Three-Nerved Leaves: A climber, 1-2 m long. Leaves 3-nerved like Dioscorea, Cinnamomum, Crawfordia etc. Flowers not seen.  West slope of Mt Slamet, ca 2200 m alt.
ID is requested. 

Yes Smilax, the stipular tendrils are clearly visible. 

Yes, I can see spines in the second photograph. Must be a Smilax. Difficult to confirm the species without Flowers/Fruits! 

I too think that this could be Smilax sp. of Smilacaceae family.

smilax sps commonly called ramdatun 






ID Pls – any host for butterfly – seen at saltlake – kolkata: ID Pls – any host for butterfly – seen at saltlake – kolkata

Yes this is Similax sp. as indicated by …