Ricinus communis L., Sp. Pl. 1007 1753. (Syn: Cataputia major Ludw.; Cataputia minor Ludw.; Croton spinosus L.; Ricinus africanus Mill.; Ricinus angulatus Thunb.; Ricinus armatus Andr.; Ricinus atropurpureus Pax & K.Hoffm.; Ricinus badius Rchb.; Ricinus borboniensis Pax & K.Hoffm.; Ricinus cambodgensis Benary; Ricinus communis var. aegyptiaceus (Popova) Moshkin ………………………………………………………………………..; Ricinus compactus Huber; Ricinus digitatus Noronha; Ricinus europaeus T.Nees; Ricinus gibsonii auct.; Ricinus giganteus Pax & K.Hoffm.; Ricinus glaucus Hoffmanns.; Ricinus hybridus Besser; Ricinus inermis Mill.; Ricinus japonicus Thunb.; Ricinus krappa Steud.; Ricinus laevis DC.; Ricinus leucocarpus Bertol.; Ricinus lividus Jacq.; Ricinus macrocarpus Popova .; Ricinus macrophyllus Bertol.; Ricinus medicus Forssk.; Ricinus medius J.F.Gmel.; Ricinus megalosperma Delile; Ricinus megalospermus Delile; Ricinus messeniacus Heldr.; Ricinus metallicus Pax & K.Hoffm.; Ricinus microcarpus Popova …; Ricinus minor Mill.; Ricinus nanus Bald.; Ricinus obermannii Groenl.; Ricinus peltatus Noronha; Ricinus perennis Steud.; Ricinus persicus Popova; Ricinus purpurascens Bertol.; Ricinus ruber Miq.; Ricinus rugosus Mill.; Ricinus rutilans Müll.Arg.; Ricinus sanguineus Groenl.; Ricinus scaber Bertol. ex Moris; Ricinus speciosus Burm.f.; Ricinus spectabilis Blume; Ricinus tunisensis Desf.; Ricinus undulatus Besser; Ricinus urens Mill.; Ricinus viridis Willd.; Ricinus vulgaris Mill.; Ricinus vulgaris Garsault [Invalid]; Ricinus zanzibarensis auct.; Ricinus zanzibarinus Popova; Rininus communis f. purpurascens (Bertol.) Pax);
Castor bean, Castor oil plant, Wonder tree • Hindi: Arandi अरंडी • Manipuri: কেগে Kege • Tamil: ஆமணக்கு Amanakku, விளக்கெண்ணை Vilakkennai Kottaimuttu • Kannada: Oudla • Bengali: Veranda • Assamese: Era-gach • Malayalam: Chittamankku;
In Ricinus communis, leaves are 7-11-lobed, slightly peltate towards base, and lobes are gradually narrowed towards tip.
– I think this is called Erand in hindi castor in english economically and medicinally important plant – Yes Arand Ka tel used in constipation with milk – In roundworm extraction a medicine is first given to kill them and Castor oil given next morning to expel them. We had good experience of it in chilhood, a common practice in hospitals. – This is still in practice. Euphorbiaceae week – Ricinus communis- PKA5: (Family: Euphorbiaceae).
Common name: Castor Oil Plant, Arandi Location: Aurangabad Date: 27-12-2009 – I think these are the only pictures I have ever seen with the top panicles of female flower cymes having turned into spiny fruits and the lower panicles of male flower cymes still flowering seen together on this castor oil plant. Attaching a very good description of the plant and the diagram with explanations of each of the morphology parts.- (Ref: Common families of flowering plants by Hickey and King, pg 98 -99). – Adding some of my pictures taken in Mahabaleshwar. – I am sending some photos of Castor oil plant. . Attaching links of images of Ricinus sp., likely to be Ricinus communis. We call it REHRI in Bengali (if the ID is correct). This plant is a larval food plant of Common Castor butterfly. Also attaching an image of a damselfly (black marsh dart) basking on its leaf.
Species : Ricinus communis ?
Bengali name : REHRI
Date : 03-03-2012, 9.35 a.m.
