Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos , Loefgrenia 50: 4 1970. (Syn: Gelseminum chrysotrichum (Mart. ex DC.) Kuntze; Handroanthus chrysotrichus var. obtusata (DC.) Mattos; Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl.; Tabebuia chrysotricha var. obtusata (DC.) Toledo; Tecoma chrysotricha Mart. ex DC.; Tecoma chrysotricha var. obtusata (DC.) Bureau & K.Schum.; Tecoma flavescens Mart. ex DC.; Tecoma grandis Kraenzl.; Tecoma obtusata DC.; Tecoma ochracea var. denudata Cham.);
Golden Trumpet Tree;
10-04-11 PR- For id in Chennai: There was a slender tree in a garden where photography is not allowed. Its – Key in Trees of Pune with digitate leaves, leaflets ovate, flowers yellow goes to page 183 to Tabebuia chrysotricha. Bignoniaceae week :: Nonnatives : SMP : Tabebuia chrysotricha. Pune.: Tabebuia chrysotricha
is the color balance way off? or its this color?
Handroanthus chrysotrichus – Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10). Spectacular mid-spring 3 to 4 inch long golden yellow trumpet flowers appear while trees are leafless or just emerging in the spring. Tolerates temperatures into mid 20s F and looks best with occasional to regular watering in warm months though we have noted that plants flower best when not overwatered.
In 2007 studies on the genus Tabebuia determined it to be polyphyletic (because as it has stood it includes Crescentia, Spirotecoma, and Ekmanianthe) with the solution being to split some members of the genus, including the two species commonly grown in California, into the new genus Handroanthus. Plants so separated can be distinguished from true Tabebuia based on the fact that they all have minute hairs on the leaves and flowers. Because of this, Tabebuia chrysotricha becomes Handroanthus chrysotrichus, and Tabebuia impetiginosa becomes Handroanthus impetiginosus. The genus name comes from a combination of ‘Handro’, for a 20th century Brazilian botanist Oswaldo Handro and ‘anthos’ from Latin for flower.
Thanks for the information …
So would it be right to guess that Tabebuia aurea has not changed and its only Tabebuia chyrostricha which has changed the species name? Are the ones we commonly see in Bangalore lanes, the ones we see flowering copiously these days, H. chrysotrichus (former T. chrysotricha) or Tabebuia aurea?
This is different tree from the one which you see in outside Lalbagh in Bangalore
Tabebuia chrysotricha : Bigninoaceae : Mumbai : 27APR15 : AK-6 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Seen at a cultivated garden in Mumbai on 16th April,15.
A small tree.
Kindly validate.
Small Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 07DEC14 : AK-23 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
A small, cultivated tree seen on 12/11/14.
Missed the flowers.
Pods suggest Bignoniaceae.
Looks like Tabebuia sp., T. pentaphylla, close up of the leaves would have been clearer.
Thanks for the follow up and suggested id.
Adding cropped pictures of the leaves as requested.
May be Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos as per comparative images at Handroanthus
Pl. check.
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