Swertia densifolia (Griseb.) Kashyapa, Kew Bull. 15: 42 1961. (Syn: Ophelia densifolia Griseb.; Swertia decussata Nimmo ex C.B.Clarke) as per Biodiversity in India, Volume 4 edited by T. Pullaiah (2006);
— named for Emanual Sweert, 16th century Dutch botanist, artist and author
Dave’s Botanary
den-see-FOH-lee-a — having dense foliage … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dense leaved swertia • Marathi: कडु चिरायत, kadu chirayat, कवडी kawadi
Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)


Cheers and request for ID of plant from KAAS Satara Maharashtra:
Place: enroute Kaas Plateau, Satara Maharashtra, The same plateau where C.Kurzii  was found,
Date; 26th September, 2010
Note: They were many in number, all over the patch, 

– … reminds me of a similar looking plant at Kas … Swertia decussata … ID provided by …

Swertia densifolia. The plants were in lovely flowers over last month. The local name is Kawdi, Kadu Chirayat. It is said to have a medicinal value.

– Sending Photographs of the Flowers.

C. decussata is a synonym of C. densifolia, but I am curious to know what and where about C. kurzii.

Sharing one Swertia sp. from Sahyadri ranges. This was photograpged on 24-01-2010.
Location: Chandoli Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Bot. name: Swertia densifolia
Family: Gentianaceae


Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1116 :: Swertia densifolia: Kas plateauabout 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India

19 OCT 07
Swertia densifolia (Griseb.) Kashyapa … (family: Gentianaceae)
SWER-tee-uh — named for Emanual Sweert, 16th century Dutch botanist, artist and authorDave’s Botanary
den-see-FOH-lee-a — having dense foliage … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dense leaved swertia • Marathi: कडु चिरायत, kadu chirayat, कवडी kawadi
Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)
References: Flowers of IndiaFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar

Wish someone uploads with flowers!! Would love to see the flowers.

until someone uploads of the Kas region, here is one from the archives uploaded by … from Chandoli … efi thread


Swertia densifolia:

Inspired by the posts of … of Swertia sp., i thought of sharing one Swertia sp. from Sahyadri ranges. This was photograpged on 24-01-2010.
Location: Chandoli Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Bot. name: Swertia densifolia
Family: Gentianaceae

…… the 3rd picture is just fab… I am using as my wallpaper!!

i had seen this plant in wild at Chandoli WLS.



Swertia densiflora: Swertia densiflora
Marathi name: Kawadi
At Kalasubai,Maharashtra
Highest peak of western Ghat
03 Feb, 2013

I like these deep blue veins in white petals for many of the Swertia’s


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae :: Swertia densifolia at Chandoli WLS::PKA8 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Sharing one Swertia sp. from Sahyadri ranges. This was photographed on 24-01-2010.
Location:  Chandoli Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Bot. name: Swertia densifolia
Family: Gentianaceae

Beautiful species, very beautiful images..



Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation :: ARKNOV-12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Requesting to please validate ID of this plant captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Is this Swertia densiflora? No flowers were seen.
Again, I have arrived at this idea based on existing pics on efi.

seems it is… … had shown one in young (pre-flowering) stage…
I had remembered it as leaves that look like hand made pleats at the attachment points, as seen in you pic 4,  very well delineated pleated base…
I would wait for a real taxonomist to pitch in and give us the opinion…

efi page on Swertia densifolia

Swertia lawii : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1)
Swertia lawii @ Mahabaleshwar 14-12-2014

This looks very similar to Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella. Can you please tell me the difference between the two?

Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella is not listed in Fl MH (Almeida).

I agree with … the plant uploaded is Swertia angustifolia

Somehow I am not fortunate enough to observe these Beautiful Swertias so far.
I was wondering whether to ask … for the location habitat size etc of these?

Location is on way to Wilson’s point, Mahabaleshwar;
Cauline leaves sessile, decussate.
Seen on a hill slope, as an undershrub.
Height about 3-4 feet.
Kindly comment on the possibility of it being Swertia densifolia.
I do hope in your (applies to everybody) future posts you mention all parameters, including the all important date / place. I am sure as moderator you will take the lead in the matter.
Thank You for your interest in the post.

Thanks for the detailed information and related feedback. I understand the feelings of an avid flower hunter which are echoed in your reply. Let us all take your suggestions seriously.
Coming to Swertia plant concerned.
I have one Swertia in my collection but that was from my very old excursions and observed in plains just at a little lower altitudes than Kas plateau and that too in month of Sep. I can’t comment anything further beause of lack of adequate studies.

I agree with … “Thanks for the detailed information and related feedback. I understand the feelings of an avid flower hunter which are echoed in your reply. Let us all take your suggestions seriously.’ end quote..
Several years ago it was kind-a mandatory but folks just don’t follow the original rules and some when asked … resented it.. so I gave up asking
Am glad … asked this time and you responded with great detail and grace
gives us impetus to ask and persist…


Please identify this herb from Petri-Kas satara Maharashtra: 2 images.
Please identify the herb in attached photographs. The photographs were taken at Petri village near kas plateau (20km from Satara Maharashtra) on 29 Aug 2021.

Check with Lythraceae members

Can this be Swertia densifolia?

I had seen a similar plant at Kas which is present in the group’s archives and identified as Swertia densifolia – efi thread

Yes, … Appears to be a similar plant.

