Leucas urticifolia

Flora of Pakistan (Description & Keys- Leucas nutans, cephalotes, aspera, urticifolia, hyssopifolia, mollissima (syn. of Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata as per The Plant List & lanata)  





in the Scrub forests of Satyamangalam near Moyar river: 07 Dec 2009;
Lamiaceae for id 291209MK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups




281211 BRS289: 2 images.

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: Chandra Mill Atrs. Near Air Port, Coimbatore
Date: 22.12.2011
Habitat: Urban
Habit: Herb

This may be Leucas urticifolia.

Yes this is Leucas urticifolia

Please check on the previous discussion on this Leucas here

I think … got it right.

I couldn’t find Leucas urticaefolia (mentioned in the link provided) in “the plant list”. The only place where I could find Leucas urticaefolia is http://www.iiim.res.in/herbarium/lamiaceae/leucas_urticaefolia.htm . Unfortunately, I haven’t got any relevant reference for this.

Please clarify, if otherwise.

Earlier discussion of this plant here

Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae- Leucas urticifolia from Coimbatore -BRSMAY01/05 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing the images of Leucas urticifolia from Anaikatti Hills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Never imagined such a combination.
Very good post.



Id request : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 mb. 

Request for id of the Lamiaceae plant from Coimbatore. Photographed in September 2019. Is it Leucas urticifolia or some other species.

ID seems good !

Another close up snap attached.
Attachments (1) – 2 mb.

