Afghanistan to Central China: Afghanistan, China North-Central, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Qinghai, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Himalayan Rush


Flora of Uttarakhand- Grass4 for Id- JM : 5 posts by 4 authors.
Wild Grass captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).

this may a member of Cyperaceae

I think Juncus prismatocarpus (Juncaceae)

Juncus prismatocarpus

Thanks, …
A link of Juncus prismatocarpus from FOP:

But it not mentioned in Concise Flowers of Himalayas by Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton.
There is another species (Juncus himalensis) which looks similar & mentioned in Concise Flowers of Himalayas by Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton. See the illustration & details:
