Kleinhovia hospita L., Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) 2: 1365-1366 1365 1763.;
¿ KLINE-ho-we-uh ? — named for Dr C Kleinhoff, German botanist in Dutch East India Company Services
HOS-pih-ta — hospitable, friendly
commonly known as: bataria teak, guest tree, kleinhovia, timanga tree Bengali: bola • Hindi: भोला bhola • Tamil: மரவகை maravakai, பூந்தேக்கு puntekku
Native to: east Africa, southeast Asia; cultivated elsewhere
… flowers are pink, about 8 mm long, borne on panicles 20-40 cm long, terminating the branches.

Fruit a rounded, 5-lobed, membranous capsule, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, loculicidally dehiscent, each locule 1-2-seeded. Seed globose, whitish, warty, exalbuminous.

K. hospita flowers throughout the year. The fruits are more conspicuous than the flowers because of their abundance and size. Fruit production starts early, often in the third year after planting.

Photographed at Bund Garden, Pune on 19.11.11.
Is this Kleinhovia hospita ?
Plz Id/ confirm.

yes even i think its Kleinhovia hospita

You are right. The flowering seems to be over. These are the typical balloon like fruits.
Flowers are very beautiful too.

… is right
these are young fruits
flowers are very small pinkish
look at … photo on wiki


Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Kleinhovia hospita, L. <=> Guest Tree – RA : Attachments (10 + 2). 2 posts by 1 author.

Guest Tree is an evergreen, bushy tree growing up to 20 m high, with a dense rounded crown and upright pink sprays of flowers and fruits. It grows from 8 to 15 m in height.
The leaves are broadly ovate, and 10-20 cm long, with pointed tip, and heart-shaped base.
The flowers are pink, about 8 mm long, and borne in panicles 20-40 cm long, terminating the branches.
The fruit is a thin-walled, inflated capsule about 2 cm long. 
The young leaves are eaten as a green. The bast fiber is widely used for tying bundles. It is also made into rope which is used for tethering carabaos and horses, and for making halters. The rope is said to be durable during rainy weather. Dropbox Link



Flowering Tree for ID – 11214 – RK : 7 posts by 5 authors.  Attachments (4).
Lalbagh, Bangalore – 14/12/2014
Young tree. Request ID. Thanks

Kleinhovia hospita L. [Malvaceae].

It agree with … and it is Kleinhovia hospita being monotypic

yes Kleinhovia hospita
I have shown several pics and I had even sent a fruit pod as a heart shaped quiz… for id .. for dun several years ago…

the plant/tree in this case is young…
the leaves are smaller than their potential.
Nice colors of the flowers

Is it not sterculiaceae member ?

Yes, it is.


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Kleinhovia hospita:: Mumbai :: PKAJUL38:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Bot. name: Kleinhovia hospita
Family: Sterculiaceae
Location: Mumbai.


Kleinhovia hospita SMP DEC 2015(03) : 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4)

Kleinhovia hospita

20 Dec 2015 Pune Maharashtra.
Ornamental Planted in private garden

very beautiful flowers

We have this in Kolkata as an avenue tree.

yes nice flower picture, … though we dont get them this strikingly pink in Kolkata
I had previously posted a prank/quiz and a separately a case of the tree top and bottom along with flowers
very fast growing
every puja season trees (all kinds) get lopped off chopped off mercilesly by rough cuts… no saws follows by any sealing potion… not even mud or tar… no nothing… but in our heat and moisture most trees regenerate crooked or without design because these trees are not cut for aesthetics but for convenience of trucks. Kleihovia though does not like such cavalier a treatment …
the tree that fluttered the pod down in my path those years ago has increasingly been affected by fungi… black somethings .. that rotted it… have not gone back to that street this monsoon on-wards so do not know what happened to it…

Thanks … I agree the flower looks more pink here partly due to camera option. Please be frank to tell me if the editing appears more exaggerated.

if this is processed color then yes its exaggerated and come to think of it … the  capsule in the same picture is a bit too yellowish green. almost chutney green, and compared to the flower its large, tells me its a mature pod… may nay be should be truning brown by now.. . only you can say if that was the color in nature when you looked at it  sans any camera ..
i have always loved your post processing, but if colors get unnatural then you dont want  it..  need a little more control over the RGB corrections..
Like in case of elmhertia flowers in my digital camera i have never been able to achieve that same reddish orange of the newly opened flower petals, handheld etc in natural light…
only with neutral density filters or red color enhancing coated filters do i get the exact color on my camera screen that i see in nature.  (with Kodachrome 64 or even 32 it was a pleasure to get the exact color, but those slides do change after 30 years, so i think may be digital with with some doctoring later may give us permanent color rendition)
tricky business, the rgb channels…
someone told me to do HDR but that was overshooting..  to my eyes they look like something out of the mad max movies, overly processed.
so i am back to neutral density and polarizers…
Are you shooting straight jpeg or Raw either followed by  post process?

No … I myself had perceived that the editing made the flowers undue vibrant

Attaching an image of a
Wax dart butterfly on the flower of Kleinhovia hospita.


