Local Name: Momiran, Urdu: Charita;
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Nepal, China as per Flora of Pakistan
Himalaya (Kashmir to Nepal), S.E. Tibet as per Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal;
Perennial herb often up to 1m tall; basal leaves obovate-oblong to elliptic-spthulate, up to 20 cm long; cauline leaves opposite, connate at base, up to 10 cm long and 2 cm broad; flowers greenish-yellow or lurid grey, 5-merous; calyx lobes linear, longer than corolla in bud; corolla lobes elliptic oblong to nearly lancelateeach with two green glands at base of each lobe, fringed by white hairs; filaments free; capsule 8-10 mm long.

Amarnath Yatra – Sedam Sp. for ID (NSJ-02 – 19/08/2013) :  Attachments (3). 10 posts by 6 authors.
Sedam for ID.
Location – On the way to Panjtarni, near Maha-gunesh top.
Altitude – 13000′
Date – Aug 12, 2013

Seems Swertia species (Gentianaceae) to me.

Yes, it does look like some Swertia sp. Nice find again..

Swertia species in efi so far.

This Swertia was uploaded by me also from Gulmarg. Species ID is still ellusive.
efi thread

It looks me Swertia petiolata.

Thanks … for ID.

I think yes S. petiolata
That solves my ID also- efi thread


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight::Swertia petiolata on the way to Amarnath (NSJ-05) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Swertia petiolata on the way to Amarnath. Height almost 13500 feet.



Request for ID 080809 Sinthan Pass 12 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location- On the way… from Kookar Nag to Sinthan Pass, Jammu & Kashmir.
Date- 08th August 2009.

Probably Swertia sp., species identity not at this stage, may be later

Thanks for the clue… Is it ‘Swertia petiolata’ ?

Yes … It is Swertia petiolata

I think to me these appear close to images at Swertia speciosa D. Don

Swertia petiolata if we follow FOI: flowersofindia



Swertia sp. from Paddar valley J&K.: Request for Identification;

Kindly identify this Swertia species.
Location: Paddar valley J&K.
Date: 2nd August 2011.
Altitude: 3800 meters asl

It is a distant shot but looking at long petiolate basal leaves and more important seemingly connate leaves, it may be Swertia speciosa. Close up of flower only can confirm conclusively.

Attaching another cropped image of the same plant.

Two glands are seen per lobe. More surely S. speciosa

Swertia petiolata if we follow FOI: flowersofindia


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Swertia speciosa from Himachal : GSG-22 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Atachments (4).
Swertia speciosa from Himachal. Kindly note 4, 5 and 6-merous flowers. Photographs are from Sirmour (2900 m asl) and Chamba (3400 m asl) districts

Extremely beautiful observations.. this will be a prized catch, if I am able to find this, thanks for sharing and adding this to my wish list..

First two images appears of Swertia petiolata if we follow FOI: flowersofindia
Images of Swertia speciosa look different at flowersofindia


PM-19082021-Plant id from Churdhar, H.P: 5 images.
Habit- A Herbaceous plant quite common in the area

Habitat- Found growing in sub-alpine meadows enroute to Churdhar peak
Location- Near Churdhar peak, Sirmaur  district, Himachal Pradesh
Altitude- 3500m
Date- October 2019
No flowering individuals were observed during the survey.

Appears close to images at Swertia petiolata D.Don as per comparative images at Swertia
Open flowers would have helped in confirmation.