Rondeletia odorata Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib. 16 1760 ;

Cuba; Introduced into: Panamá, Trinidad-Tobago as per POWO;

ron-del-LEESH-ee-uh — named for Guillame Rondelet, French naturalist
oh-dor-AY-tuh or oh-dor-AH-tuh — fragrant
commonly known as: Panama rose
Shrub up to 2 m tall; leaves ovate to elliptic, 4-6 cm long, often rugose, hairy beneath along veins, margin often revolute; petiole short; flowers bright orange-red with yellow throat, 10-13 mm across, corolla tubeslender, 10-14 mm long, lobes rounded.


Ornamental from Panipat:
Here is an ornamental plant from Arya College, Panipat. I hope this is Rondeletia odorata Jacq. (Fragrant Panama rose) from Rubiaceae.

– Yes, you are correct. Thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful picture. I was thinking why it has such a peculiar name and found out that the Generic name is based in Guillame Rondelet, 16th century French naturalist, and odorata as the feature suggest is due to its pleasant odour.
Please find the protologue atatched.
Rondeletia odorata Jacq. Enum. Syst. Pl. 16. 1760.  

More pics of the same plant same location

Yes …. can be used as hedge


Request for Identification 29072011MC2:
Location: Adyar Theosophical Society Gardens, Chennai
Plant Type: medium sized shrub
Flowers: Orange in colour

A hard wooded shrub, a native to Cuba and Mexico
The genus *Rondeletia* is commemorative name after William Rondelet (1507-1566), a scientific physician. One of the most influential teacher of 16th century. Species *odorata* means having smell.

MS-020312 -84- Unknown request ID:
Herewith sending the photographs of a bush taken in Mysore garden (Rubiaceae member). Date 24.2.2012. The shrub has a distinguishable bark pattern.

Rondeletia odorata (family: Rubiaceae), the Panama Rose, native of Central America

Rubiaceae Week :: Rondeletia odorata at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai:
Rondeletia odorata Jacq.
ron-del-LEESH-ee-uh — named for Guillame Rondelet, French naturalist
oh-dor-AY-tuh or oh-dor-AH-tuh — fragrant
Aug 12, 2007 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
commonly known as: Panama rose
Native of: Cuba, Panama
References: Flowers of IndiaTop Tropicals
more views: Aug 12, 2007 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai

Amazing Shots. This grows here in my college also


Rubiaceae Week: Rondeletia odorata Jacq. from Arya PG College Campus Panipat:
Rondeletia odorata Jacq. from Arya PG College Campus Panipat

These flowers seem to have unique design and architecture.

Rubiaceae Week: Rondeletia odorata at Nagpur:
Seen this Shrub in Ambazari Garden, Nagpur.
Bot. name: Rondeletia odorata
Family: Rubiaceae.

Beautiful Growing in my College too (Panipat)

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rondeletia%20odorata-DU-nursery-Delhi-1.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rondeletia%20odorata-DU-Nursery-28-10-Delhi-2.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rondeletia%20odorata-DU-nursery-Delhi-4.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rondeletia%20odorata-DU-Nursery-Delhi-3.jpgRubiaceae Week: Rondeletia odorata from Delhi:
Rondeletia odorata Jacq.
syn: Rondeletia speciosa Lodd.
Shrub up to 2 m tall; leaves ovate to elliptic, 4-6 cm long, often rugose, hairy beneath along veins, margin often revolute; petiole short; flowers bright orange-red with yellow throat, 10-13 mm across, corolla tubeslender, 10-14 mm long, lobes rounded.
Photographed from Delhi University Nursery.

Wonderful Shots Sir. Complete Set