Place : Hooghly, West Bengal
Type : wild herb
ID help : Plant Groups by H. Mukherji
A local resident, where these wild plants can be found, told me that it is RHERI (castor) and it is very common in his own state, Bihar. He also confirmed that his peers extract oil from its seeds in order to light lamps. Today i recorded seeds (efi thread) of this species that confirms that it is Ricinus communis. Some more pics of Ricinus communis L., very common along railway tracks. Attachments (5) Yes. and along em bypass, vip road, northern suburbs and road to the airport …
and to think that there are thousands of acres under farming for caster from this weed from Africa if i am not mistaken… source of much pediatric foreign body in throat problem in rural mexico and there about and happened in kolkata in early days of its spread.. since the beans have attractive designs …
seed : Ricinus communis L. from Hooghly: Attaching images of seeds of Ricinus communis L.
Species : Ricinus communis L.
Habit & Habitat : wild herb
Date : 14-04-2012, 12.05 p.m.
Place : Hooghly, WB Flora of Haryana: Ricinus communis L from CCSHAU Hisar Campus: I think same species Yes both male and female flowers are nicely seen. … i think varietal difference i have seen red flowered variety mainly in hilly areas and Herbal gardens and white as wild
Castor Bean Plant for ID : Srinagar : 130912 : AK-1: I think this should be a variety of Ricinus communis may be R. communis var. minor Can this be Red Castor Bean, Ricinus communis ‘Carmencita’? Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Ricinus communis L from Assam, KD 03 : Attachments (8). 2 posts by 2 authors. Attached images are Ricinus communis L from Assam,
Date :23.08.2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Euphorbiaceae One of the commonest species in India. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Ricinus communis, L. <=> Castor Bean Tree – Amanakku – Bangalore – RA : Attachments (7). 2 posts by 2 authors.
The castor bean plant, an erect, tropical shrub or small tree, grows up to 30 feet tall. As an annual in the cooler zones, it grows up to 15′ tall. It is a very fast growing plant.
The joints of the hollow stem, stalks and leaves are reddish to purple.
The 6 – 11 lobed, palmate leaves with uneven serrated edge, are also red or colored and often have a blue-gray bloom. There is also a green variety.
The flat seeds are in a seedpod that explodes when ripen.
All the top of the stem and stalks are the inflorescence with the male – and female flowers. The female flowers are the fuzzy red structures at the top of the flower spike with the male flowers positioned on the lower half, and have conspicuous yellow anthers
The oblong fruit turns brown when ripe. In each seed pod (a capsule) there are three seeds.
The seeds of castor bean or castor oil plant, are very poisonous to people, animals and insects; just one milligram of ricin (one of the main toxic proteins in the plant) can kill an adult. The castor oil is extracted from the beans, which is used for medicinal purposes. Commercially prepared castor oil contains none of the toxin Correct. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Ricinus communis in Mumbai and Thane :: DV54 : 4 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Ricinus communis L.
very common in and around Mumbai and Thane Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Ricinus communis (Castor plant) : Kopar : MN11 : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Ricinus communis : Castor plant. Dried beans are used to make Castor Oil. Nice photos. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 02112013 ARK-01 : Ricinus communis from Almora, Uttarakhand – November 2012: Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Ricinus communis from Coimbatore BRS 02: Attachments (6). 2 posts by 2 authors.
EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Ricinus communis from Uttarakhand_DSR_49: Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Ricinus communis L. is one of the most common shrub in Pantnagar. You are right.
EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Ricinus communis from Panipat NS-19 : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This is also one of the commonest species of the family… this one was shot from Panipat….
I hope there should be no problems in considering this as Ricinus communis…
Still I am confused by its great variability at different places, like the foliage colour, fruit size and appendages, the colour of stigma varying from greenish to orange to deep red as well as its size …will be happy to read more… Last four pics are from Shimla, for comparison… Very clear photos. . Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Ricinus communis – Red : Srinagar : 081113 : AK-51 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Sharing pictures of Red Castor Beans from Srinagar. Could this be Ricinus communis ‘Carmencita’ ?
Kindly confirm. Yes. EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: Ricinus communis :: SMP 21 : 3 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Ricinus communis
Pune; Mahabaleshwar Euphorbiaceae Fortnight-Riciuis communis : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
mailing 2 shots of Ricinus communis from Delhi, though the pictures are not clear, Okay. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Ricinus communis : Nasik : 131113 : AK-88 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Castor Bean Plant seen in Nasik with red pods. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Ricinus communis from Delhi-GS-71 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Ricinus communis, the common shrub along roadsides in Delhi Nice photos, Sir. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Ricinus communis ? at Aurangabad :: PKA8::: : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Castor bean plant seen at Aurangabad. Yes.
