd and 24th October, 08;

Please confirm ID: Jasminum Mesnyi : 030310-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Flower for id. – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Photo- Jasminum mesnyi. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 5 Mb.
Here is a photo of Jasminum mesnyi.


Jasminum mesnyi from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra.. : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)
Here am attaching some images of Jasminum mesnyi taken from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra on 7 February 2019..!!

very nice indeed. love it that you are beginning to include some habit pictures for a small thing like this the whole plant would be nice to see. helps horticulture


Location- Rajouri j and k- I’d requested 1: 2 high res. images.
Segregating posts due to the same subject.

Jasminum mesnyi Hance !


J&K, Srinagar, April 2023 :: Jasminum mesnyi for confirmation :: ARK2023-022: 5 high res. images.

These flowers were captured at the Tulip garden in Srinagar, J&K in April 2023.
Guessing them to be Jasminum mesnyi based on eFI and FoI pics..
Requested to please confirm.




Updated on December 24, 2024

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