Philadelphus coronarius (Cultivated)

Sweet mock orange;

Philadelphus coronarius (sweet mock-orange, English dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangaceae, native to Southern Europe.

It is a deciduous shrub growing to 3 m (10 ft) tall by 2.5 m (8 ft) wide, with toothed leaves and bowl-shaped white flowers with prominent stamens. In the species the blooms are abundant and very fragrant, but less so in the cultivars.[1]
The specific epithet coronarius means “used for garlands”.[2]
It is a popular ornamental plant for gardens in temperate regions, valued for its profuse sweetly scented white blossom in early summer. There are a large number of named cultivars.
(From Wikipedia on 8.10.15)


Philadelphus coronarius – A flowering shrub from Kashmir.
Location – Pari-Mahal, Srinagar (Garden fencing)
Habitat – Wild shrub around 10 feet tall
Date June 01, 2011

Yes it resemble to P.coronarius but this plant is in Hydrangeaceae not in Rosaceae


Jasmin from my garden June 2010 : 7 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6)

These fotos were taken on 24. june 2010. Now the temperature is going up rapidly and today the shrub is withered.
Looking at the fotos I remembered that in my childhood my mother used to keep the drinking water in an earthen pot called Math in marathi. Refrigerators were not so common in a household in those days. The math kept the water cool. My mother also used to put some mogra (or jai or chameli?) flowers in the water.
I have now some questions.
What Jasmin I have in the foto? The shrub war there all the time, so I don’t know exactly what it is. It has pleasent fragrance like mogra.
Is it ok to put these flowers in the drinking water? If ok, then can one eat the flowers e.g. as decoration in the salad too?
Are Jasmin / Mogra flowers in general edible?  “drinkable?”

Date/Time :

24.june 2010

Location- Place, altitude and GPS:

Nalinis garden in Ritterhude near Bremen,  Germany

Habitat- garden/ urban/wild/type:


Plant Habit-tree/shrub/climber/herb:



3 Meters


Inflorescence type /size:




Fruits type-shape/size/seeds:

Fragrance/odour/pollinator/uses and so on:

fragrant, similar to mogra

This for sure is not Mogra. It appears a rose variety. Look at the sidepose photo, which reveal the shape and sepals, and shose rose shape. See the leaf close up too.
Mogra generally has a bud left in centre.
Edible property must be in Mogra or else it wouldn’t have been put in water.
It must be working as a coolent like “wala” remember your mother must be using that too.
Decoration part never existed the but I feel no harm.
… can show some more light.

yes, I also think this a variety of rose. Waiting for more answers.

When I was looking at the enlarged photos, my wife passed by. Her remarks were: Bada pyara phool hai. gulab hai?  Picure no. 4 shows the leaves. I dont think jasmine has ever got serrated leaves.

In India only one variety of rose is considered edible. that is called chaitia (as it flowers in March April). Pink and highly fragrant, used for making rosewater and gulkand. I remember when Gulkand was made at our place in good old days, the pollen used to be carefully removed. Pluck the petals, sift them and remove the pollens.
The correct ID of the flower you  have can only be given by experts. Let us wait for them. 

The calyx and the serrated leaves seem to point it to belong to rose variety.

A web search resulted in idying this plant as a hybrid of Philadelphus coronarius (Hydrangiaceae).
Common name: Sweet mock orange!
Variety name: Philadelphus Snow White Sensation!

thanks very much for your help.
After I read … mail, I was still wondering, why it is called Jasmin by all people here. Everyone, who visits my garden and see this beautiful shrub, they say it is jasmin. I searched Philadelphus coronarius  too, and found synonyms for Philadelphus coronarius like Pfeifenstrauch, Sommerjasmin, Falscher Jasmin. So it is indeed called summer jasmin as well as not the real jasmin but Falscher Jasmin.


Philadelphus for ID from Kashmir-GS28112021-3: 5 high res. images.
Philadelphus for ID, flowers are very large 4-5 cm across,
photographed from Botanical Garden, below Cheshma Shahi, Srinagar, Kashmir, 4-6-2012

Pl. also consider Philadelphus coronarius (Cultivated) as per Rosaceae week:: Philadelphus coronarius from Srinagar – (NSJ-01) and Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986- Details).



The Plant List Ver.1.1  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  PFAF  Dave’s Garden 

Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986- Details)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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