Potentilla cuneata Wallich ex Lehmann, Nov. Stirp. Pug. 3: 34. 1831. (syn: Potentilla ambigua Cambessèdes; Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol.; P. dolichopogon H. Léveillé) as per FOC & FON and as per efi thread;
Five Finger Cinquefoil, Cuneate cinquefoil;

Rosaceae Fortnight- Potentilla cuneata from Himachal-GSG38/Sept 2015 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Potentilla cuneata.

To me it also goes to P. cuneifolia Bertol. as in the earlier thread (your upload of P.eriocarpa).


VOF Week: Potentilla sp-10 en-route Vasundhara falls:
Potentilla sp seen en-route Vasundhara falls. Could this be Potentilla cuneata??

Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 10:15AM.

Perhaps Potentilla cuneata

Is this Sibbaldia cuneata Syn. Potentilla cuneata….

No …, this is different from Sibbaldia cuneata

Thanks … for ID.

Potentilla cuneifolia from valley
Pls validate

It needs to get straight.
First the confusion which … also had: this plant has foliage of P. sibbaldii (now Sibbaldia cuneata) but stamens are more than 10.
Our plant is Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol (not Potentilla cuneifolia (Rydb.) T.Wolf) an accepted name), which was described as Potentilla ambigua Camb. in Flora of British India………The new correct name for this is Potentilla cuneata Wall.
Needless to say The Plant List seems to have bungled here also putting P. cuneifolia Bertol as synonym of Sibbaldia cuneata.

Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol Syn Potentilla ambigua Camb. is this OK Sir

No …, you did not read my note clearly
The correct name is Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm.
Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm., ; Pugill. 3: 34 (1831).
syn: Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. (non Rydb.) T.Wolf); P. ambigua Camb,

Potentilla cuneifolia (Rosaceae) from Uttarakhand: June 2015_DSR_09 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. (Rosaceae) is a common Potentilla in full bloom nowadays (24.6.15) in Badrinath (3000m) in Uttarakhand.

Thanks, …

It’s taxonomy seems quite confusing:
FOP gives Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. with Potentilla ambigua Cambess. as synonym with the following remarks:
Potentilla ambigua Cambess. (1844) non Gaud. (1828) is an illegitimate name because Potentilla cuneata was partly taken as a synonym of Potentilla ambigua which belongs to the genus Sibbaldia L. The proper name should be Potentilla cuneifolia Bert. (1863), that being the next valid name (cf. Sojak, 1969). The species resembles the genus Sibbaldia in the trifoliate leaves and shape and texture of the leaflets (broadly obovate, tridentate and coriaceous). It is, however, readily distinguished by its numerous carpels and stamens, large suborbicular petals, very long, filiform styles and densely sericeous achenes.
Chaoluan, Ikeda & Ohba (in Zhengyi & P. H. Raven, Fl. China 9: 296. 2003) have adopted Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm.”
FON gives Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol., ; Misc. 24: 15, t. 2 (1863).= Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm.
FOC gives Potentilla cuneata Wallich ex Lehmann (syn: Potentilla ambigua Cambessèdes; P. dolichopogon H. Léveillé)
As per The Plant List, Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. is a synonym of Sibbaldia parviflora Willd. & Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. is an unresolved name (This name is unresolved, but some data suggest that it is synonymous with Sibbaldia cuneifolia (Bertol.) Paule & Soj k (Unresolved)).
Pl. clarify.

As per thread: Vof Week: Potentilla cuneifolia from Valley, … has clarified as below:

Our plant is Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol (not Potentilla cuneifolia (Rydb.) T.Wolf) an accepted name), which was described as Potentilla ambigua Camb. in Flora of British India………The new correct name for this is Potentilla cuneata Wall.
Needless to say The Plant List seems to have bungled here also putting P. cuneifolia Bertol as synonym of Sibbaldia cuneata.
The correct name is Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm.:
Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm., ; Pugill. 3: 34 (1831).
syn: Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. (non Rydb.) T.Wolf); P. ambigua Camb,

The remark by … clarify the things here. Rosaceae of India, a standard work on Indian Rosaceae by Dikshit & Panigrahi (Ros. India 4: 67, f.9. 1998) have accepted this name as the correct name. Pusalkar & Singh (2012) in their Flora of Gangotri National Park have also used this name.

In my view it should be taken as P. cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. as in FoNepal or if we follow Indian literature only as P.cuneifolia Bertol.
Sibbaldia genus is different from it and have 4 or 5 or 10 stamens only (our species has numerous as visible in the pics) and flowers are smaller (less than 1cm across) in Indian species.

… understand nomenclatural complexities far more better than me and he has already explained it earlier as you have also mentioned.

Thanks, …

… Would you pl. clarify in this matter ?


Rosaceae Fortnight- Potentilla eriocarpa from Himachal-GSG39/Sept 2015 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Potentilla eriocarpa.

Probably Potentilla ambigua.

Thanks for pointing out nomenclature issue.
I distinguished between P. cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. and P. eriocarpa Wall. ex Lehm. – both otherwise looking similar – by the glabrous and hairy cuneate leaflets respectively. Now I find that nomenclature of P. cuneata is updated/ corrected as P. cuneifolia Bertol. with P.cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. and P. ambigua Cambess. as sysnonyms.
I has uploaded images of P. cuneata (now P. cuneifolia) also. Kindly help in fixing identity.
I also find a nomenclature mix up with respect to P. atrosanguinea vs. P. argyrophyalla. I had posted flowers of 3 colours i.e. yellow, orange and red under the caption P. atrosanguinea. However, some references place yellow flowered plants under P. argyrophyalla.
I shall be grateful for clarifying these issues.

efi page on Potentilla cuneataPotentilla cuneata Wallich ex Lehmann, Nov. Stirp. Pug. 3: 34. 1831. (syn: Potentilla ambigua Cambessèdes; Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol.; P. dolichopogon H. Léveillé) as per FOC & FON and as per efi thread

This is not p.eriocarpa it must be p.cuneata.

Potentilla cuneata ABAUG2016/28 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Please validate.
Potentilla cuneataFive-finger Cinquefoil
Mcleodganj-Triund, HP
2300m and above.
31 July 2016.

Loved the last one most.

I think matches with images at Potentilla cuneata


Flowers from Valley, Uttaranchal- 26/7/08.  Valley of flowers – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Herb for ID, Kugti, Himachal Pradesh NAW-SEP17-19 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this herb with yellow-red flowers photographed in Chamba district on the trail to the Kugti Pass at the altitude of about 3500 metres, in June 2017.

Please check for Potentilla species here.

Potentilla cuneifolia


Helleborus niger? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild herb in the hill slope from Badrinath area

I think it is Sibbaldia sp.

petals are very small in Sibbaldia, but here it is not so

it is Potentilla cuneifolia.

Yes, there is a confusion. It was discussed in efi thread


I’d request 000001: 4 images.
Location Kupwara j & k.

Potentilla !

Could be P.fruiticosa or F.ambigua ?? Compare the pictures at :
mein-kleines-alpinum.de and

Matched with Potentilla ambigua

Correct name for P. ambigua Camb. is Sibbaldia cuneifolia,
Potentilla cuneifolia at Flowers of India

