Spergularia rubra (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl, Fl. Cech. 94 1819. (Syn: Alsine alpina Willk.; Alsine radicans Guss.; Alsine rubra (L.) Crantz; Arenaria membranacea Gaterau; Arenaria rubra L.; Arenaria rubra var. campestris L.; Buda borealis S. Wats.; Buda campestris (L.) Kuntze; Buda rubra (L.) Desv.; Buda rubra (L.) Dum.; Corion rubrum N.E.Br.; Fasciculus ruber Dulac; Lepigonum anceps Bartl.; Lepigonum brevifolium Bartl.; Lepigonum largiflorum F. Müll. ex Kindb.; Lepigonum laxiflorum Bartl.; Lepigonum radicans Kindb.; Lepigonum rubrum (L.) Wahlb.; Lepigonum sperguloides Fisch. & Mey.; Melargyra rosea Raf.; Melargyra rubra (L.) Raf.; Spergula marina Dufour ex Steud. (ambiguous synonym); Spergula radicans D. Dietr.; Spergula rubra (L.) D. Dietr.; Spergula rubra (L.) F. G. Bartling; Spergula rubra subsp. campestris (L.) Maire; Spergularia alpina Willk.; Spergularia amurensis Pomel; Spergularia anceps Walp.; Spergularia arenosa Foucaud ex Merino; Spergularia borealis Robinson; Spergularia brevifolia Walp.; Spergularia campestris (L.) Ascherson (ambiguous synonym); Spergularia catalaunica P. Monnier; Spergularia diandra Coss. ex Willk. & Lange (ambiguous synonym); Spergularia laxiflorum Walp.; Spergularia longipes Nym. (ambiguous synonym); Spergularia lycia Monnier & Quezel; Spergularia polyphylla Rohrb. (ambiguous synonym); Spergularia radicans C. Presl; Spergularia rubra subsp. alpina (Willk.) Losa & Rivas Goday; Spergularia rubra var. amurensis (Pomel) Batt.; Spergularia rubra subsp. campestris (L.) Rouy & Fouc.; Spergularia rubra var. campestris (Willk.) Batt.; Spergularia sperguloides Hausskn. (ambiguous synonym); Stipularia rubra (L.) Haw.; Tissa rubra (L.) T. S. Brandeg.);
Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), India (Haryana, Uttar Pradesh), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Quetta, N.W.Frontier Prov., Swat, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi as per Catalogue of Life;
As per efi thread:
The presence of connate stipules in Spergularia and stipules not connate in Spergula is more satisfactory in separating the genera as they occur in Pakistan.
Corolla pink as per BSI Flora of India;
Purple Sand Spurry, red sandspurry ;


ID request .-300911-PKA2:
Requesting help for the ID of this small herb seen enroute Rohtang Pass from
Date/Time: 11-09-2011 / 01:15PM
Location: On the way to Rohtang Pass from Manali (Alt: Approx: 8000 ft)
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild


Caryophyllaceae week: Spergularia rubra from Panipat:
Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl. from a wheat field near Panipat, growing as a weed in the sandy soil. Also known as sand spurrey…

Please explore it more. I have feeling that it may be S. marina, distinguished by more or less succulent leaves and very few leaf fascicles.

Thanks Sir for the links.. for more precise details I have to wait for about three months.. I will go again and watch it more closely.. the pictures in the links, however, indicate towards S. marina.. thanks again Sir..

I feel it may be Spergularia rubra (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl only as there is no distribution of Spergularia marina in India as per FOC (with keys), FOP & BSI Flora of India.


Spergularia rubra from Panipat for Validation:
This plant was shot from a wheat field near Panipat, growing as a weed in the sandy soil, I hope this is sand spurrey (Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl). This bears a striking similarity to Spergula arvensis, please validate/correct the id.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Spergularia marina from Delhi and Kashmir:

Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb.
syn: S. rubra var. marina L.
Less commonly found along lawns, waste places. 
The plant is distinct in leaves usually opposite without pseudowhorls, connate stipules, petals pink in upper part whitish in lowers part, stamens 2-5 in number, three styles and capsule 3-valved, slightly longer than calyx.
Photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi and Sonamarg, Kashmir.

