Reinwardtia indica

Yellow Flax, Golden girl • Hindi: बसंती Basanti • Nepali: प्याउली Pyauli;
Up to 1 m tall, branches erect, leaves elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 3-7.5 cm long, 0.7-2.8 cm broad, flowers yellow, approximately 3 cm across.

¿ Reinwardtia look-a-like ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
Attached 2 photos of a plant whose habit is growing from crevices of stone-walls of forts, temples &c at high elevation, say 2000 ft.
I have come across this plant twice: last was Jan’08 at Mahabaleswar temple and this time in Dec’08 at Raigad fort.

It looks alike reinwardtia indica.

… no, I do not think it to be Reinwardtia indica which is seen to bloom in large bunches.
These are comparatively smaller blooms, and this small herbaceous plant has the peculiar habit of growing in rock / wall crevices.
Correct me if R. indica suits to dual habitats and behaves accordingly.

You have valid reasons, which i’m unable to response. Would request seniors to take call.

The pictures posted by me look to be similar to yours Ided by … as Reinwardtia indica

Agreed … only concern is the habitat and the size.

I am under the impression that R. indica grows on slopes as an erect subshrub, and the flowers are about 1.5 – 2 inches across. 
Plant in my photos, are growing on fort (or temple) walls .. and the flowers are just about 0.75 – 1 inch across.
Is it possible that R. indica adapts to such habitat, exhibiting stunted growth ?

Most probably appears to be like that……….

OK … I am almost convinced. I will be happy to get any of our friends give another validation.

 I was quite intrigued by this plant of yours. However with this kind of yellow flowers with reddish nectar line in the throat, it can’t be anything else I know. True that Reinwardtia indica normally has an erect habit, but most often it is grazed by animals and is found in a prostrate state.
Flower size is what puzzled me too. Most gardening sites describe the size as about 2 inches, which is 5 cm. However, according to Flora
of China the flowers are 1.4-3 cm in diameter. This agrees quite well with your specimen. It appears to me that the flower size is larger
when it is cultivated as a garden plant, compared to that in the wild state.

Thank you very much … thoroughly convinced now …
Planted and growing wild aspects certainly influence the plant’s form.



Kalatope id al240311a: 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
A beautiful flower encounter..

Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mt
Habit herb
Habitat wild
height 18 inches

no leaves while flowering, but I do observe bracts..


Could this be ‘Reinwardtia indica’
Attachments (2)

Yes this is Reinwardtia indica family Linaceae


15.11.10S.P.7: Pl. identify following  plant.
Date: 14.11.2010
place: Dalhousiae, Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh




Reinwardtia trigyna 281011PD02 Flora of Orissa: Name of the plant:

Family: Linaceae
Place of collection: Karlapat wildlife sanctuary, Kalahandi, Orissa and Mahendragiri hills in Gajapati district of Orissa
Altitude: 450m above msl
Habit: Herb to under shrub
Habitat: In wild, Moist deciduous to semi-evergreen forest, mostly in riperian zone

Description:Up to 1 m tall, branches erect, leaves elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 3-7.5 cm long, 0.7-2.8 cm broad, flowers yellow, approximately 3 cm across.


Attaching an image of Reinwardtia indica. The plant is in bloom at this time of the year. It is known as BASANTI in Hindi and Bangla.


Attaching the image of the 93rd member of the series. In this a Common Small Flat butterfly is on the flower of Reinwardtia indica.


Attaching the 94th member of the series. In this image a Onespot Grassyellow butterfly is on the flower of Reinwardtia indica.


reinwardtia indica:
reinwardtia indica, family linaceae
it was growing commonly amongst thorns in the low hills around chakki mor
second week of march

Yes, This small, sub-erect or spreading herb is a common sight of the hills, especially near cultivated fields…nice photographs.


Attaching an image of the 95th member of the series. In this a Redbase Jezebel is on the flower of Reinwardtia indica.


plant for ID from Bandhavgarh:

This plant is growing along the road side in Bandhavgarh National Park near Siddh baba Temple.
It’s a small bush height up to 50-60 cms, leaves avout 8-10 cm long,
may i request u all to please help in ID.

Please check Reinwardtia indica of Linaceae.

I agree with Reinwardtia indica.


Today is Basant Panchami, a day to worship Goddess Saraswati, and to declare arrival of “spring”.
In Himalayan hills of Uttarakhand arrival of spring is declared by blooming flowers of “Pheunli” scientifically known as Reinwardtia indica Dumort. (Linaceae).
Its yellow flowers on the walls of terraced crop fields are familiar sight in lower and mid hills.
This flower is deep rooted in the culture, folklore and songs of the hills.
Enclosing here a picture of this beautiful native flower.

