Stictocardia tiliifolia (Desr.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18(1-2): 159 159 1893. (Syn. Argyreia campanulata (L.) Alston; Argyreia tiliifolia (Desr.) Wight; Convolvulus campanulatus (L.) Spreng.; Convolvulus gangeticus Roxb.; Convolvulus grandiflorus L. f.; Convolvulus melanostictus Schltdl.; Convolvulus tiliifolius Desr.; Ipomoea benghalensis Roem. & Schult.; Ipomoea campanulata L.; Ipomoea gangetica Sweet; Ipomoea grandiflora (L. f.) Lam.; Ipomoea pulchra Blume; Ipomoea tiliifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.; Rivea campanulata (L.) House; Rivea tiliifolia (Desr.) Choisy; Stictocardia campanulata (L.) Merr.) as per The Plant List ;
Flora of China says like this:
“Stictocardia tiliifolia has been confused with Ipomoea campanulata Linnaeus ( = S. campanulata (Linnaeus) Merrill), which is similar in general appearance and grows also along seacoasts. The glandular-dotted leaves, calyx, and corolla, and the non-capsular fruits enclosed in enlarged, leathery sepals are distinctive for S. tiliifolia.
The nomenclature for Stictocardia tiliifolia has been the subject of some disagreement, and of the two different interpretations recently proposed, Austin et al. (Brittonia 30: 195-198. 1978) and Gunn (Brittonia 24: 169-176. 1972), the former is here followed.”
. However The Plant List & NPGS / GRIN gives Ipomoea campanulata L. as a syn. of Stictocardia tiliifolia.
. Flora of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India & India Biodiversity Portal gives Ipomoea campanulata L. & India Biodiversity Portal (Stictocardia tiliifolia (Desr.) Hall.f. with Ipomoea campanulata auct. (non L.))
. Ipomea id from BD_sm14001 : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each. Another view.
Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.
Pl. check comparative images at
Please check for Stictocardia tilicifolia
It seems to me A. tiliaefolia or A. populifolia. Please check
Pl. check as suggested by … as per
Looks different from images of A. populifolia
A. tiliaefolia is same as suggested by …
Do you have images showing side view and calyx of the flower ?
To me also appears close to images of Stictocardia tiliifolia as suggeseted by …, as per
Yes, It looks like A. tiliifolia/ campanulata
Stictocardia tiliifolia (Desr.) Hallier f.: I know this plant as an ornamental woody climber with large orbicular leaves and large funnel shaped reddish orange flowers. I did not attach any picture since I do not have any. You may pls view it at FOI This plant is growing in the Calicut University Botanical Garden. I have never seen this plant in wild. We have this pant in our botanic garden at palode, but was procured from a nursery. But literature tells us that it is a native plant Stictocardia tiliifolia Earlier discussion on this plant at Efloraofindia.
No further clue. Is it possible that the common garden plant is Stictocardia beraviensis (Vatke) Hallier f. and the subject plant is rare and wild on west coast? I also see this plant only in cultivated stage. I cant to see this plant in wild in India. But actually this is a native one. Yes, … You may be right.
. References:
India Biodiversity Portal (Stictocardia tiliifolia (Desr.) Hall.f. with Ipomoea campanulata auct. (non L.))
Stictocardia tiliifolia (Convolvulaceae) re-evaluated Daniel F. Austin, Dulcie A. Powell, Dan H. Nicolson– Springer