Senna alexandrina Mill., Gard. dict. ed. 8: Senna no. 1. 1768 (syn. Cassia acutifolia Delile; Cassia alexandrina (Garsault) Thell.; Cassia angustifolia M.Vahl; Cassia senna L.; Senna acutifolia (Delile) Batka; Senna alexandrina Garsault; Senna angustifolia (Vahl) Batka; (=) Cassia lanceolata Forssk.); Herbs or shrubs, 0.5-2 m high; branchlets sparsely appressed pubescent. Leaves alternate, rachis (including petiole) 4-9 cm long, pubescent, eglandular; gland-like finger-shaped bodies present between the pairs of leaflets; leaflets 4-8 pairs, 1-4 x 0.3-0.9 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, appressed pubescent; stipules 1.5-2 mm long, linear-lanceolate, acute, appressed pubescent; stipules 1.5-2 mm long, linear-subulate or somewhat ovate. Racemes 10-22 cm long, axillary and terminal, longer than leaves; pedicels up to 10 mm long, thickened upwards, pubescent, deflexed in fruit. bracts ca 1 cm long, boat-shaped, acute, glabrous. Sepals 7-9 mm long, obtuse, glabrous. Petals yellow, 1-1.5 cm long. Fertile stamens 7; of which 2 anthers ca 1 cm long and falcate, one ca 4.5 mm long and straight, four 3-4 mm long and staright; staminodes 3. Ovary strigose; stigma punctiform. Pods 4-5.2 x 2 cm, oblong, straight or upwardly slightly falcate, flat, shallowly elevated over the seeds, transversely septate, sparsely appressed pubescent, reticulately veined, dehiscent; seeds 5-8, each 5-6 x 3 mm, obovate-oblong, narrowed at hilum end, testa reticulately worted or rugose; areole ca 2.5 mm long, more towards hilum end, on both faces.
Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year
Occasionally grown as medicinal plants
Native of Tropical Africa
Senna alexandrina (Alexandrian Senna, and see below) is an ornamental plant in the genus Senna. It is used in herbalism. It grows natively in upper Egypt, especially in the Nubian region, and near Khartoum (Sudan), where it is cultivated commercially. It is also grown elsewhere, notably in India and Somalia.
Alexandrian Senna is a shrubby plant that reaches 0.5–1, rarely two, metres in height with a branched, pale-green erect stem and long spreading branches bearing four or five pairs of leaves. These leaves form complex, feathery, mutual pairs. The leaflets vary from 4 to 6 pairs, fully edged, with a sharp top. The midribs are equally divided at the base of the leaflets. The flowers are in a raceme interior[verification needed] blossoms, big in size, coloured yellow that tends to brown. Its legume fruit are horned, broadly oblong, compressed and flat and contain about six seeds.
When cultured, the plants are cut down semi-annually, dried in the sun, stripped and packed in palm-leaf bags. They are then sent on camels to Essouan and Darao, then down the Nile to Cairo or else to Red Sea ports. For the nomadic Ababda, for example, trade in senna provides a significant source of income.
S. alexandrina is also known under the names Egyptian Senna, Tinnevelly Senna, East Indian Senna or the French séné de la palthe
It received the names “Alexandrian Senna” and “Egyptian Senna” because Alexandria in Egypt was the main trade port in past times. The fruits and leaves were transported from Nubia and Sudan and other places to Alexandria, then from it and across the Mediterranean sea to Europe and adjacent Asia.
Historically, Senna alexandrina was used in the form of senna pods, or as a tisane made from the leaves, as a laxative.
Modern medicine has used extracts since at least the 1950s[2] as a laxative.[3][4] If accidentally ingested by infants, it can cause side effects such as severe diaper rash.[5] The active ingredients are several senna glycosides[6] which interact with immune cells in the colon.[7]
(From Wikipedia on 8.8.13)
Cassia : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
A Cassia species., possibly C. sophera, in Bengali known as Kasundi From Pingla, Midnapore cassia angustifolia/ cassia senna Cassia angustifolia Vahl. and C. senna L. are both treated synonyms of Senna alexandrina Mill. Cassia shrub for ID :: 260314MK :: March017 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me in identifying this Cassia sp. found in a fallow land and also in roadsides.
Habit: 1 m high sub-shrub
Pod: 8 cm long
Location: Tirunelveli town, TN (also in suburbs)
Date: 27 Sep 2013
Alt.: 60 m asl It is commercial senna (Tirunelveli senna). Senna alexandrina Mill (= Cassia angustifolia M. Vahl.), Fam Caesalpiniaceae; wow, thanks a lot for the information and identification sir. The plant is ubiquitous in the district. Cassia shrub for identification :: 040414MK :: April002 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6).
Please help me in identifying this sub-shrub found in fallow and agricultural lands.
Pod: 6-8 cm long
Place: Tirunelveli district, TN
Alt.: 55 m asl
Date: 16 may 2014 It may be senna italico for Tirunelveli senna (Senna alexandrina). It is Senna alexandrina (Cassia angustifolia= Cassia senna). A popular medicinal plant. The plant has more resemblance to Cassia angustifolia (based on the leaves and fruits) I have the same specimen and I am agree with … Plant for ID Rajasthan NAW-APR16-01 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Isn’t it some Senna species ? Its certainly not Boswellia -a tree Pl. check images of Senna sulfurea, Senna sophera & Senna multiglandulosa Though the plant looks like senna I doubt it’s ID as Senna. On careful examination of the flowers the pistil looks like that of a Papilionaceae member. For me even the petals arrangement looks like a Papilionaceae flower. I may be wrong even. I attach a photograph of a seed pod. Possibly this will be of help to clarify identification. Attachments (1) Obviously not Boswelia serrata. Cassia or senna sp. sulphuria or surattensis For me … and … are right i.e. Senna species. The plant has a resemblance to the plant at this link: Thanks, …, for the Id.
I think match with images at Senna alexandrina
Senna for ID :: JJ – Jaisalmer, March 2018 :: ARKAPR-28 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Clicked this shrub by the roadside in Jaisalmer, RJ in March 2018. It is Senna alexandrina of Caesalpiniaceae. Date: October 24, 2018 … Altitude: about 230 m (750 feet) asl
Senna alexandrina Mill.
A great catch with flowers & fruits. A new species for me.
Senna alexandrina, For me the ID by … is correct. Important medicinal plant used in Ayurveda. . Senna Species for ID : Dubai, UAE : 31DEC21 : AK – 30: 4 images. Senna species seen in Dubai last year. Close to Senna alexandrina as suggested by Varun Sharma Ji. Sorry forgot to add these were cultivated plants. Senna alexandrina I was guessing but hesitated ! |