Rotula aquatica

Rotula aquatica Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 121 121 1790. (Syn: Ehretia viminea Wall.; Rhabdia viminea (Wall.) Dalziel ex Hook.);
commonly known as: rotula • Garo: singkhantha • Hindi: पाषाणभेद pashanabhed • Kannada: ಪಾಷಾಣಭೇದ paashaanabheda • Khasi: la khowang • Malayalam: kallurvanci • Marathi: मचिम machim • Sanskrit: अश्मःभेदः ashmahabhedah, मूत्रल mutrala, पाषाणभेदः pashanabhedah • Tamil: செப்புநெரிஞ்சி ceppunerinji • Telugu: పాషాణభేది pashanabhedi
ro-TWO-luh — from the Latin rota (wheel) Wiktionary; perhaps referring to corolla
a-KWA-tee-kuh — lives in waterDave’s Botanary
Native to: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Rotula aquatica:
attaching the photograph of Rotula aquatica Lour, Collected from Kannur, Kerala near Aralam Wildlife sanctuary
Rotula aquatica is a species of aromatic flowering shrub in the borage family, Boraginaceae.
It is a rare rheophyte native to India, where it is a member of the lotic ecosystem of streams.[1]
The plant is a mandatory component of many ayurvedic drug preparations and is an important traditional medicine for kidney and bladder stones. The root tuber is astringent, bitter, diuretic and also useful in treating coughs, heart diseases, dysuria, blood disorders, fever, poisonings, ulcers and uterine diseases.[2] Root decoctions are both diuretic and laxative and are used to treat bladder stones and sexually transmitted diseases.[3] Plants were exploited for their medicinal properties by excavating the roots, causing them to die. (


ro-TWO-luh — from the Latin rota (wheel) Wiktionary; perhaps referring to corolla
a-KWA-tee-kuh — lives in waterDave’s Botanary
Oct 2, 2010 … at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park), Mumbai
commonly known as: rotula • Garo: singkhantha • Hindi: पाषाणभेद pashanabhed • Kannada: ಪಾಷಾಣಭೇದ paashaanabheda • Khasi: la khowang • Malayalam: kallurvanci • Marathi: मचिम machim • Sanskrit: अश्मःभेदः ashmahabhedah, मूत्रल mutrala, पाषाणभेदः pashanabhedah • Tamil: செப்புநெரிஞ்சி ceppunerinji • Telugu: పాషాణభేది pashanabhedi
Native to: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantseFloraSahyadri DatabaseENVIS – FRLHTFurther Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
more views: Oct 2, 2010 … at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park), Mumbai
Nov 9, 2008 … at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park), Mumbai
… more views on flickr.

Similar to but distinctly different too, almost as small as the brahmi leaves
love the mauve colored flowers and the berry is nice (never seen it in brahmi so far myself)

Boraginaceae Week :: Rotula aquatica:
Name of the Species: Rotula aquatica
Common/Local Name: Hindi: पाषाणभेद pashanabhed • Marathi: मचिम
Family: Boraginaceae
Photographed on: 14th December`11
Photographed at: Yeoor Range, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Thane
Habitat: Dry stream bed
Description : Small shrub, occasional in river beds of deciduous forest.


Boraginaceae Week :: Rotula aquatica at CBD Belapur Hills, Navi Mumbai:
Sharing few pics of Rotula aquatica.
Family: Boraginaceae
Location: CBD Belapur Hills, Navi Mumbai.

one more incidence of it growing in rocky ledges, … showed one .. so this is seen in several places in western ghats

Shrub ID request – RK88 – 9-Jan-2013:
Requesting identification of this shrub from Tungareshwer. It is flowering and fruiting now. The stem and leaves are covered with fine white hair.

Rotula aquatica

ANJAN56 Rotula aquatic : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)

Date: 9th January 2015
Place: Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Riparian

ANJAN48 Rotula aquatica (please validate) : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Date: 9th January 2015
Place: Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala

Habit: Herb
Habitat: Riparian

It looks like Rotula aquatica. All the plants I have seen have pale purple coloured flowers.

‘..have pale purple coloured flowers.’
Agree … Right time of the year too.
However, all specimens I have seen are hairy all over.

Thank you ma’am and thank you sir.
I also found pale purple coloured variants of the same growing by this one’s side.
Please see efi thread

Rotula aquatica Lour.15Feb SN 10 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Rotula aquatica Lour., Boraginaceaewild undershrub usually grows in the riverbeds,

Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in Sep.’10; Yeoor Hills since 02 NOV 08 until 02 OCT 10;Rotula acquatica – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Request for Identification Marsh land plant: 3 images.
Request you to identify this aquatic plant growing as a shurb on banks of river in Pune.
Flower, fruit and leaves attached

Rotula aquatica

Rotula aquatica indeed

260 ID wild plant: 10 high res. images.

Please ID wild plant, rare only one it’s kind.
Only 06cm hard base is remaining and little shoots lengths upto 15cm from this base, so I don’t know it’s original height.  Location: near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Dist. Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 24.01.2022, 12.40pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, river sandy surface
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, purple branches, hard stem 02 inch base diameter, hairy, perennial
Leaves: alternate, ovate, oblong, apex, velvety, size:02×01cm or less
Flower: racemose, diameter:10mm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: drupe globular, orange, diameter:02.5mm, edible sweet fleshy
Seed: greenish yellow, 04 nos., pea shaped, nice granular
Camera: Canon EOS1500D, mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s (seed and drupe)

Check Ritula aquatica

Spellcheck Rotula aquatica

Yes, it is Ritula aquatica, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Request for id of a shrub: 4 images.
Request for id of a shrub from Bilaspur. Photographed in December 2024.
Another image of flowering twig
A twig with fruits
Habit of the plant

I think appears close to images at


Updated on February 1, 2025