Aragoa-Like Nervilia • Hindi: Sthalapadma • Marathi: Duduki, ‘Guchchha Nervi Amri’ ‘गुच्‍छ नरवी अमरी’ • Tamil: Orilaittamarai • Malayalam: Nilattamara, Orlattamara • Sanskrit: Padmacarini; 


311011PD03 Nervilia aragoana Flora of Orissa: sharing another very useful medicinal orchid which i had photographed from Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa

Identification credit Dr. …
Name of the species: Nervilia aragoana
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa
Local name: Sthalapadma
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests

Altitude: 400 – 600 m above msl


Nervilia aragoana: Today at Sagargad, Alibag
Nervilia aragoana

Just to add……. it is a terrestrial orchid native to India, Bangla desh along with some other countries.


Nervilia aragoana :  Attachments (5).  4 posts by 4 authors.
Visited yeoor on 11/2012 june for orchid and 13/2012 june For leaves respectively. Got Beautiful Rare species of orchid Nervilla

This is my second Nervilla in this year feeling awesome 😀

Great find … Thank you very much for making me aware of this orchid found in Yeoor.


Nervilia aragoana Gaudich.
at Kanakeshwar forest on 23 JUN 12

So Beautiful leaves….

This is funny 🙂 but I hope this is aragoana !!

… we (me and …) were not lucky to get the plant in flower, but … did.

If you find this clearly a different species, I would prefer to label it just as Nervilia sp.

Orchidaceae fortnight : Nervilia aragoana : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 5 authors.

Nervilia aragoana 

Yeoor hills< Mumbai < Maharashtra

June 2013

Yes pretty Nervilia aragoana. Thanks for sharing.

This genus is very tricky and flowers show lot of variation.

Thanks …, all the captures are excellent, leaf shape is quite interesting..

orchidaceae fortnight… Nervilia aragoana : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 6 authors.
Sharing gorgeous Nervilia aragoana

from Sindhudurg MH

YES. This is pretty !!!

Nervilia aragoana Gaudich., Voy. Uranie: 422 (1829).
Pogonia nervilia Blume, Mus. Bot. 1: 32 (1849).
This is a widespread species and recently merged with Nervilia concolor. But I have yet to confirm.

Excellent Presentation