I feel it may be Spergularia rubra (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl only as there is no distribution of Spergularia marina in India as per FOC (with keys), FOP & BSI Flora of India.

Stewart lists S.rubra as a weed of cultivation from Sindh, Baluchistan, NWFP incl. Peshawar & Swat to Kashmir incl. Gulmarg from plains to 2400m. He added a handwritten addition to the final copy of his catalogue: Pahlgam – Kolahoi 3700m. At the time he did not include any records from Ladakh but Dickore & Klimes do have this species in their more up-to-date check-list for Ladakh.
The only other Spergularia listed by Stewart is S.diandra which he describes as a common spring field weed from various parts of Pakistan at low levels.
S.marina – gets no mention by Stewart.
Both species occur in the UK.  S.rubra known to us Britishers as ‘Sand-spurrey’ is a common calcifuge plant of open sandy or gravelly habitats.  S.marina is found in the UK in the drier zones of muddy and sandy coastal salt-marshes and brackish marshes; also inland salt areas and rarely as an inland adventive. Found on coasts and inland salt areas of the temperate zone of northern hemisphere. It is very variable.
The latter species has much smaller flowers and would not be expected in the Kashmir Valley or in Delhi (unless there was a place with high salt concentrations). In the UK, some typically coastal salt-loving/ tolerant species have spread inland to colonise roadsides which are “salted” in the winter to help deal with icy road conditions and have built up high salt concentrations in the soil – the actual seeds seem to have been spread from coastal gravel being dug out from the seaside and used in road-building and for “gritting” in winter (mixed with salt) for helping with winter ice on roads.  So one never knows, unexpected species can colonise/appear in what seem the strangest of places!
S.rubra is distributed throughout Europe, in N.Africa, Asia, N.America and has escaped in Australia.
From what I can see, the images taken at Sonamarg do seem to fit with Spergularia rubra and those in Delhi look similar.
I have looked through some images of S.diandra from various parts of the world. Some show a habit and petals most distinct from S.rubra but others less so. There are quite a number of Spergularia species and quite a number look remarkably similar…. 

from Delhi– March’10?; Spergularia marina from Delhi – efloraofindia | Google Groups


29-09-2010: Near Village Chatadu (11500 ft altitude approx.), Himachal; Id request-151010-PKA3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Caryophyllaceae Week: : Spergularia rubra en-route Rohtang Pass- PKA2:
Small herb seen enroute Rohtang Pass from Manali.
Bot. name: Spergularia rubra
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Date/Time: 11-09-2011 / 01:15PM
Location: On the way to Rohtang Pass from Manali (Alt: Approx: 8000 ft)
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild

Submission of Spergula marina (L.) Besser : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)- around 750 kb each.
This one is Spergula marina (L.) Besser, very similar to Spergula arvensis L. but differing from it mainly in flower colour and glandular hairs on sepals and pedicels.
Spergula marina (L.) Besser
Fam. – Caryophyllaceae.
Date of Photos – 20th Feb, 2020
Place – Rewari, Haryana

Thanks, … There seems to be some confusion here about the correct nomenclature.
Catalogue of Life gives two names as below:
Spergula marina Dufour ex Steud. being a syn. of Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl with distribution as Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), India (Haryana, Uttar Pradesh), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Quetta, N.W.Frontier Prov., Swat, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi).
Spergula marina (L.) Bartl. & H. L. Wendl. being a syn. of Spergularia marina (L.) Besser with no distribution in our area.
As per keys in Flora of North America, stamens are Stamens 6-10 in Spergularia rubra and Stamens 1-5 in Spergularia salina (syn. of Spergularia marina (L.) Besser)
So we have to go with Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl

Thankyou so much … for appreciating..
Thanks a lot … for all information and confirming the correct nomenclature..

