Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet, Hort. brit. ed. 1:243. 1826 (Syn: (≡) Gymnostyles anthemifolia Juss. (basionym));
Common name: Button Burrweed, Button Onehunga weed, Dwarf jojo
It (Solivaanthemifolia)might be easily confused with Coronopus didymus (now Lepidiumdidymum L.) but the flowers occur in sessile axillary capitula hidden at the base of leaves. If you find a Coronopus like plant whose leaves also remind you of an umbellifer, look for the greenish sessile (brownish when dry and mature) capitala. It could be Soliva anthemifolia

Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) R.Br. ex Less. [=Gymnostylus anthemifolia Juss.] is a fast spreading small weed in Northern India and Himalaya. According to one report in Current Science species is less than a century old in India.
It is quite common in wheat fields of Pantnagar and Uttarakhand Himalaya up to 1500m altitude.

Yes, locally common in Delhi also

Soliva anthemifolia (Jussieu) Sweet from Delhi growing in moist places on Old Delhi Ridge and also along fields in Wazirabad.
This South American plant has been introduced in many places in India.
It might be easily confused with Coronopus didymus but the flowers occur in sessile axillary capitula hidden at the base of leaves. If you find a Coronopus like plant whose leaves also remind you of an umbellifer, look for the greenish sessile (brownish when dry and mature) capitala. It could be Soliva anthemifolia.

Thanks sir for this illustrative post…I am also uploading mine soon..


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Soliva anthemifolia from Chakrata and Dalhousie- NS 36 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
This small herb was shot from Chakrata and Dalhousie.. though encountered at many places.. Soliva anthemiflia

Fwd: help with identification of aster : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

I am looking for help in identifying this plant in the Asteraceae family. Its herbaceous, and a low growing rosette. The flower head is at the base of the rosette, which initially looks yellow but then turns pale-green.
It is found in farmers fields in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Any help would be appreciated!

This is Soliva anthemifolia..


Comparison photos of Soliva anthemifolia and Soliva pterosperma : 4 posts by 1 author.
Comparison photos of Soliva anthemifolia and Soliva pterosperma reported from Pakistan ..hope these are helpful for better understanding.. Thank you

Thanks, … I think larger one is Soliva pterosperma here.

no Sir smaller one is Soliva pterosperma and larger is anthemifolia

Thanks, … What about achenes ?

lobed achinal wings are of Soliva pterosperma and corky margins are of S. anthemifolia.. Spine (style which becomes hard at maturity) of S. pterosperma is sharp and hard while of S. anthemifolia is soft and harmeless.


Sir have you reported only one species of Soliva in India? you asked if someone has images of other species..i have photographs of another species of Soliva which is Soliva pterosperma but it is from Pakistan. Will yo add my images here? Thankyou
i have some photogaphs of Soliva anthemifolia also if these are acceptable for you. Because soliva species are actually identified by thier achenes only. Soliva stolinefera is another species which resembles too much with anthemifolia but achene difference is present only.. It will be honour for me..i am sending you achene photographs (young and mature) of Soliva anthemifolia. these are captured from iphone, DSLR and stereo microscope. Thank you.
Attachments (5)


Need ID: plant with strange growth on base: 1 high res. image.
Found near water

end- March 2022

This should be Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) R.Br.