fal-koh-NER-ee-uh — named for Hugh Falconer, Scottish doctor, geologist and botanist in India … Wikisource
in-SIG-nis — remarkable, distinguished … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: tiger’s milk spruceAssamese: কঁৰা kara, মাহকলা mah-kalaGujarati: શેરોડ sherodHindi: खिन्ना khinna, खिरुन khirun, लेन्डवा lendwaKannada: ಕಣ್ಣು ಪಡೆ kannu pade, ಕುರುಡು ಮರ kurudu maraKonkani: उरो uroMalayalam: കല്‍മരം kalmaram, കണ്ണാംപൊട്ടി kannampottiMarathi: चिकाडा chikada, दुदला dudala, हुरा hura, उरा uraMizo: thing-vawk-puiNepali: खेररा kheraraa, खिर्रो khirroOdia: ଖିନ୍ନ khinnaSanskrit: मुकूलक mukulakTamil: சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalliTelugu: దేవసురూపి devasuroopi, గర్భ శూల garbhasulaTulu: ಕಣ್ಣಂಪಟ್ಟಿ kannampatti 
The latex is poisonous and is still used for killing fish. It is so poisonous that it can blind a man’ …as told by a tribal medicine man.

Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen / Falconeria insignis Royle:
Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen is a synonym of Falconeria insignis Royle
Small Size tree
Location: khandala to Duke’s Nose via Tata Power station
P1010111 – Female flowers
P1010108 – Male flowers
P1010106 Male flower
P1010165 – Tree


ID No. 04032011_RD:
have photographed this plant few days back
at Assam. Could it be 

Euphorbiaceae sp? member
date/time: 4 March 2011
location: Kokrajhar, Assam
habitat: wild
plant habit: Tall tree
height: c 60ft
leaves:– Not seen (Deciduous)
inflorescence:– as attached
fruits:– Not seen


Flowers and Trees from Uttarakhan​d-ID requested_​DS24052011​_SN1:
Requesting ID for few more trees – in Uttarakhand, Kakragad , 50 KM from Rudraprayag.
During my visit in April 2011 for a bird watching trip, our guide told me that birds are very fond of these fruits. Incidentally there was no leaf on the tree at that time. Please help with ID.

These are the fruit of Sapium insigne locally called Chicada.

By the way what is the altitude of Kakragad, as this species rarely ascend higher than 1800 m. Yes the tree flowers in January-February when the tree is leafless, and the fruits are expected by April. This may not happen in Rudraprayag area where flowering season does not start before April-May.

Sapium insigne lo of now in fruiting these days just ton way to Mussorie. Its there on the lower elevations of Rudraprayag on the road side.

Thank you Prof…. Please check this link for some of my photographs of this:

My earlier mistake (wild guess) helped solve the identity of this tree very common in Uttaranchal in Naintal, Almora, Ranikhet, kausani area. I was just about to upload it for ID, when I thought about Aesculus indica (which I know very well), I had photographed in Ranikhet area, and search in our group led me to this thread.

Here’s a Wedge-tailed Pigeon who I saw feeding (or rather gorging) on the fruit of Sapium insigne near about the same place, same time.


Sapium insigne | Bhimashankar WLS (Maharashtra):
Sapium insigne

Euphorbiaceae family
Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary (Western Ghats), Maharashtra
Habit & Habitat : Small deciduous tree , occasionally on deciduous forested/rocky hills and slopes.
Branches horizontal with poisonous milky juice.

Very good pictures …
I found it flowering in Mulshi area also recently


Sapium insigne : Attachments (7 + 6 + 3).  10 posts by 8 authors.
Matheran, last Friday, 17th Feb 12.

Affirmative. This is Chicada [Sapium insigne]. My photographs are available at this link

Sapium insigne Family Euphorbiaceae. A poisonous tree…..Uncommon
I have observed it in western ghats..Mulshi. Adding my pictures.

….as usual your pics are more astonishing then my pics…. BTW have read bout this tree having poisonous juice… can someone throw more light on it…..

Sapium insigne is called ‘shirad’ amongst the tribes of Nashik district.
The latex is poisonous and is still used for killing fish.
‘it is so poisonous that it can blind a man’ …as told by a tribal medicine man.

that is some information about S. insigne from my area.

Is it observed at Bhimashankar? I don’t have any photo but, the same image is on my mind. Last February I could see near gupt Bhimashankar On the bank of a stream

Very good pictures. Attaching photos taken at Amboli forest during Jan-09.

