Rhynchoglossum lazulinum A.S.Rao & J.Joseph, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 9: 280 1968.;
Common name: Arunachal Rhynchoglossum  




Plant form Arunachal for ID : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors. 
Please help for the ID
The plant is recorded from the West Kamang Dist of Arunachal in the month of September 09. The elevation is near about 1000m.
Its might be a member of Acanthaceae.

This is actually a member of family Gesneriaceae. I have been trying to id this species for quite some time.

May be Rhynchoglossum lazuliun

The plant in the attached photo may be Rhynchoglossum lasulinum as this plant has been reported from Arunachal pradesh previously.

Thanks for id Sir
Rhynchoglossum lanzulinum A S Rao et J Joseph
It is a succulent herb, 50 – 100 cm high, Leaves brodely elliptic, subcordate at base, Flowers in terminal racemes, bluish violet.
Habit: along hill slopes and in moist forest from 500 – 1200 m elevation.



The Plant List (Unresolved) Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal