Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 2: 129 1797. (syn. Achyranthes corymbosa L.; Celosia corymbosa (L.) Retz.; Hagaea aristata Sweet (Unresolved); Illecebrum subulatum Pers. (Unresolved); Lahaya corymbosa (L.) Schult.; Lahaya corymbosa Roem. & Schult.; Lahaya spadicea Schult. (Unresolved); Mollia aristata W.T.Aiton (Unresolved); Mollia corymbosa (L.) Willd.; Mollia spadicea Willd.; Paronychia subulata DC. (Unresolved); Polia arenaria Lour. (Unresolved); Polium arenarium (Lour.) Stokes (Unresolved); Polycarpa brevifolia Kuntze; Polycarpa corymbosa (L.) Kuntze; Polycarpaea atherophora Steud.; Polycarpaea brasiliensis var. ramosissima Camb. in St. Hil.; Polycarpaea brevifolia Muell.; Polycarpaea corymbosa var. brevifolia Domin; Polycarpaea corymbosa var. typica Domin; Polycarpaea densiflora Wall.; Polycarpaea filifolia Muschl.; Polycarpaea indica Lam.; Polycarpaea nebulosa Lakela; Polycarpaea spadicea Lam.; Polycarpaea subulata Wight & Arn.);
Oldman’s Cap • Hindi: Bugyale • Marathi: Koyap, Maitosin • Tamil: Nilaisedachi, Cataicciver, Pallippuntu • Malayalam: Katu-mailosina • Telugu: Bommasari, Rajuma • Kannada: paade mullu gida, poude mullu, poude mullu gida • Sanskrit: Bhisatta, Okharadi, Parpata, Tadagamritikodbhava;


Caryophyllaceae Week: Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam.:
Name: Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam.

Family: Caryophyllaceae
Location: Nanmangalam RF, Chennai
Altitude: 26 M ASL
Date: 31 October 2010
p.s: the pictures are not good

ID Request 170913SG : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help identify following herb found in wild.
Photographed 14Sep13, at Dhavlas, Maharashtra.

Polycarpaea corymbosa

Fwd: Amaranthaceae member for identification  Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author.
sending images of amaranthaceae member for identification

It is Polycarpaea corymbosa of Amaranthaceae.

ID Request 281013SG :  Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help identify this herb, found in wild at Dhavlas, Maharashtra.
Photographed 28Oct13.

Polycarpaea corymbosa.

ANOCT83 Please identify this herb : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Nandi Hills
28th October 2014

Polycarpaea corymbosa.

Small herb for identification from Nasik : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
attaching images of small herb for identification from Nasik, please identify

Polycarpea corymbosa ?

Yes, … I think matches with images at Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam.

24.9.2009 in rainy season on semi stabilized sand at Bilwadi(Jaipur); Pillur region, Coimbatore;

Herb for Id 091109jm2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Id please – efloraofindia | Google Groups
ID(dkb-31) – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Plant ID SD161: 1 image.
Clicked in neemrana 10 Oct 2021

Pl. post habit and leaf images.

Sorry sir, I don’t have other images…

Caryophyllaceae member,

Polycarpaea corymbosa,