The picture No 3 is damn good…….


Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Falconeria insignis at Phansad WLS :: DV55 :  7 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Falconeria insignis Royle … popular synonym: Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen
at Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary on 24 JAN 10  

Falconeria insigne Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 354, t. 84a or 98, f. 2. 1839; Esser in Blumea 44: 162, f. 2. 1999.  F. wallichiana Royle, l. c. 354, t. 84a or 98, f. 3. 1839.  F. malabarica Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient.5: t. 1866. 1852.  Excoecaria insignis (Royle) Müll.Arg. in DC., Prod. 15(2): 1212. 1866.  Carumbium insigne (Royle) Kurz, Rep. For. Veg. Pegu, App. A, 114. 1875 & Forest Fl. Burma 2: 412. 1877.  Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen, Syst. Cat. Fl. Pl. Ceylon 83. 1885; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 471. 1888.  Sapium insigne var. malabaricum (Wight) Hook.f., l. c. 472. 1888.
Pl. see the spelling. 

Thank you very much … for pointing to the spelling – Falconeria insigne 

I made some quick search on insigne VS insignis.
Surprisingly there are more websites writing insignis.
I could find only one Flora of Thailand writing it as insigne.

Is this a spelling variant ?

Euphorbiaceae fortnight : Sapium insigne : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
sharing Sapium insigne
from Sindhudurg MH

Correct nomenclature:
Falconeria insigne Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 354, t. 84a or 98, f. 2. 1839; Esser in Blumea 44: 162, f. 2. 1999. F. wallichiana Royle, l. c. 354, t. 84a or 98, f. 3. 1839. F. malabarica Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient.5: t. 1866. 1852. Excoecaria insignis (Royle) Müll.Arg. in DC., Prod. 15(2): 1212. 1866. Carumbium insigne (Royle) Kurz, Rep. For. Veg. Pegu, App. A, 114. 1875 & Forest Fl. Burma 2: 412. 1877. Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen, Syst. Cat. Fl. Pl. Ceylon 83. 1885; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 471. 1888. Sapium insigne var. malabaricum (Wight) Hook.f., l. c. 472. 1888.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Falconeria insignis from Uttarakhand_DSR_09:  Attachments (3).  3 posts by 3 authors.
Falconeria insignis Royle is a small common tree in mid hills of Uttarakhand. This tree was earlier known as Sapium insigne. The bark produces white latex which is used in fish poisoning locally.
Interestingly, this generic name Falconeria remain in use in Scrophulariaceae as Falconeria himalaica a rare endemic herb of Western Himalaya. This herb is now renamed as Kashmiria himalaica in Plantaginaceae, while Falconeria generic name is now correctly being used in Euphorbiaceae.

It is Falconeria insigne.

One of the several confusions of the Plant List

Kashmiria himalaica (Hook. f.) D.Y. Hong is an accepted name but does not cite any synonym, not even the basionym
It considers Falconeria himalaica Hook.f. to be synonym of Wulfenia himalaica (Hook.f.) Pennell is an unresolved name but considers latter as unresolved name.
Unfortunately unresolved names is a category which has greatly dented the reputation of The Plant List.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: Sapium insigne : Mulshi Near Pune:: SMP 14 : 4 images. 3 posts by 3 authors.
Sapium insigne 

Correct name is Falconeria insigne.

Falconeria insignis Royle
syn: Sapium insigne (Royle) Benth. & Hook. f.
Deciduous tree with spike-like inflorecence appearing before leaves.
Photographed from along road between Nainital and Ranikhet 

Sir, I think the spelling will be insigne.

No … when attached to Sapium (a neuter genus) it would be insigne
when attached to Falconeria (a feminine gender) it would be insignis


Tree, completely leafless when photographed, around 4 to 5 m high.
The tip of braches had green coloured candle like spikes (around 15 to 20cm high)
locally called as ” Shirad“, Hura
Bot. name; Sapium insigne
Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Photographed at “Taleran, Malshej ghat, Maharashtra”. 

Nice photos
Now known as Falconeria insignis

Euphorbiaceae fortnight:: Falconeria insignis from Amboli forests (NSJ-10) :
Falconeria insignis a tree around 15 m tall from Amboli forests (Jan-09)

Falconeria insignis.

Morni Hills 2014: Sapium insigne:: NS March 01 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This tree is leaf less in the season to bear the spikes… shot from Morni Hills.. Sapium insigne

Nice set of photographs. This is also seen in western ghats. Once when i was photographing this tree, some villagers told me not to touch this tree as it is very poisonous.