AND NOW FOR THE VALENTINE DAY SPECIAL that the title above promises….
It was after dark, and begin to drizzle a bit, while walking past a darkened house… something fluttered to my feet… habits die hard… even in the faint cool drizzle.. had to stop and photograph it…. did not seem too promising, but looking at it at home, it seemed just the thing …..
Its a gift from MA Nature to me, and I figured I must share it with you all….
CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IS IT ( I have since then gone back and checked the tree… I now know its identity) and what tree gave it to us?

Well, this is going to be a tough quiz, at least to me, without any clue.
It looks more like a valve of dehisced capsule, something like in this: Flickr
I am not sure, so I quit from the quiz…
However, I got the ‘price’ ‘in it’!! Thanks and…Happy Valentine’s day!

Can that be floral bracts of Flemingia??

Sans the mention of its size it may be a capsule of Kleinhovia tree.

ANSWER IS : its a separated pod from the seedpods of Kleinhovia hospita. Its a popular street tree in parts of southern Calcutta.
I am enclosing pictures from its companions.
So, … guess is correct…
… you get the virtual cake… or valentine’s day chocolate (virtual of course) or as we are proud to pronounce it in Bengal… Vasant Panchami the Saraswati puja day is our day of new friendships and romance… a very happy Saraswati puja day to you and your better half….
I had Previously submitted a case of Kleinhovia hospita
((Malvaceae week 0905-9112011 UD 023 Kleinhovia hospita ))
and there are many nice cases by members at efloraindia including …etc

Kleinhovia hospita L. – Guest tree:
Kleinhovia hospita L. – Guest tree seen fruiting at Rani Baug, Mumbai on 6
Feb.2011. Hospita means hospitable but as ‘ Trees of Mumbai ‘ states there is no record of it in literature.

¿ KLINE-ho-we-uh ? — named for Dr C Kleinhoff, German botanist in Dutch East India Company Services
HOS-pih-ta — hospitable, friendly
[image: Kleinhovia hospita]
Jul 7, 2007 at Babasaheb Ambedkar Udyan (Powai Garden), Powai, Maharashtra
commonly known as: bataria teak, guest tree, kleinhovia, timanga tree • * Bengali*: bola • *Hindi*: भोला bhola • *Tamil*: மரவகை maravakai, பூந்தேக்கு puntekku
Native to: east Africa, southeast Asia; cultivated elsewhere
   – [image: Bataria Teak]
May 10, 2009 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
– … more views


Malvaceae week : Kleinhovia hospita:
Non native. Planted in many large gardens and parks.

Family              Malvaceae
Subfamily :            Sterculiaceae
Genus:                             Kleinhovia
Species:                                  K. hospita
Binomial name                              Kleinhovia hospital  L.
I first discovered this native of SE asia in the Horticulture garden.. hort as we  kids called it… it used to be the edge   of the carriage drive, now a black topped car park…  it was small them.. now its almost 50 feet tall..
if I want a full photo I would need to stitch at least 3 frames… phew.. so I ‘ll just show you the top third to so and absolute bottom….  To heck with the middle… J…
Flower buds  are very small about 7 to 8  mm long… when open they are about a cm in diameter, seed pods about 2-3 cms across, papery .. seeds inside  do not know much about them because the fallen pods do not seem to have anything inside … and have not torn any from the tree to tell you about.
The leaves are very large, the largest I have found on this tree were about 10 inches long and 9 inches across.
The sprouts new shoots from it base…
This tree is somewhat popular in Kolkata for street planting… do not know if KMC is planting them or individual home owners plant a tree or two of their choice in front of their homes… they used to in decades past… do not know now…  it grows tall so not a shade tree ….
Not mentioned in Ayurveda or Ethnobotany of Bengal… so may not be well known yet.. but in SE asia it is used for killing lice , they apply leaf juice… has cyanogenic  properties…

I have seen a few of these big trees in some of the public office compounds in Trivandrum. May be it was planted during the British times.. It flowers profusely here. Haven’t yet looked for the seeds. Will keep a look out in future.


Attaching an image of Kleinhovia hospita. I saw this plant in the campus of the palace of Maharaja of Cooch Behar. I have recorded some 4 types of butterflies on the pink flowers of this plant.


10092017BHAR1 – Brown dry fruits : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Found in Pondicherry Botanical garden.

Check for Kleinhovia hospita.

I also agree with …

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 987 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Bumble bee visiting flowers of Kleihovia hospita (BHOLA)

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 988 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of female Striped Albatross visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita (BHOLA)

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 990 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Psyche butterfly visiting flowers of kleinhovia hospita (BHOLA)

Date/Time- Nov 19, 2017, 7 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Dhakuria lake, Kolkata
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 10 Feet (this individual is young but there are taller specimens)
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Medium (15-20 cm) heart shaped with slight tip with a very long petiole
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Mauve (see picture)
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- (see picture)
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not sure
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Not Sure

Thanks, …, Why images posted by you, look not in correct orientation ?

