Pentapetes phoenicea L., Sp. Pl. 2: 698 698 1753. (syn: Blattaria phoenicea (L.) Kuntze; Brotera phoenicea (L.) A.J. Cav.; Cavanilla phoenicea (L.) J.F.Gmel.; Dombeya phoenicea (L.) Cav.; Eriorhaphe phoenicea (L.) Bamps; Eriorhaphe punicea Miq.; Pentapetes angustifolia Bl.; Pentapetes cebuana Blanco; Pentapetes coccinea Blanco); . India (Indian Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, NE-India, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Java, Myanmar [Burma], Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Perlis), Philippines (introduced), Australia (Northern Territory), Taiwan (introduced), Haiti (introduced), Dominican Republic (introduced), Cuba (introduced), Puerto Rico (introduced), Belize (introduced), Colombia (introduced), Fiji (introduced), China (introduced) (Guangdong (introduced), Guangxi (introduced), Yunnan (introduced)), Japan (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; . Midday Flower, Scarlet Mallow, Copper Cups, Florimpia, Noon Flower, Scarlet Pentapetes, Scarlet phoenician • Hindi: दुपहरिया Dupahariya • Marathi: तांबरीदुपारी Tambridupari • Tamil: நாதப்பூ Nagappu • Malayalam: Uchchamalari • Telugu: Makinaccettu • Bengali: কটলতা বন্ধুলী Kat-lata Bandhuli, বন্ধুক Bandhuka • Gujarati: સૌભાગ્યસુંદરી Saubhagyasundari • Sanskrit: मध्यदिन Madhyadina, बंधूक Bandhuka; . Annual cultivated herb with linear-lanceolate leaves with crenate margin; flowers red opening at noon; petals broadly ovateup to 12 mm long; capsule nearly globose, 10-14 mm in diam. . Flora of Panipat- Pentapetes phoenicea: Pentapetes phoenicea L. from Hooghly: This is an ornamental herb, once very common in home yard. Unlike FoI ( it is known as SURJYA-MONI or DUPURE-MONI in Bengali. Another Bengali name found in a book is DUPUREY-CHANDI. Species : Pentapetes phoenicea L. Habit & Habitat : ornamental herb, about 5.5 feet high Date : 19/9/12, 3.55 p.m. Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly) sites visited : I cannot guess why this beautiful plant is loosing popularity as an ornamental.. perhaps longer life-span and lesser period in flowering……. These days they are going for exotic plants like Dahlia, Zinnia, Cosmos, Adenium, Techoma, Alamanda, various shades of roses and Hibiscus, ornamental cycas and many many more i do not know. However, a few of those Dahlia, Zinnia, roses were also present in my childhood. is this wild or in someone’s garden The owner has this plant in his front yard. If i remember well, i found this species in wild as well, though years ago. Found this plant again, this time in the wild. It is growing beside a ditch along a rural roadside. I think i can collect some seeds, for my mom too. Requesting ID of this plant with red flowers – Mumbai :: 18092013 :: ARK-01 :: September 2013 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. Requesting to please ID this plant with red flowers captured in our building compound growing wild in September 2013. Is this Pentapetes phoenicea? This is the Scarlet Phoenician [Pentapetes phoenicea]. Malvaceae Fortnight :: Pentapetes phoenicea :: Nagpur :: PKAJUL08 :: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Mid day flowers / Noon flower from Nagpur. Bot. name: Pentapetes phoenicea Family: Malvaceae Date / Time: 09th August / 04:15PM Location: Nagpur Habitat: Was seen in front of a house Plant Habit: Herb name is new to me but hibiscus by any name? . Bot. name: Pentapetes phoenicea Family: Malvaceae Date / Time: 09th August / 04:15PM Location: Nagpur Habitat: Was seen in front of a house Plant Habit: Herb Mine from Panipat Mine was i think an escape Malvaceae Fortnight: Pentapetes phoenicea from Delhi-GSJULY54/57 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Pentapetes phoenicea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 698. 1753. Annual cultivated herb with linear-lanceolate leaves with crenate margin; flowers red opening at noon; petals broadly ovateup to 12 mm long; capsule nearly globose, 10-14 mm in diam. Photographed from Delhi. Nice pics and details Malvaceae Fortnight: Pentapetes phoenicea from Delhi-GSJULY54/57 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Pentapetes phoenicea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 698. 1753. Annual cultivated herb with linear-lanceolate leaves with crenate margin; flowers red opening at noon; petals broadly ovateup to 12 mm long; capsule nearly globose, 10-14 mm in diam. Photographed from Delhi. THANK YOU SIR. You solved it. I spent almost 5 years to find out its name!! 😀 even nurseries dont know about that! I was looking for it because its flower float in water very gently and look like lotus!! Malvaceae fortnight :: Malvaceae member for ID : Pune SMP48 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) A small shrub with unique leaf shape for ID This is the Scarlet Phoenician [Pentapetes phoenicea]. Please upload more photographs, of leaves and flowers at different angle, and also sizes. This is not the usual Pentapetes phoenicea I have. NYPL shows a plate... with both skinny/narrow leaves and wider leaves So … submission and … diagnosis seems correct Anyone know about this plant. : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. I am looking for this plant from last 4-5 years, but didnt find out from anywhere from my local area nurseries. They even not know about this plant, but i bought this plant from which nursery now that is close. any of you know about this plant. Plant Description Height – 4-6 feet Flower – Red Color, 2-3 cm diameter (like poppy), stamen like water lilly. Seeds – like blossom seeds Dont know it is seasonal or permanent plant. But i really like this plant’s flowers 10 months full with flowers. So i m searching for this, but all in vain. Pentapetes phoenicia (Malvaceae). I was to write the same, before I saw message by … efi thread ID garden plant AR19092018001 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Plz id this plant.. Grown from packet seed of cockscomb… But it turned out different…… someone said geranium, hibiscus, salvia… Plz id… Plz give common name too if u know. Here am sharing some images of Pentapetes phoenicea from Haryana taken on October2018…
Fwd: Pentapetes phoenicea from Odisha : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 862 kb and 5 mb. Sir, in Odiya it is Suryamani phula/Sataghadia, also called Dupaharia (Pentapetes phoenicea) of Malvaceae. photographed on 25/09/2019, Jainabad, Jhintisasan, dist- Khorda, Odisha. grown naturally at the base of coconut tree at village Jainabad. used locally for treatmdnt of snakebite, fever etc. Sir, pl validate, Attachments (1)- 2 mb. Yes, matches with images at Pentapetes phoenicea . . References: |
Pentapetes phoenicea
Updated on December 24, 2024