Nice one. We got it Nainital Ranikhet trip.

Thanks …, the sap is considered poisonous in this area too.. thanks …, this is always away from my reach, hope someday I will get the close up of flowers..



Ficus For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 050614 : AK-9 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3 + 11).
Seen deep inside the Corbett area on 18th May, 2014.
Local name was given as ‘Khinna’.
Kindly id.

Falconeria insignis Royle (Euphorbiaceae) [=Sapium insigne]

Many many thanks for this very difficult id.
Was shown only a single tree, and had not seen one before.
Any local names for it?

Supporting …

Thanks, being a worker on Euphorbiaceae, I could not identify it.  This is the difference between a revisioner and floristic studies.

Thanks … Adding more pictures of another tree seen on the river bank.
This has been identified as also being Falconeria insignis, by …

Tree for validation :: Devgad, Konkan :: March 2016 – ARKOCT08 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Is this Sapium insigne. Locally it was called ‘Hura’. Pics taken in March 2016.

Falconeria insignis now.

Attaching the fruits captured this season.. Attachments (1)

Location: Bajrabarahi, Lalitpur, Nepal
Altitude: 4800 ft.
Date: 13 May 2012
Nepali Name : खिर्रो Khirro/ खेररा Kheraraa 

Saw this tree near Pipalkothi, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018 (altitude around 1200 mts).
This tree was commonly seen along the route to Pipalkoti. No flowering or fruiting seen.
Requested to please provide ID.

Thanks … I had seen a completely leafless version of this tree in the Western Ghats. Saw the leaves for the first time.

very good but …: this sentence intrigues me ” 1had seen a completely leafless version of this tree in the Western Ghats”. is the trunk, and branching pattern if the rest of the tree so very unique?

I had posted the pics here. I had also seen another tree at Rajgad near Pune which showed the characteristic branching pattern with the flower spikes sticking out erect as candles.
After … identified it as Falconeria insignis, I was reminded of that sighting, till then I had not made the connection.

yes, now that i have revisited your earlier post, the terminal branches are indeed unique. that helps us perhaps start a page of trees with unique branching pattern. comes to mind right off the bat is. Samanea saman trees they are dying by the dozens in lower ganges delta. Delonix regia is second etc etc

Karnala Fort [near Bombay]; In western ghats in the uttara kannada district of karnataka; in western ghats, Pune 25 th Jan 2009; Candolium area of North Goa near Fort Aguada in 1st week of August, 2010;

Some plants from North Goa – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Plant for Id 271009Ch1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
PLANT FOR ID 30 SMP 25JAN2009 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
PLANT FOR ID 29 SMP 25JAN2009 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Tree/Berries ID please – indiantreepix | Google Groups


via Species‎ > ‎F‎ > Falconeria insignis Royle … family: Euphorbiaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
fal-koh-NER-ee-uh — named for Hugh Falconer, Scottish doctor, geologist and botanist in IndiaWikisource
in-SIG-nis — remarkable, distinguishedDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: tiger’s milk spruceAssamese: কঁৰা kara, মাহকলা mah-kalaGujarati: શેરોડ sherodHindi: खिन्ना khinna, खिरुन khirun, लेन्डवा lendwaKannada: ಕಣ್ಣು ಪಡೆ kannu pade, ಕುರುಡು ಮರ kurudu maraKonkani: उरो uroMalayalam: കല്‍മരം kalmaram, കണ്ണാംപൊട്ടി kannampottiMarathi: चिकाडा chikada, दुदला dudala, हुरा hura, उरा uraMizo: thing-vawk-puiNepali: खेररा kheraraa, खिर्रो khirroOdia: ଖିନ୍ନ khinnaSanskrit: मुकूलक mukulakTamil: சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalliTelugu: దేవసురూపి devasuroopi, గర్భ శూల garbhasulaTulu: ಕಣ್ಣಂಪಟ್ಟಿ kannampatti
botanical names: Falconeria insignis Royle … synonyms: Carumbium insigne (Royle) Kurz • Excoecaria insignis (Royle) Müll.Arg. • Falconeria malabarica Wight • Falconeria wallichiana Royle • Gymnobothrys lucida Wall. ex Baill. • Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen • Sapium insigne var. malabaricum (Wight) Hook.f. … Wikipedia
January 24, 2010 … Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary

