Osbeckia chinensis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 345-346 345 1753. (Syn: Osbeckia kainantensis Masam.);
Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 3 By T. Pullaiah, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2007)- (Description & Keys- Osbeckia muralis, virgata, stellata, chinensis & zeylanica)
If Hypanthium (calyx Cup) 4–7 mm long……..1. Osbeckia chinensis
                                                                       2. O. nutans
If Hypanthium 10–23 mm long:
Lamina 17–25 mm long………………………….. 3. O. capitata
Lamina 40–130 mm long:
Flowers 5-merous……………………………….      4. O. nepalensis
Flowers 4-merous………………………………..     5. O. stellata

Osbeckia chinensis from Manipur.

Yes quite common in Sikkim also

Do you have any other images ? if so, pl. post.

Unfortunately, I don’t have more pictures of this plant.





021111PD02 Osbeckia chinensis Flora of Orissa: sharing the images of Osbeckia chinensis taken from Karlapat wl sanctuary, Orissa

Name of the species: Osbeckia chinensis
Place of Collection: Karlapat wl sanctuary, Kalahandi, South orissa
Altitude: 3000 ft above msl
Habit Herb
Habitat: grasslands on top plateaus with bauxite deposits

Why the flowers are of two
different colours in your photographs. Which is the natural one!

The two different colours appeared due to two different timing of photography, one is taken in the early morning and the other probably during evening if i recalled properly.

I can understand the colour difference which is possible as you have rightly explained. Even the camera settings can show some difference in shades of colours. I was trying to emphasize this in one of similar queries related to some other plant.
One can clearly see the same characters in both the pictures above.
The typical stamenal structure : Here the subequal stamens(Osbeckia) are nicely seen whereas in Melastoma the stamens are grossly unequal. Hope I am right?

I think the color difference was because of the white balance adjustment and I think they are taken on two different dates from 2 different places.

Very nice and keen observation … The reason of posting this image in the group is only to share the differenc e between Melastoma malabatricum and Osbeckia chinensis which was creating confusion earlier in earlier posts.
… you are absolutely right in understanding details of the images. But one thing the photograph was taken from the same place (on mountain top plateau, 3000 ft, but in different locations as the plateau is stretch up to 7 km with rich bauxite deposits.)

Do you have any other images giving view of the calyx ? If so, pl. post.

O. chinensis