Sincere apologies for the orientation issue.
Hope this time the orientation will be correct. Now fruiting has started (see attached)

Yeah, Ok this time. Pl. check with images at Kleinhovia hospita

Thanks! it is indeed Kleinhovia hospita

As I am learning to identifying species, I am logging them here.
Now it is in a very preliminary stage. I wish to a images of those individual trees later for easier identification.
Could you please advise how to go about this or improve? Do you think this will be useful in spreading tree awareness?

Thanks, …
You can follow the model we have at efloraofindia site with suitable modifications.
If you require images for this purpose, pl. check my images at
See more details below:
I have created a Resource of a few thousands of my best images of Flora (around 400 species) arranged place-wise as well as per classification into Trees, Shrubs, Herbs & Climbers etc. These are further arranged by Botanical names e.g. Justicia species will be available under J.M.Garg HerbsJ(where one will find all pictures arranged alphabetically). Image Resource is available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:J.M.Garg_Flora
Any of these links, as per ones’ requirement, can be added in Favorites or set as a link in a website & used immediately whenever required. I hope it’s useful to all, both new & experienced.


SYMBIOSIS :439 :  Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a two Bumble bees on the flowers of Kleinhovia hospita.


Malvaceae fortnight :: Kleinhovia hospita : Pune :: SMP29 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.

Kleinhovia hospita



in Sept.’08 in Hyderabad, AP; January 2010- 24Parganas South [West Bengal]; in Chennai- June’10; Beautiful Trees & Shrubs of Calcutta- flowers intermittently from early summer to late autumn (May- Nov.), profusely in early Moonsoon

Kleinhovia hospita – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Kleinhovia hospita – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Kleinhovia hospita (Bola) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Bola/ Tree Antigonon (Kleinhovia hospita) – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Fwd: Kleinhovia hospita L. at Odisha Secretariat : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 2, 2 & 3 mb.
Sir,good evening. Clicked on 22/10/2019 one fully bloomed Kleinhovia hospita (unaffected in cyclonic storm FANI on 3/05/2019), evergreen  handsome tree with soft pink flowers, green fruits, some mature fruits broadly ovate leaves at Odisha Secretariat reception counter, Bhubaneswar, loved by the visitors, also at times of summer months., visit of honeybee (Apis dorsata) also seen today (23/10/2019) before raining in the morning, the fruit capsule found to have 5 segments containing one seed each, Sir, this is for your kind reference,

Attachments (2)- 3 mb each.

Attachments (1) – 5 mb.

seems so but would like to see the leaves and bark if possible. these trees are flowering right now in lower ganges delta

The leaf venation pattern matches almost ditto to ditto with pictures I have taken. I believe they were also submitted many years ago. its rather unique in such large leaves. we should have those pictures. also many other members have cases on Kleinhovia page, I think.
the bark has the small chunks//with fissure around, that matches, but this particular tree seems to have collected sooty fungus.
Reason it needs attention, I had seen similar kleinhovia trees growing  on streets that later succumbed to storms easier than other healthy ones
first it needs confirmation that it is indeed sooty fungus and not city pollution with carbon particles

Thanks … for her analytical view & anticipating sooty gungal infection, fungicide application (Mancozeb/ Cupper oxychloride paste) will be given to the bark added by soil  drenching to save the plant,

Did you get to confirm that it is indeed fungus?

Sir, sorry to write, that it is Ceratobasidium fungus (report attached) in the Kleihovia hospita at Odisha Secretariat, Bhubzneswar,

Fwd: (efloraofindia:333578) Fwd: Kleinhovia hospita L. at Odisha Secretariat : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Examined as Ceratobasidium fugus in the fungal infection of trunk of Kleinhovia hospita L. as reported by Dr Surjya Kanta Beura, Prof. & Head, Plant Pathology Dept., Odisha Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar, in response to my submission of one piece of infected bark. Also Dr.Beura Sir advised for Cupper oxychloride soln. spray (0.3 percent) 3 times in 7 days interval, copy attached for your kind reference,

Very well done, … I love this dedication and promptness so this kleinhovia can be saved

Thank you Madam for your interest to save plants. By your encouragement, we started applying fungicide in the affected tree


SYMBIOSIS : 1462 : 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Carpenter Bee visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita


SYMBIOSIS : 1463 : 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Common Pierrot visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita

SYMBIOSIS : 1485: 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Grey Pansy visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita.


SYMBIOSIS : 1489: 1 image.
Attaching a collage of honey bee visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita.


Tree for id (2) _ Dewas_MP: 4 images.

Observed this tree cultivated in a factory premises at Dewas, MP.
Dry flowers observed.
Kindly help in identification.
Tree height- 30 feet ( appx)
Habitat- Cultivated
Area- Dewas, MP
Date of Observation-23rd May 21

This is Kleinhovia hospita L. in fruit. Family: Malvaceae.

Yes from me also.  This is  seen in many places here.


SYMBIOSIS : 1526: 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Striped Albatross visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita


SYMBIOSIS : 1527: 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Carpenter bee visiting flowers of Kleinhovia hospita.




The Plant List  GRIN  Flora of Pakistan  Flora of China  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  Wikipedia  Wikimedia Commons