I saw and photographed them last year, but did not know about there cultural significance

Wild Flower For ID : Yellow : Uttarakhand : 130413 : AK-1 :  Attachments (2).  7 posts by 4 authors.
Yellow flower, growing wild at Jim Corbett Waterfall on 24/3/13.
Id please.

I hope Reinwardtia-indica

Supporting …

Yes it is Reinwardtia-indica
Also found on some forts in western ghats.



Wild Flower For ID : Yellow : Uttarakhand : 210413 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
A single wild flower seen on way to Nainital on 23/3/13.
Flower resembles Reinwardtia indica, but the leaves are different.
Id please.

It Reinwardtia indica only, the leaves may be from different plants

Flower is of Reinwardtia indica but leaves in back ground are of Rumex hastatus and Lantana camara.


29052013 ASP 34 :  Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Can you please ID this short annual ornamental plant that grows to about 0.5m high with clusters of bright yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Dec 2011

Reinwardtia indica of Acanthaceae

Supporting …

Request flower ID (x-13) :  Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Requesting id of this flower (picture taken at Kaas in late Sep, 2012).

If the flower is very small… Likely to be Linum sp.

… also good possibility of Reinwardtia indica, native of Himalayas.
You must have found it around village houses.

Yes, Reinwardtia indica, Linaceae..


Plant from Bandhavgarh Ntl Park. :  Attachments (2).  4 posts by 3 authors.

This plant is flowering in Bandhavgarh in moist rocky area. I photographed it two days back. (26.11.13)
Because of restiction of getting down from the park I could not photograph it properly.
Request you to help in ID please.

If the flowers are about 3 cm, then it could be Reinwardtia indica.

It seems to be Reinwardtia indica

Morni Hills 2014: Reinwardtia indica:: NS March 04 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).
This is also in flowering these days (1.3.14) on dry hillocks along road sides…
these pics are from Morni Hills area in Panchkula, Haryana
Reinwardtia indica

Very good fresh flowers. The crispness of these flowers is unique.

Yes, … the flowering season has just begun, thus they look fresh…


MS Nov.2014/011 for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Mamit, Mizoram
Altitude : c.900 m.
Date : 25-11-2014

Habit : Ascending or straggling herb or shrub
Habitat : Wild

I hope this is Reinwardtia indica …


Yellow Flax?/ABDEC09 : 10 posts by 5 authors. 3 images.

I have seen two specimens of this flower growing on the ground. These photos again were taken on my phone yesterday. Could it be the Yellow FlaxReinwardtia indica?
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
3 December 2014

Yes …

nice informative pics
loved them
but what ‘s on the leaves? dirt snow or liitle dense cobwebs
I wonder

Thanks … It’s definitely not snow. More likely cobwebs…

It is Reinwardtia indica

Thank you … I see several more blooming now.

I saw the only sample growing on the wall above Mcleodganj today. For your reference
Attachments (1)

Reinwardtia indica- Basanti. It is the first to flower in winters in hills. The leaves of 2nd photograph seem to be infested with something. The paste  of its leaves is applied to heal fire burns by local healers.

These are still growing steadily in good numbers. Thought I will share this cluster on a nearby wall.
Attachments (1)

Reinwardtia indica
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
22 March 2015


This winter I spotted my first Flax on 17 November but it could have come out earlier and escaped my notice. Throughout December they appeared on the slopes in small numbers but they seem to be blossoming faster now (2.1.16) and I see new florets every day on my walks. They are mildly aromatic and very fragile. I haven’t yet managed to carry one home undamaged. The five petals which are joint at the base come detached from the calyx easily.
I am attaching a few images here. The leaves seem to be few in numbers on the plants.
4 images.


SYMBIOSIS : 710 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Fulvous Pied Flat butterfly on the flowers of Reinwardtia indica.


SYMBIOSIS : 820 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a male Leopard Lace Wing on the flower of Reinwardita indica. The butterfly is just released from the pupa. Empty case of the pupa is next to the butterfly.


Reinwardtia indica ABJAN01/08 : 17 posts by 3 authors. 14 images.

Each day I find more flower heads on my walks now. I brought a sample home holding it carefully as the flowers are very fragile and fall off easily. I made a detailed study and am sharing here with you. Please advise if I have made a mistake in my identification.
Reinwardtia indica—Yellow Flax
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
14 January 2016

A interesting study, shows great perseverance. Another interesting feature of Reinwardtia is that about half of the plants bear flowers that are ‘pin’  type (where pistils are larger than stamens and protruding) and the remaining half bear flowers that are ‘thrum’ type (where pistils are short and stamens are protruding). It is always a fun to re-confirm this feature and photograph flowers of these two types.

Thank you … It will be exciting to find the pin type flower and photograph it too. I will report back in a day or two (hopefully with photographs).
Thank you once again for pointing me to it.


I found two flowers with larger pistils than stamens today. Here are some photos. Thank you very much for pointing me to the two types. 3 images.

