Psidium guineense may be confused with Psidium cattleianum (strawberry guava) and Psidium guajava (guava). These species can be distinguished by the following differences:
  • P. guineense has hairy (pubescent) younger stems that are almost rounded in cross-section (sub-cylindrical) and relatively small yellow fruit (1-2.5 cm long). Its flowers are usually borne in threes (occasionally singly) in the leaf forks (axils) and its hairy (pubescent) dull green leaves have 6-10 pairs of side veins (lateral veins).
  • P. cattleianum has hairless (glabrous) younger stems that are rounded in cross-section (cylindrical) and relatively small purplish-red or yellow fruit (2-4 cm long). Its flowers are borne singly in the leaf forks (axils) and its hairless (glabrous) glossy green leaves have 6 or 7 pairs of side veins (lateral veins).
  • P. guajava has hairy (pubescent) younger stems that are four-angled in cross-section (quadrangular) and relatively large yellow fruit (2.5-10 cm long). Its flowers are usually borne singly (occasionally in threes) in the leaf forks (axils) and its somewhat hairy (pubescent) dull green leaves have 10-20 pairs of prominent side veins (lateral veins).



























Psidium guineense Sw. (Introduced)




Pl. go through Psidium‎ ‎(Myrtaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia.

If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice.