Sibbaldia cuneata Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 44 (1846). (syn: Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm.; Sibbaldia cuneata var. micrantha (Hook.f.) R.R.Stewart; Sibbaldia maxima Kesselr. ex Murav.; Sibbaldia parviflora var. micrantha (Hook.f.) Dikshit & Panigrahi; Sibbaldia taiwanensis C.L.Li) as per POWO;
Afghanistan to W. & S. Central China, Taiwan: Afghanistan, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, Pakistan, Qinghai, Taiwan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Wedge Leaf Sibbaldia;



Rosaceae Fortnight: Sibbaldia cuneata from Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
I hope Sibbaldia cuneata

I think yes.


Rosaceae Week: Sibbaldia procumbens var. procumbens from Khillenmarg, Kashmir: Sibbaldia procumbens L., Sp. Pl. 1: 284 284 1753. var. procumbens syn: Potentilla sibbaldi Haller f.; Potentilla procumbens (L.) Clairv. Perennial tufted herb, prostrate or ascending, covered with long silky hairs; leaves trifoliate, wedge-shaped, 3-5 toothed; flowers pale yellow, 5-6 mm across, in terminal corymbose cymes; petals as long as calyx; stamens 5; achenes glabrous.
Photographed from Khillenmarg meadow in Kashmir in June and July.

From another thread:
“Better identified as S. cuneata.”

Sibbaldia procumbens L., Sp. Pl. 1: 284 284 1753. var. procumbens syn: Potentilla sibbaldi Haller f.; Potentilla procumbens (L.) Clairv.
Perennial tufted herb, prostrate or ascending, covered with long silky hairs; leaves trifoliate, wedge-shaped, 3-5 toothed; flowers pale yellow, 5-6 mm across, in terminal corymbose cymes; petals as long as calyx; stamens 5; achenes glabrous.
Photographed from Khillenmarg meadow in Kashmir in June and July.  

Better identified as S. cuneata.



ANJUN39/40 Sibbaldia sp. for identification (Churdhar Trip 39) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Family: Rosaceae
Date: May 2015
Place: Churdhar Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb
Altitude: 2800 metres above sea level

Please check for Sibbaldia procumbens..

… says in this that S. procumbens is not found in India but the characters of my plant match with those of Gurcharan sir’s.

Sibbaldia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)  

Sibbaldia parviflora to me.

Thank you sir.

Sibbaldia cuneata as per discussion in my new thread.

Thank you very much …


Sibbaldia cuneata ABJUL2017/15 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
I photographed this plant on two consecutive weeks when I hiked to Triund and beyond. I started seeing the plant just below Triund at about 2850m and continued seeing it till 3300m. Reading previous discussions on the group, I paid attention to the epicalyx/calyx and petal/sepal relationships. I think this should be Sibbaldia cuneata. Please confirm.
Sibbaldia cuneata
Triund and above, Dharamshala, HP
03-04, 10-11 July 2017

I think matches with images of Sibbaldia cuneata in earlier thread at ANJUN39/40 Sibbaldia sp. for identification (Churdhar Trip 39)


The small alpine Potentilla described as Potentilla sibbaldii Haller.f. in Flora of British India has gone either as Sibbaldia procumbens var. procumbens (eFlora Pakistan; eFlora China) or S. cuneata Hornem ex Kuntze. The Plant list treats P. sibbaldii described in FBI (synonym of Sibbaldia parviflora Willd.) as distinct from P. sibbaldii of Haller.f. (synonym of S. procumbens)
We thus have three plants to account for, luckily two are described in eFlora of China.
Sibbaldia cuneata: Stems erect or ascending, epicalyx equalling calyx; petals equalling or longer than calyx
Sibbaldia procumbens var. procumbens: Stems prostrate or ascending; epicalyx much shorter than calyx; petals shorter than sepals.
Sibbaldia parviflora: Much like S. procumbens but densely downy and appearing Grey
There are two plants uploaded in our database. One by me as S. procumbens var. procumbens. This should be S. cuneataefi thread
The second by … uploaded as Sibbaldia cuneata should be S. parviflora- efi thread
… has perhaps correctly identified his plant as S. parvifloraefi thread
Your comments please

Neither POWO nor CoL gives distribution of Sibbaldia parviflora or Sprocumbens in India as per
It appears there is something more complex in this.
In view, I am keeping observations from Valley of Flowers at Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze only, for the time being. I also do not find any substantial difference from other observations from Himachal and J & K.

Please have a look at he GBIF link: !

Distribution at POWO, many times, is not as per what we observe.

I agree with …  and that is same will all sites.
They miss a lot !

Even eFloras of Nepal, China and Pakistan (mentions Sibbaldia procumbens L. syn:  Sibbaldia cuneata Edgew.) do not mention it as per link below:
POWO gives distribution of Sibbaldia cuneata Edgew. only in India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Some more links :
BSI Flora of india checklist

These records are much older (30 to 40 years old) compared to those of POWO, CoL, eFloras.

Even now BSI Flora of India offers only a checklist (I think of 1993). Synonyms at Sibbaldia cuneata and Sibbaldia parviflora are in conflict with those in eFloras and POWO and CoL.