Wonderful presentation, … Any way to get urls of these pictures so that these can be incorporated in efi site, when ever required.

Thank you … Will these photo not be on efloraofindia emails anyway? I do not have a blog or a website, so have no other urls. If there is another way, please let me know and I will do the needful.

Thanks, … I find in other posts, attachments are there.
Whenever any thread is opened in efi group (not in emails) e.g. this one in the thread (efi thread), we can click on these attachment, which have a unique url for each image. These urls can be used to embed pictures in our website without consuming any extra space.
But that I am unable to find these urls in your post (though they visually look much better as pictures are imbedded in the thread or mail itself.

I think this is Apple Mail quirk which embeds the photos instead of attaching them. I have changed a preference in the programme and hope that my last message (Impatiens..) arrives with photos as attachments. Please check.

Thanks, … I think no

Pl. see efi thread

Oh no! That’s unfortunate. I am sending this using the web browser to login. I am attaching one photo as a test. Please confirm.

Thanks, … This one is working.

And this one using a different setting in the Apple Mail preferences. Sending a different picture to avoid confusion. Please confirm is both/one of them work properly.

Thanks, … This one is not working.

I will try and use mail in web browser whenever possible in future. What shall we do about earlier photos that you want to insert in genera pages? Please advise.

Generally there are many photos from different threads.
So, what ever best are available, we use through Urls.


I found a Reinwardtia indica seed pod the other day and a few others in following days. I am yet to collect one to check what it contains. In the meantime here is the pod (I am not even sure if it is the correct name for it); 1 image.

Thanks, … I think I have not seen any such photograph earlier.


Thanks … I took a fruit home today and dissected it. It was very hard to cut a cross-section but cutting a melon like slice was easy. There were six seeds inside protected in tough envelopes (hence the difficulty in cutting). Here are the pictures; 4 images.

very detailed. I was wondering what were you using to get the close up that shows a black round ring (in two of your original pictures in this thread.???)
… is the url for one of the pictures above embedded in the text (not an attachment.) is this what you wanted?

Thank you … The black rings are due to my using a cheap magnifying loupe (designed for currency check and available for about 300 rupees) in front of my camera phone for instant enlargement. My microscope has been kaput for a while and I have no other means to get close.
Gadget Hero’s Pocket 60X Magnifying Loupe With LED & UV Light For Currency Checking Mag… amazon
The one at above link is even cheaper but the same device.

nice use of a currency checker . a right brain use gadget for a very left brain beauty project. i love it and thanks for the link.
may be we all should have one. both brains can use it

Reinwardtia indica Dumortier : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Relli River,Kalimpong, India
Date: 24 May  2017
Altitude: 2000 ft.


Requesting ID of this ornamental : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Seen at Santiniketan, West Bengal.

I think it may be Reinwardtia indica

I too believe it to be Reinwardtia indica.

I have checked. The id is correct.

Reinwardtia indica Dumort. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 450 kb each.
Location:  Telkot, Nagarkot, Nepal 
Date: 27 October 2018
Elevation: 5000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Surprisingly POWO not showing distribution in Nepal.

on 23.03.09 near Kudawale village, on the way from Velas to Dapoli, Dist Ratnagiri; Kshetra Mahabaleshwar templeNov 2009; at Raigad, Maharashtra- 18th Dec 2008; Forest of Paschim, Champaran-Walmikinagar, Bihar close to Nepal Border  in October 2009;240309RN : Yellow flower – indiantreepix | Google Groupsplant for ID 13 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Request for identification of an ornamental herb : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 3 mb.
Submitting request for identification of an ornamental herb from Chalakkara, Mahe. The plant was photographed in January 2020.

Reinwardtia indica !


Reinwardtia : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

R. indica ??

Awesome photographs. I endorse the ID by …


SK 2858 05 January 2021: 10 very high resolution images.

Location: Bhaktapur
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 1500m.
Habitat : Wild
Reinwardtia sp. about 2m. plus tall.

Rresembles indica

For me the I D by … is correct.

I have noticed maximum height of plant as 1 m. but it is 2m. plus which is confusing!


Matheran, MH :: Reinwardtia indica :: ARK2021-006: 5 images.

Seen these lovely flowers at Matheran, an hill station near Mumbai, MH in the last week of December 2020.
Reinwardtia indica.


Reinwardtia indica: 1 high res. image.
Location: Rajouri, jandk

Family: Linaceae
Date: 12 Feb 2019

Reinwardtia indica only,


Reinwardtia indica Dumort.: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Panchase, Pokhara, Nepal
Date: 14 March 2024
Elevation: 1156m.
Habitat: Wild


Botanical name: Reinwardtia indica: 1 high res. image.
Location: Rajouri, J and k

Date : 07/02/2025
Habit: Shrub

Any habit images for id?


Updated on March 10, 2025

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