Madagascar Palm;
Fwd: Flowering Palm Cactus – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (20)
We having this cactus with us for last 20-25 years. Before that how old it was we do not know. When we got it it was about one feet tall. Now it is about 6 feet. About one month back we observed a bunch of buds appearing one of it’s branches. Slowly buds started opening out and lily white flowers appeared one after another. The whole process lasted about one month. This is the first time this cactus hasflowered. We do not know it’s biological name. If anybody know it we welcome it. 

this is Pachypodium lameri 


do you by any chance have a closer pic of the bifurcated thorns?

the leaves makes me think of a euphorbia
what a conundrum!!!
cactus or a euphorbia?
we need a cactus expert

Thanks for the feedback.

On searching, could this be Coral Cactus, Euphorbia lactea crest?

I’m pretty sure it’s a crested/mutant form of “Madagascar palm”, Pachypodium. Maybe P. lamerei? Neat plant!

Crested Pachypodium lamerei 

Absolutely amazing!
We got the right one after all.
On searching, the name could be Pachypodium lamerei forma cristata.
Common names Crested Madagascar Palm, Crested Club Foot.

Seen in the garden during my visit in October, 2018.

This was in their Conservatory, in the Desert House.
Looks close to Pachypodium lamerei.

Looks close!

1st image (appears close to looks Pachypodium lamerei) looks different from others.

Thanks … for pointing out.

The others are Pachypodium only, and could be some other Species.
I have seen one at the BBC Show in Mumbai and posted earlier.

Check with Pachypodium saundersii N.E.Br. for other three images.

Thanks. I will check further. 

Pachypodium Species seen in the Desert House, at the Conservatory.

Looks close to Pachypodium lamerei.

Yes, …