fal-koh-NER-ee-uh — named for Hugh Falconer, Scottish doctor, geologist and botanist in India … Wikisource
in-SIG-nis — remarkable, distinguished … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: tiger’s milk spruce • Assamese: কঁৰা kara, মাহকলা mah-kala • Gujarati: શેરોડ sherod • Hindi: खिन्ना khinna, खिरुन khirun, लेन्डवा lendwa • Kannada: ಕಣ್ಣು ಪಡೆ kannu pade, ಕುರುಡು ಮರ kurudu mara • Konkani: उरो uro • Malayalam: കല്‍മരം kalmaram, കണ്ണാംപൊട്ടി kannampotti • Marathi: चिकाडा chikada, दुदला dudala, हुरा hura • Mizo: thing-vawk-pui • Nepali: खेररा kheraraa, खिर्रो khirro • Odia: ଖିନ୍ନ khinna • Sanskrit: मुकूलक mukulak • Tamil: சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalli • Telugu: దేవసురూపి devasuroopi, గర్భ శూల garbhasula • Tulu: ಕಣ್ಣಂಪಟ್ಟಿ kannampatti

botanical namesFalconeria insignis Royle … homotypic synonymsCarumbium insigne (Royle) Kurz • Excoecaria insignis (Royle) Müll.Arg. • Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … heterotypic synonymsFalconeria malabarica Wight • Falconeria wallichiana Royle • Gymnobothrys lucida Wall. ex Baill. • Sapium insigne var. malabaricum (Wight) Hook.f. … amd more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Chinese tallow, tiger’s milk spruce
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
কঁৰা kara
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
মাহকলা mah-kala
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … Flora of Assam Vol. IV.
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
શેરોડ sherod
  • for Sapium insigne var. malabaricum (Wight) Hook.f.Pan India Bouquets by Herbarium JCB

~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~

बलोजा baloja
  • Many thanks to Dr Anil K. Thakur for help with this name … efloraofindia … name prevalent in some parts of Himachal Pradesh
खिन्ना khinna
खिरुन khirun
लेन्डवा lendwa
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಕಣ್ಣು ಪಡೆ kannu pade
ಕುರುಡು ಮರ kurudu mara
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
उरो uro
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കല്‍മരം kalmaram
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … Wikipedia
കണ്ണാംപൊട്ടി kannampotti
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
चिकाडा chikada
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … many thanks to Dr Neil Soares for help with this name … efloraofindia
दुदला dudala
हुरा hura
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
खेररा kheraraa
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name … efloraofindia
खिर्रो khirro
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଖିନ୍ନ khinna
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
मुकूलक mukulak
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalli
  • for Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen … ENVIS – FRLHT
  • Many thanks to Badri Narayanan Thiagarajan for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
దేవసురూపి devasuroopi, గర్భ శూల garbhasula
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಕಣ್ಣಂಪಟ್ಟಿ kannampatti
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

For me the Kannada names and English transliteration are O.K.

Known as Baloja in parts of H.P.


Tamil names of Sapium insigne (synonym of Falconeria insignis): 3 posts by 2 authors.

There is one name karuppu-chulai (ref: ENVIS – FRLHT) … also found as: karuppucculai / karuppu-chutai … elsewhere on web.
About a decade back, when I compiled names for this plane, I typed the name as கருப்புசுளை … but it looks like it is incorrectly spelt.
Please help know if any of these: karuppu-chulai / karuppucculai / karuppu-chutai are valid.
Will be glad to get it in native script.
Another name is சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalli … with help from Badri Narayanan Thiagarajan ji in facebook.

I agree with the Tamil scripts provided by Badri ji : சக்கரைகள்ளி (Sakkaraikalli) and கருப்பு சூலை (karuppu-chulai) although I am not sure of the latter. However, I noticed that the name ‘karuppu chutai’ is more commonly used  than ‘karuppu chulai’.
The name கருப்புச்சுடை (karupusuttai)” is listed in the webpage https://owshadham.blogspot.com/2015/05/mooligai-peyargal-8.html

Thank you very very much … for help with கருப்புச்சுடை karupusuttai and for validating சக்கரைகள்ளி sakkaraikalli.


I am a recent joinee and intend to share on this forum a few images of some wild monsoon plants that I struggled to identify. The pictures taken in the rain are not ideal and may not be adequate. I hope the collective experience of the group can provide some leads.
Please find enclosed a picture of the fruits of a fairly large tree seen in a private forested area along the Mumbai-Gujarat border region (off Dahanu).

Falconeria insignis Royle [Euphorbiaceae]
Synonym: Sapium insigne (Royle) Trimen.

