Sonneratia alba Sm., Cycl. 33(I): Sonneratia no. 2 1816. (Syn: Sonneratia iriomotensis Masam.; Sonneratia mossambicensis Klotzsch ex Peters);
son-ner-AY-tee-uh — named for French botanist Pierre Sonnerat … Dave’s Botanary
AL-ba — white … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: mangrove apple, sweet-scented apple mangroveBengali: সাদাচক কেওড়া sadachak keoraKannada: ಕರ್ಪು karpuKonkani: पांढरी चीपी pandhari chipiMalayalam: ചക്കരക്കണ്ടല്‍ chakkara-kantalMarathi: कर्पु karpuOriya: ଓରୁଅ orua


Flora of Andaman6-281210-PKA1:
Came across this Mangrove plant at Havelock Island (Andaman & Nicobar). Date/Time: 20-12-2010 / 06:30AM
Location: Havelock, Andaman & Nicobar
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Tree (6 to 7 m)

is it Sonorecia apetala?

Nice catch … You seem to have enjoyed two great trips in short span. Waiting to see many more Andaman species.
It looks close to Sonneratia alba but not aware about the differences between other species.

Yes does look like Sonneratia but alba may be.

I think Sonneratia apetala

It is Sonneratia alba, as in Sonneratia apetala only four sepals are seen.

This is Sonneratia alba. Have seen the same at Salim ali bird sanctuary, mangroves at Goa with a signage in Sep ’10. Attaching the same. Attachments (2)

Sonneratia alba@Devbagh beach resort.:
Sonneratia alba@Devbagh beach resort.
Please validate.

This could be Sonneratia caseolaris.
Do you have more images of flowers with more filaments intact?
The base of filaments in S. caseolaris is distinctly pink while they are completely white in S.alba.

Though Sonneratia caseolaris is also reported from the area. I think this one is S.alba only as suggested by you. Adding some more pictures.

Though Sonneratia caseolaris is also reported from the area. I think this one is S.alba only as suggested by you. Adding some more pictures.

Yes. This is S. alba.


Sonneratia sp. : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Sonneratia sp.
named after Pierre Sonnerat, a French naturalist
Common name : mangrove apple
Family : Lythraceae
pics taken in the mangrove forests at Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Chorao island, Goa in Feb 2009.

May be Sonneratia alba..? As the petals are not seen, may not be S. caeseolaris.

it is Sonneratia alba J. Sm. in Rees, Cycl. 33, 1819; Cl. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 2: 580,

1. Calyx lobes 6-8, tube angular; Petals 6-8; Stigma not umbrella- shaped…..S. alba
1. Calyx lobes 4, tube not angular; Petals absent; Stigma umbrella-shaped… S. apetala

actually the petals are very narrow and white in S. alba; whereas it is pinkish in S.caesolaris.

Thanks, …, I see 4 or 5 calyx lobes as per images at Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham.

Fwd: Sonneratia griffithi from Ratnagiri ? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(4)- 1 Mb or more.
Some of the snaps from Ratnagiri. ID please.

Sonneratia griffithi I think                                          

Thanks …. It is one the threatened species.

This seems to be Sonneratia alba and not S. griffithii. I have confirmed this with my friend Dr. Mahesh Shindikar, who worked on mangroves of Maharashtra for his Ph. D.

Konkan, May 2014 :: Sonneratia alba :: 07JUN2014 :: ARK-17 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7).
Requesting to please validate the ID (Sonneratia alba) of this mangrove captured in a small village near the Konkan coast, Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014.
The pics are of 2 different plants at 2 different locations, though close to each other.

This could be Sonneratia alba or S. caseolaris. The very visible difference between them is colour of stamens (stamen bunch is not seen in any of the image). In case of S. caseolaris, the stamen base is crimson in colour.
Hence the id cannot be conclusive.

Thank you again for the information…
I could not locate any flower with stamens which could help in ID…

S. caseolaris

This is Sonneratia alba Sm. only as per images herein.
Does not match with images of Sonneratia caseolaris at

Stamens bunch is seen in this picture: Sonneratia alba_Padel8.JPG. The base is not crimson.

Is it not Sonneratia griffithii.

via Species‎ > ‎S‎ > Sonneratia alba Sm. … family: Lythraceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
son-ner-AY-tee-uh — named for French botanist Pierre SonneratDave’s Botanary
AL-ba — whiteDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: mangrove apple, sweet-scented apple mangroveBengali: সাদাচক কেওড়া sadachak keoraKannada: ಕರ್ಪು karpuKonkani: पांढरी चीपी pandhari chipiMalayalam: ചക്കരക്കണ്ടല്‍ chakkara-kantalMarathi: कर्पु karpuOriya: ଓରୁଅ orua
botanical names: Sonneratia alba Sm. … synonyms: Blatti alba (Sm.) Kuntze • Sonneratia acida Benth. … status at GBIF
May 13, 2012 … Sindhudurg


Sonneratia alba Sm. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV408: 3 images.

Sonneratia alba Sm.
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 12:24 PM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl
Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for suggesting the ID, and Bharat Godambe for validating, at iNaturalist

