Oxyria digyna

Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill, Hort. Kew. 158 1768. (Syn: Acetosa digyna (L.) Mill.; Donia digyna (L.) R.Br.; Donia sapida R.Br.; Lapathum digynum (L.) Lam.; Oxyria digyna f. elatior R. Br. ex Meisn.; Oxyria elatior R. Br. ex Meissn.; Oxyria reniformis Hook.; Oxyria reniformis var. elatior Regel; Rheum digynum (L.) Wahlenb.; Rumex digynus L.; Rumex reniformis Radde (Unresolved));
Subarctic & Subalpine: Afghanistan, Alaska, Albania, Alberta, Aleutian Is., Altay, Arizona, Austria, British Columbia, Bulgaria, California, China North-Central, China South-Central, Chita, Colorado, Corse, Czechoslovakia, East European Russia, East Himalaya, Finland, France, Føroyar, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Idaho, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Irkutsk, Italy, Japan, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Kuril Is., Labrador, Lebanon-Syria, Magadan, Manchuria, Mongolia, Montana, Nepal, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Newfoundland, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Norway, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Oregon, Pakistan, Poland, Québec, Romania, Sakhalin, South Dakota, Spain, Svalbard, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Tuva, Ukraine, Utah, Uzbekistan, Washington, West Himalaya, West Siberia, Wyoming, Xinjiang, Yakutskiya, Yugoslavia, Yukon as per POWO;
Common name: Mountain Sorrel, Wood sorrel, Alpine sorrel, Alpine mountainsorrel • Ladakhi: ལམནཅུ Lamanchu,་ཆུ་ལྕུམ་Chu-lchum

Flora of Uttarakhand- Oxyria digyna ?:
Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).
Got these images from main images of some other plant.

Upper Chamba id al260811:
Another flower from upper Chamba
Location Chamba
altitude 3700mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 6 inches

flowers 3 mm approx


Oxyria digyna:
Sharing photographs of Oxyria digyna from Rohtang Top.

Date/Time: 11-09-2011 / 05:30PM
Location:  Rohtang Pass (Manali region).
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb
Family: Polygonaceae

I had photographed it on way to Rohtang from Manali

Vof Week : MN300812 Rheum australe (Himalayan rhubarb): 2 correct images as above.
Rheum australe (Himalayan rhubarb)
Family : Polygonaceae

Oxyria digynaThis is an interesting plant with two ecotypes: alpine ecotype and Arctic ecotype in which differences at physiological level have been detected. Normally differences are morphological.

1st and 3rd image are of Oxyria digyna, as identified by … and 2nd image is of Rheum australe

Vof Week : MN300812 Rheum australe (Himalayan rhubarb) :
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11100 ft

Habitat: along trail on mountain slope
Habit: small herb, about 50 – 60 cm high; flower about 2 – 2.5 mm long

Yes surely Oxyria digyna
Very good photographs …

VoF Week: Oxyria digyna from Valley :  
Oxyria digyna
from Valley


Polyganaceae Fortnight Oxyria digyna from Marhi in Kulu Distt HP  : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1- > 2MB).
Shot from Marhi in Kulu distt at 3300mt

Yes, Nice photograph

Polygonaceae Fortnight: Oxyria digyna at Hampta pass -PKA10 :  3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).

This is another herb from the route of Hampta Pass.
Bot. name: Oxyria digyna
Family: Polygonaceae
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 08:20AM
Location: On route to Hampta Pass (Around 12500ft altitude), Manali region
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Very good photographs …


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Oxyria digyna at Rohtang Pass -PKA14: : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).

Sharing one more set of photographs of Oxyria digyna from Rohtang Top.
Date/Time: 11-09-2011 / 05:30PM
Location:  Rohtang Pass (Manali region).
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb
Family: Polygonaceae

Yes! Beautiful!!


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Oxyria digyna from Manali-GSMAY11 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Oxyria digyna, photographed from Manali area.


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Oxyria digyna from Tungnath, Uttarakhand-GSMAY12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Oxyria digyna, photographed from Tungnath, Uttatarakhand at alt. of about 3400 m on June 1, 2013

Beautiful images.

Polygonaceae Fortnight- Oxyria digyna from VOF:: NS May 10 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
This one was shot from Valley of Flowers area in Uttrakhand..
I hope this is Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill

Yes! Oxyria digyna.


POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Oxyria digyna from Uttarakhand_DSR_10 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. is a common alpine herb found in sandy banks of streams, glaciated slopes, and moraines. The senescent leaves inside black circle are of another Polygonaceae member Bistorta affinis. Photographed above Kedarnath, 4500m altitude in October 2007.

POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Oxyria digyna from Himachal GSG-15 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1).
Kindly find below images of Oxyria digyna from Lippa-Asrang, Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

…, I was spell bound looking at your photos. People of Himachal are truly blessed to have such beautiful plants in their environment. Thanks so much for making our Sunday beautiful.

Good photo with exact habitat in back ground.

Polygonaceae Fortnight:: Plant for ID :: Spiti :: SMP03 : 5 posts by 5 authors. 2 images.
Oxyria digyna or Rheum australe ? from Spiti

I think Oxyria digyna..

Oxyria digyna from me too.

Oxyria digyna  is correct..

Yes Oxyria digyna
Nice photographs …


Polygonaceae Fortnight- Oxyria digyna 1 from VOF:: NS May 11 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Wanted to confirm if this one is again Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill
Was also shot from near valley of flowers..

Yes it is O.digyna only. We have only one species of Oxyria (O.digyna) in entire Uttarakhand.


Flower for Id- ID15092015SH2 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id
Location – Chhitkul, Himachal Pradesh
Date- 24.08.2015
Habitat –Wild

Rumex nepalensis I guess !

This would be Rheum australe.

Oxyria digyna (Polygonaceae).
Pl see- /species/m—z/po/polygonaceae/oxyria/oxyria-digyna

Oxyria digyna ABSEP2016/12 : 2 posts by 2 authors.
This sorrel was growing among the tall spikes of Nepal Dock and I almost didn’t pay attention. But the leaves are distinctive and I did manage a couple of photos. I think this is Oxyria digyna. Please advise.
Oxyria digynaMountain Sorrel
Above Ilaqa, HP, 3200m and above 03-04 September 2016

Thanks, …, for the beautiful photographs.


Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra::Wild flower for ID NSJ-OCT 16/22 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild flowers for ID. Photo taken after crossing Lipulekh pass – Indian side. Height around 14000 feet. Rocky terrain. Aug 27, 2016.

Oxyria digyna (Polygonaceae).

… is correct that this is Oxyria digyna (unless of course in the future this ‘species’ is subdivided into various taxa).
‘Flowers of Himalaya’  give its distribution from Pakistan to SW China and N.Temperate zone common on open slopes & grazing grounds.
Stewart found it to be very common in wet soils at high altitudes and useful as greens from 2700-5500m.
‘Flora of Lahaul-Spiti’ says common along water source, in meadows and glacial moraine.
We even have it in the British mountains, where it is known as ‘Mountain Sorrel’ also in damp rocky places esp. beside streams.

Kindly identify this herb with sour edible leaves photographed along the path to Manimahesh at the height of about 2300 metres, in June 2017.
The herb was growing also at higher elevations, tho at lower elevations the flowers were more developed.

Oxyria digyna (Polygonaceae). Must be sour in taste.
See in eFI.

Yes it was sour. Thank you …

Saw this along the Ghangaria Hemkund trail near Hemkund, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please ID.

Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill [Polygonaceae].

Requested to please ID this plant seen in the Valley of flowers, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Is this some Rumex?

Species available in efi at /species/m—z/po/polygonaceae/rumex

Pl. check Oxyria digyna
To me appears close.

any basal leaves in your pics?

These can be seen, but mostly covered by other vegetation.

Manali near Rohtang pass, HP- October, 2009; Bhojwasa, Uttarakhand- 8.7.10; 27-09-2010: On route to Hampta Pass (Around 12500ft altitude), Manali region; Lahaul Spiti- June’09?; on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.);

Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb77C for Id- JM – efloraofindia | Google Groups
PLANT FOR ID 107 SMP JUN 09 Lahaul- Spiti – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Oxyria digyna from Manali, HP – efloraofindia | Google Groups
For ID 170810 ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups
ID request-151010-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Oxyria digyna- Hunder, in Nubra, Ladakh: 12 images.
In the wild area of a hotel, in Hunder, in Nubra, Ladakh, on 16.6.22.


Updated on December 24, 2024