ID OF MYSTERY PLANT IN DRY RIVER BED : 15 posts by 10 authors. 1 image.
Could the learned members of the group help identify this plant growing wild in a dry seasonal rivulet at Siswan dam, situated in the Lower Shiwaliks, 20 km from Chandigarh?
This was photographed in mid-December looks like wild jatropha I think Jatropha gossypifolia, escape from cultivation. A sampling discarded or otherwise must have taken root. To me it looks like the castor oil plant, Ricinus communis. I think … is right. The red tint confused me What an escape of Ricinus. Ricinus communis only… yes Ricinus communis Thanks to all the learned members for the identification.
Could the members guide me on this mystery:
How would a castor plant possibly take root in such wildnerness? How could it have reached this dry seasonal rivulet? Ricinus communis. Ricinus communis is mainly a wild species itself. Ok, thanks it is Jatropha gossypifolia of Euphorbiaceae family Ricinus communis I also initially got confused because of red colour of leaves, but it is clearly Ricinus. Jatropha gossypiifolia has 3-5 lobes leaves with lobes suddenly narrowed at tip. Besides leaf base is cordate with no trace of peltate condition. In Ricinus communis as seen here leaves are 7-11-lobed, slightly peltate towards base, and lobes are gradually narrowed towards tip. . THANKS TO THE `EFLORAOFINDIA’ GROUP : 2 posts by 2 authors. Ricinus : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). .
wonders of seeds and stories ! : …………………………. Was it Sarat Chandra or was it Rabindranath – where did I first read about রেড়ি-র তেল (castor oil)? রেড়ির তেলে বাতি জ্বালিয়ে পড়াশোনা? শ্রীকান্ত? I fail to remember. Wiki says electricity was first demonstrated in Calcutta in the year 1879, commercial utilization much later – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_in_India#History.
In all old literature I have, the Bengali Name of Ricinus communis L. is BHERENDA, then where from the name RERI came? Am I wrong thinking that RERI is Ricinus communis?
No –
look this up I copy here a few words from SHRIKANTA (PROTHOM PARBA) – “সে দিনটা আমার খুব মনে পড়ে। ……. সকাল সকাল খাইয়া লইয়া আমরা কয় ভাই নিত্য প্রথামত বাইরে বৈঠকখানার ঢালা-বিছানার উপর রেড়ির তেলের সেজ জ্বালাইয়া বই খুলিয়া বসিয়া গিয়াছি।…..” . Need your expertise on someone’s correction on “Bengal Plants” : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- Ricinus Paper by Archan IJAPB.pdf
I need your expertise on a publication attached below regarding “Does Ricinus communis need correction in “Bengal Plants”?
Looking forward to your expertised response. TSP-JAN2016-36-36:Images of Ricinis communis (Euphorbiaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) Habit: Shrub Habitat: Wild, waste lands Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl and 800 msl Date: 26-05-2014, 15-06-2014, 08-10-2014 and 04-12-2014, Ricinus communis L. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures of R.communis shot on 30 July 2016 in Kamal Vinayak Bhaktapur at 4500 ft. Ricinus communis—-for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
pictures taken at Aambyvalley off Lonavala,Pune in May 17.
RED CASTOR BEAN 300110-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Ricinus communis: 1 image. Please post the habit picture for confirmation. please always mention exact location, date of photography and if possible altitude also. It helps in both ID and documentation. . ID. Please: 1 image.
Photo taken at AAMBYVALLEY RD., UPPER LONAVALA MAHARASHTRA IN JULY 21 Ricinus communis L. ! Yes. Castor oil plant. . Ricinus communis : Red Pods : Nasik : 24JAN22 : AK – 35: 5 images. Ricinus communis red variety. . Ricinus communis L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 18, 2008 · JUN23 DV42: 2 images. Ricinus communis L.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 18, 2008 · 9:56 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to grigorenko for validating the ID at iNaturalist. . Ricinus communis L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 21, 2008 · JUN23 DV113: 1 image. . Ricinus communis L. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Jun 9, 2007 · JUN23 DV479: 1 image. Ricinus communis L.
Thane, Maharashtra :: Jun 9, 2007 · 3:02 PM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
Many thanks to grigorenko, Bharat Godambe and Omkar S Damle for validating the ID at iNaturalist .
Euphorbiaceae: Ricinus communis L.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Chotannahalli, Tumkur Dist., Karnataka, July 1997 . References: