Lasiurus sindicus

Lasiurus scindicus Henrard, Blumea 4: 514 (1941) (syn: Coelorachis hirsuta Brongn.Elionurus hirsutus (Vahl) Munro ex Benth.Ischaemum hirsutum Nees ex Steud.Ischaemum mastrucatum Trin.Lasiurus ecaudatus Satyanar. & Shank.Lasiurus hirsutus Boiss.Lasiurus hirsutus subsp. arabicus ChrtekManisuris hirsuta KuntzeRottboellia hirsuta Vahl ; Saccharum hirsutum Forssk.; Tripsacum aegilopoides (Forssk.) KunthTripsacum hirsutum (Vahl) RaspailTriticum aegilopoides Forssk. );

Sahara to NW. India: Afghanistan, Algeria, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gulf States, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, Somalia, Sudan, Western Sahara, Yemen as per POWO;



Lasiurus sindicus from Rajastan – 060110-NSD 131 – efloraofindia | Google Groups:
Photographed this Lasiurus sindicus grass on 17-12-09 from Jaisalmer.
Lasiurus sindicus (Sewan) is a grass of extremely arid parts of western Rajasthan in India.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  Wikipedia Feedipedia
Sewan Grass: A Potential Forage Grass in Arid Environments– Sanjay Kumar Sanadya, Surendra Singh Shekhawat and Smrutishree Sahoo (Abstract: Sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus), a popular pastoral species, is getting some much-needed attention as mechanization, modernity in agriculture, and illicit grazing pose severe risks to biodiversity conservation in arid and semi-arid areas. It is found mainly in wastelands, dunes, hammocks, and sandy plains but less popular for cultivation in farmer’s fields. Sewan grass has many features like good nutritional value, soil binder, tolerance to high temperature, high digestibility and palatability, and prolonged drought conditions contributed greatly towards its success as a potential forage species in arid environments. It contains significant quantities of crude fibres, lignin, minerals and crude protein, and varies in the proportion of their tissue that can be digested by ruminants. Most research focuses on the species as a forage plant and agronomical practices and is largely published in agricultural and grey literature. Meanwhile, there is a lack of information about breeding strategies and seed production technologies. Therefore, here we present a comprehensive review about agronomic management, breeding, and seed production strategies systematically that will aid in the management of sewan grass now and into the future)

Updated on December 24, 2024