Nervilia infundibulifolia Blatt. & McCann , J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 35: 725 1932. (Syn. Nervilia calcicola Kerr; Nervilia hallbergii Blatt. & McCann);
Funnel Leaf Nervilia • Marathi: नरवी अमरी Narvi-amri;


Had previously posted a few photographs of a species of Nervilia flowering at my home in Bombay and they are available at this site :  efi thread
Had subsequently planted it at my farm at Shahapur and as directed by .. kept a watch for the leaf produced – photographs 1a & 1b  which indicate that it is possibly the Maroon Rib-leaf Orchid N.infundibulifolia].
Had also planted 2 more bulbs and the leaves produced are seen in photographs 2a,2b [possibly the Greenish Rib-leaf Orchid] & 3a,3b [another N.infundibulifolia]. Unfortunately could not photograph the last two flowering.

It seems as if 1,2,5,6 are 1 species and 3,4 are another. To me 3,4 are Nervilia crociformis (earlier called Nervilia prainiana). 1,2,5,6 could be Nervilia infundibulifolia, but yes, with just the leaves it cant be confirmed.
Thanks so much for sharing and also for the understanding of other members, you can see the issue here. Orchids are full of such taxonomic issues and Nervilia itself is one such enigmatic group.
Now more tough job is to wait for the flowers to confirm.

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Nervilia%20infundibulifolia_1351.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Nervilia%20infundibulifolia_1373.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Nervilia%20infundibulifolia_1355c.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Nervilia%20infundibulifolia_1347.jpgNervilia infundibulifolia:  Sharing few photographs of Nervilia infundibulifolia. (Family: Orchidaceae).
Location: Alibag region, Maharashtra.


Can you see the difference between your plant and the link.
Dont go on the purple lines on the leaf, most of the one flowered Nervilia have similar leaves. This whole group creates lot of confusion.

All widespread species show a lot of variation and lot of similarity too. PROBLEM is how widespread can be considered as a new species. Frankly at once I thought, if we increase the confidence interval then we can merge all one flowered Nervilias in two not more than 5 species. It will be fun!!!!


Nervilia infundibulifolia : Attachments (2).  4 posts by 4 authors.

Nervilia infundibulifolia
Today at Kanakeshwar, Alibag

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.


Orchidaceae fortnight :: Nervilia infundibulifolia :: Alibag region :: PKA29::: : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Sharing few photographs of Nervilia infundibulifolia. (Family: Orchidaceae).
Location: Alibag region, Maharashtra.

Beautiful.. Complete set of pics

Nervilias are big pain !!
This looks close to Nervilia infundibulifolia.

Valparai TBN 280614 for id / TBN June 6 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

Please identify this ? Fern seen along the road at edge of rainforest.

This is the Maroon Rib-leaf [Nervilia infundibulifolia]. Please check these links :

Will send my recent photographs of this later.

Nervilia infundibulifolia | Lonavala : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) 

Nervilia infundibulifolia
Lonavala, Maharashtra
June 2015


Nervillia sp.:  Photographed at my home in Bombay today. While watering some saplings awaiting transportation to my farm at Shahapur [with the arrival of the monsoons] was surprised to find this orchid blooming. Haven’t the faintest idea where it came from, but it sure is welcome !

Presume it is Nervillia aragoana [the Greenish Rib-leaf Orchid].

Forgot to mention – have 2 bulbs ready to plant collected for me by …, but this one was not of that stock.

Attaching photograph of Nervilia aragoana.

This seems to be the other species of Nervilia i.e. N. infundibulifolia.

Fair enough. Have the book “Wild Orchids of the Northern Western Ghats” by Dr.Satish Pande et al. It looked more like the Greenish Rib-leaf Orchid [N.aragoana] than the Pin Rib-leaf Orchid [N.plicata] or the Maroon Rib-leaf Orchid [N.infundibulifolia] to me.

Will have to wait till it throws a new leaf after it finishes flowering to be absolutely sure.

…, your orchid is not Nervilia aragoana for sure but what … has provided is 100% N. aragoana. … is also an Orchidologist on the group so she cant go wrong so easily.

Nervilia genus can be divided into three sections:
Section Linervia: Inflorescence with 1 flower
Section Vinerfia: Inflorescence with 2 flower
Section Nervilia: Inflorescence with multiple flower
… pic is for sure in normal condition and bearing single flower.
… pic is multiflowered: with green petals and sepals and lip all points to a typical Nervilia aragoana.
So the question is what is … plant. Nervilia infundibulifolia is supposed to have papillose ridges on the lip which I cant see in the pic. There is another orchid very similar to this, Nervilia falcata, it has single glandular pubescent line running from the base of the lip till the tip. That is also not visible. It can be a
slightly deformed flower lacking these characters, not a big deal.
Some more closeup shots should be helpful.
The image of Nervilia infundibulifolia in Sathish Pande et al. book on Orchids of Northern western Ghats shows dry flower and hence identity cant be confirmed from atleast that particular pic.

Thank you … for your detailed explanation. Am taking it tonight to plant it at my farm but will try for some more photographs. At any rate will keep you informed once the leaf appears.

Orchidologist….. good words used … To me it looks like N. juliana,, N. infundibulifolia stalk is not so big…

I didnt understand what you mean by the first line of your post…. to me, yes she is an orchidologist. For half of the taxonomists cant differentiate between N. aragoana and N. gammieana, but she could as she shared N. aragoana pics.

Secondly, the keys are not based on the length of the stalk though such key exists in Santapau and Kapadia. It can elongate or shortened according to the climate. Try keeping them in shade, they give different colour, different length and even different patterns on the lip. The plant shared by … is not from wild and for 100% sure it will show variation.
It can be Nervilia juliana that has been reported from Maharastra.
But from this pic, we cant make out if the midlobe has hairs inside (N. juliana), all the three (falcata, infundibulifolia, juliana) have somewhat rhomboidal midlobe, lip is supposed to be longer than petals
in juliana which is not so in the pic, N. infundibulifolia is supposed to be deeply channeled which is somewhat evident in the pic as light green line, but yes its not so clear, neither the papillose lining is clear to confirm that it is N. falcata, moreover I dont think falcata is available in Maharastra, unless reported recently. Having a new
record from Maharastra will not be a big deal though as from Chhotanagpur we had only one species reported before but during my work, I found 6 and two of which I am still not able to confirm.
These were the reasons why I wasnt able to confirm about … plant. Nervilia is very tricky among the terrestrial ones. I have seen so many variation and so many new records and recently we have communicated a new species of Nervilia from western Himalaya, the closest ally of which is N. infundibulifolia, it took us 2 years to understand if we can really say its new.
Please note that I am not saying that this is not juliana, I am just saying that we cant confirm from this image. Easiest way to confirm will be to take out the lip and find hairs on the lower end!! if they r there then you are right!!

Just in case if some one has Seidenfaden’s reference on Nervilia then please share. G. Seidenfaden wrote in one of his comments that N. infundibulifolia, mackinonnii and falcata could be conspecific. I imagine on what grounds. May be he was too much confused too as he never tried this on his own. This reference is available at TBGRI if Dr. … sir could help.

I need to see the leaves, but possibly Nervilia infundibulifolia.

