
Oxygraphis delavayi Franch. (Nepal to China (NW. Sichuan, NW. Yunnan): China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO)


Oxygraphis polypetala Royle ex D. Don (S-Tibet (Yadong Xian), Nepal, N-Pakistan (Hazara), Bhutan, Sikkim, India: Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Zanskar, Kashmir), Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh as per CoL)






species in India

Oxygraphis delavayi Franch.
O. kumaonensis I.D.Rai & G.S.Rawat
O. polypetala (Raf.) Hook.f & Thomson
Tiwari, U.C. 2016. Oxygraphis delavayi Franchet (Ranunculaceae): a new generic record for Arunachal Pradesh and a new species record for India.
Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(4): 8739-8741.
Rai, I.D. and Rawat, G.S. 2015. Oxygraphis  kumaonensis sp.  nov.  (Ranunculaceae) from western Himalaya, India. Phytotaxa  230(1): 092-096. https://www.researchgate.net/Fphytotaxa.230.1.10
Rau, M.A. 1993. Ranunculaceae. In: Sharma, B.D., Balakrishnan, N.P., Rao, R.R. and Hajra, P.K. (eds.) Flora of India volume 1, BSI Calcutta. pp. 1-145.

Species with description & keys from Flora of Pakistan (Distribution):
Oxygraphis polypetala (Royle ex D.Don) Hook.f. & Thoms. (Himalaya, endemic. Alpine species, grows from 4000-4500 m)
Oxygraphis shaftoanus Aitch & Nemsl. (Afghanistan, Pakistan. Apparently a rare species, endemic to the mountains of the Kurram)

Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Distribution):
Oxygraphis gracialis (Fischer ex de Candolle) Bunge
Oxygraphis nepalensis Tamura
Oxygraphis polypetala (Royle) Hook. f. & Thomson (2200-5000 m; Himalaya (Kashmir to Bhutan))

Species with description & keys in Flora of China (Distribution):
Oxygraphis delavayi Franchet (Alpine meadows, grassy slopes, gravelly places; 3500–5000 m. NW Sichuan, SE Xizang (Bomi Xian), NW Yunnan)
Oxygraphis endlicheri (Walpers) Bennet & Sumer Chandra (syn: Oxygraphis polypetala J. D. Hooker & Thomson) (Alpine meadows, forest margins; 3900–4100 m. S Xizang (Yadong Xian) [Bhutan, N India, Kashmir, Nepal, N Pakistan])
Oxygraphis glacialis (Fischer ex de Candolle) Bunge (Alpine meadows, often on level wet stony areas, grassy slopes, scrub, by rivers; 2700–5000 m. S Gansu, Qinghai, S Shaanxi (Taibai Shan), W Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia (Siberia)].)
Oxygraphis tenuifolia W. E. Evans (Alpine meadows, grassy slopes; 3400–4300 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan (Zhongdian Xian))

Updated on December 24, 2024

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