Leontopodium jacotianum Beauverd, “Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève Ser. II, i. 190, 873 (1909).” 1909. (Syn. Anaphalis sessiliflora Hook.f. ex J.R.Drumm.; Leontopodium paradoxum J.R.Drumm.;                Leontopodium jacotianum var. gurhwalense Beauverd);
Edelweiss, Lion’s foot, glacier star, Silver star;

Images by Balkar Singh (Id by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) 

VoF Week: Leontopodium brachyactis from valley: Leontopodium brachyactis from valley

Pls validate

Not sure but I don’t see spathulate leaves characteristic of this species. Also bracteal leaves are long acuminate and not obtuse. Perhaps it could be L. jacotianum but not very sure.



Leontopodium jacotianum shrub around 1 foot tall, from grasslands at Gunji. Altitude approx 11000 feet. Kindly Validate.

Appears close to images at Leontopodium jacotianum ?



Requested to please ID these white flowers seen in the Valley of flowers, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Are these Leontopodium jacotianum or any other species, am not fully satisfied with the derived ID.

Leontopodium nivale? Just a guess.  

hills are alive is your clue. alpine meadow flower. popular flower plant with alpine flower garden societies. … gave a correct id

I am not sure that L. alpinum nivale is present in the Himalayas. It looks more like his cousin L.himalayanum

Thanks … for ID help.
After going through the Leontopodium images on efi, I am confused between L. himalayanum and L. jacotianum.

With these images, I will like to go with Leontopodium jacotianum as per images and details herein and as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Comparative images in efi available at Leontopodium
However, basal leaves are required for final determination.
