Osbeckia nutans Wall. ex C.B. Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 2: 521 521 1879. ;

1000 m; Himalaya (Nepal to NEFA), Assam, N. Burma as per Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal ;
If Hypanthium (calyx Cup) 4–7 mm long……..1. Osbeckia chinensis
                                                                       2. O. nutans
If Hypanthium 10–23 mm long:
Lamina 17–25 mm long………………………….. 3. O. capitata
Lamina 40–130 mm long:
Flowers 5-merous……………………………….      4. O. nepalensis
Flowers 4-merous………………………………..     5.
O. stellata 



Wild flower- 2 : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 4 authors.

just returned from a lovely trip to the north Bengal hills and forests. Five of us (…) visited Buxa Tiger Reserve-Chilapata Forests and Jaldapara WLS, and seen lots of wildlife, wild plants and birds.
Enjoyed bathing in Jainty river and hill streams at Buxa, the elephant ride thru dense forest at Jaldapara was exciting, the butterflies of the hills were awesome…. and the rhinos of forests simply amazing… the hills were clothed with wild flora…. got spectacular views of the buxa hills on moonlit Purnima nights….
sharing images of wild flowers taken in the Buxa hills near Chunavati village, Buxa (2000 feet).

plz help with the IDs.

This is some species of Melastoma.

Osbeckia nutansMelastomataceae



Fl. Arunachal_Osbeckia nutans_RKC07_27102012: Osbeckia nutans wall. ex C.B. Clarke

Loc.: Upper Siang distt., Arunachal pradesh
Date: April, 2007