OK …


Sibbaldia cuneata Schouw ex Kunze
Many thanks to … for the ID in my earlier post.
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012

id is correct.

Should be better identified as S. parviflora
notice petals shorter than calyx, epicalyx shorter than calyx and spreading hairy flowers especially calyx

Many thanks … for this validation; will soon correct my notes at flickr.

I am keeping observations from the Valley of Flowers at Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze only, for the time being.
Pl. see Rosaceae Fortnight: Sibbaldia cuneata and S. procumbens in our database


Habitat: growing on rock
Habit: small herb, about 15 – 40 cm high; flower about 3 – 4 mm across

Sibbaldia cuneata I hope

Now correctly known as Sibbaldia procumbens

Many thanks …
At The Plants List, found these are being treated as separate species: Sibbaldia procumbens L. and Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze

It would be interesting to resolve this mystery. Flora of British India records Potentilla sibbalii Hallier.f with following synonyms:
1. Potentilla sibbaldii Clairv
2. Potentilla sibbaldia Greiss.
3. Sibbaldia procumbens L.
4. Sibbaldia parviflora Willd.
5. Sibbaldia cuneata Edgew.
6. Sibbaldia cuneata Kunze
As it seems these are now considered under two species
1. Sibbaldia procumbens L. with synonyms Potentilla sibbaldia Greiss. , Potentilla sibbaldii Hallier.f.,
2. Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem ex Kunze
(Sibbaldia parviflora Willd. unresolved and Sibbaldia cuneata Edgew. not mentioned (in Fl. China or the Plant List) except as synonym of S. procumbens in Flora of Pakistan
Both species are described in Flora of China and differ as under:
S. procumbens: Petals shorter than sepals; floweringt stems prostrate or ascending, 4-30 cm tall; petiole pilose; flowers 4-6 mm in diam.
S. cuneata: Petals equal or longer than sepals; flowering stems erect or ascending; 5-14 cm tall; petiole appressed pilose; flowers 5–7 mm in diam.
Perhaps close up of flower can help resolve.

Thank you very much … for digging into these Sibbaldia.
Attaching cropped pictures showing out-of-focus area.
My recollection:
Could see 2 plants with flowering stems ascending.
1) about 15 cm max.
2) about 30 – 40 cm
The flower about 4 mm; looks lesser than sepals in most of the instances.
I do not know about pilose OR appressed pilose petioles. Not sure if it can be made out in these views.

I had also uploaded same plant. The petals are longer than the sepals.

… I saw your upload at efi thread
To me, when I see them in profile view, most of them have the green sepals higher than the yellow petals.
Top views of the flowers give an illusion that the yellow petals are longer.
Will wait for comment(s).

This should be Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze
Sibbaldia parviflora Edgw. is a synonym.
Sibbaldia procumbens L. is not an Indian plant. The representation at Flora of Pakistan probably needs revision.

Who knows we may have both in Himalayas. The two plants uploaded cropped by … look definitely different, first suggestive of Sibbaldia cuneata and second with taller habit and shorter petals S. procumbens
Perhaps we need to keep our eyes open when we go to alpine Himalayas next time, important in light of confusion in literature.

Many thanks for your clarification regarding possibility of both species distributed in the Himalaya.
I may have not properly expressed when I wrote:
Could see 2 plants with flowering stems ascending.
1) about 15 cm max.
2) about 30 – 40 cm ……………….
Both these plants are seen on the same rock in the last photo, put here for quick look;

No … You only give me the idea and the proof.

As per another thread:
“Should be better identified as S. parviflora
notice petals shorter than calyx, epicalyx shorter than calyx and spreading hairy flowers especially calyx

Thanks…; will update my notes at flickr soon.

I am keeping observations from the Valley of Flowers at Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze only, for the time being.
Pl. see Rosaceae Fortnight: Sibbaldia cuneata and S. procumbens in our database

VOF Wek: Sibbaldia parviflora from VOF and Vasundhara Falls:
Seen this herb at VOF as well as near Vasundhara Falls.
Bot. name: Sibbaldia parviflora
Family: Rosaceae
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 01:30PM

Now known as Sibbaldia cuneata
One of the commonest alpine plants.

A reply from another thread:
… has perhaps correctly identified his plant as S. parviflora
efi thread
Your comments please”

I am keeping observations from the Valley of Flowers at Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze only, for the time being.
Pl. see Rosaceae Fortnight: Sibbaldia cuneata and S. procumbens in our database


Fabaceae Herb for id from way to Hemkund sahib
This was about midway between HS and Ghangriya

R U sure, Is it some Fabaceae member? In my point of view it look more similar to Sibbaldia cuneata or Potentilla cuneata. need more close up picture of inflorescence, so its identity can enlighten.

Yes … Sorry its my blunder mistake. After observing originals it is Clearly Sibbaldia cuneata.

Forwarding again for validation please in view of another thread.


Sibbaldia cuneata Schouw ex Kunze
Many thanks to … for the ID in my earlier post.
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012

id is correct.


POWO  Catalogue of Life (Sibbaldia cuneata Hornem. ex Kuntze)