Images by Vijayasankar & Prasad K. Das      





TAK-kah — from the Malayan name for this plant … Dave’s Botanary
lee-on-toh-pet-al-OY-deez — resembles lion’s-petals … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: African arrowroot, batflower, East Indian arrowroot, Fiji arrowroot, Hawaiian arrowroot, Polynesian arrowroot, Tahiti arrowrootAssamese: কেতুৰী keturiGujarati: જોગી બાદશાહ jogi badshah, કાચિંડાનો વેલો kachindano veloHindi: बाघ मूंछ bagh-moochh, देवकन्द devkandaKannada: ದೈವಕಂದ daeva kaanda, ಹಂದಿಗೆಡ್ಡೆ handigedde, ಸೂರಣಗಡ್ಡೆ suranagaddeKonkani: देवकंद devakamdo, कोळ्याचो माड kolyacho mad, सरडेचो माड sardecho mad, ಸೂರ್ಣು surnuMalayalam: കാട്ടുചേന kattuchenaMarathi: देवकंद devakanda, जटाशंकर jatashankar, पेणघागरा penghagara, तवकीराच झाड towkiracha jhadOdia: ଧୋଇ dhoiSanskrit: देवकन्द devakanda, सूर्ण surnaTamil: சேனை cenai, ககனம் kakanam, காறாக்கருணை kara-k-karunai, காட்டுக்கருணை kattu-k-karunaTelugu: అడవిదుంప adavi dumpa, కంద kanda, పెద్ద కంద గడ్డ pedda kanda gadda, రిత్త కంద ritta kandaTulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟುಕೇನೆ kattukene


ID please:  Last month visited Dapoli (Ratnagiri dist. Maharashtra). Observed two very common fruitings. For ID please

They are the fruit of Tacca leontopetaloides & a sp. of Arisaema [possibly A.neglectum].


looks like two different sp, first one is Tacca sp. may be leontopetaloides


Yes the first photo is of Tacca leontopetaloides. the second one is of Arisaema sp. hard to confirm species without the photos of leaves and flowers.


Today I checked the Google and found species Arisaema consanguineum close to what I had seen. Hope it is the same.


I don’t disbelieve your identification you can be very true in all aspect.
Fruits in different species of Asisaema looks so close that its hard to distinguish (at least for me) hence I always look for flowers and leaves to confirm.


Yes .. Fruit of Arisaema dracontium also looks close to the pics for id.
Leaves and flower will lead to correct id

This is Tacca leontopetaloides (-718) buds and fruit (-720) – I think both are same species.
Uploading my images of the leaf on a separate thread.
Will stand corrected if wrong.

Tacca leontopetaloides, leaf @ SGNP  : Tacca leontopetaloides, leaf @ SGNP

These are mine.

taca species fot id mm1 20 08 2011:  While we are on the topic of Taca
I thought this was a good time to id this one as well
My neighbour’s place in alibaug had these growing wild
they were photographed in end july

Affirmative … This is Dev-kanda [Tacca leontopetaloides].



Name of the species: Tacca leontopetaloides
Family: Taccaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa
Altitude: 340 m above msl
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Moist deciduous to semi-evergreen forests

Uses: A critically dependent medicinal plant used as am ingredient in preparing several other medicines.


Interesting plant..
Are these flowers or fruits with some persistent flower parts?

yes, the whiskers above the drooping fruits look like persistent flower part… have seen it in some clerodendrons and some other houseplants, cant remember all the names, as I come across, may
be will post them..and the brown somewhat triangulars seem to be dried out flower buds? may be… … can tell us…

These are fruits

Yes these are fruits

are the tubers edible? they just look like potato. we collected this also from Rayagada 🙂

Really I did not Know that you have already visited Rayagada. Yes the tubers are edible in Ranpur, but only for medicinal purposes. The tubers are one of the key ingradient in preparing many herbal medicines. I think this information may clear your doubts ….

finally I could ‘locate’ the pictures of tubers. These pictures were taken by Dr. Ravikumar (FRLHT) during our visit to Rayagada in 2005.
T. pinnatifida is a synonym of T. leontopetaloides.

aaaah! thank you … i had been reading something about famine foods in the tropics… and I think this plant was included … so … I wanted to know if it would be really something that a hungry person (weak from famine) be willing to dig…
because the similar papers also mentioned the “knots” that form in bermuda grass as famine foods… and tubers of Antigonon… the latter I had dug up from my own potted quisquallis in my balcony in ny… looked like the red sweet potatoe we have in india.. its said to survive forest fires and be available to animals and man if they need them for sustenanace… and to the plants to regenerate from in case of seeds being burned….
another that comes to mind is jerusalem artichoke…
so on and so forth… thank you again for indulging my request…
I ‘ll ask your permission to use it if I write up about the famine foods…


AAZ Fortnight :: Araceae :: SMP6 :: Arisaema fruits?? : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

Are these fruits of some Araceae?

They are the fruit of Tacca leontopetaloides. Please check this link : Google Groups



Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb.) Kunth : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb.) Kunth, wild herb from the out skirts of Chennai. I am seeing this herb first time.


Identity needs to be confirmed.

Tacca leontopetaloides, I think.

Yes, …

It looks like Tacca leontopetaloides….

A name penghagara is given to Tacca leontopetaloides by the Banjara tribes of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.
Reference: Ethnopharmacology of Banjara tribe of Umarkhed taluka, district Yavatmal, Maharashtra for reproductive disorders by Bhogaonkar P Y & Kadam VN
I hope पेणघागरा is written correctly. Please validate.

Thanks …, But not sure of the reason you have put the links.

First link takes us to my post to the group listing all the names of Tacca leontopetaloides; and the second link leads to a page in the site Names of Plants in India – which I am building.

via Species‎ > ‎T‎ > Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze … family: Dioscoreaceae ~ Taccaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
TAK-kah — from the Malayan name for this plantDave’s Botanary
lee-on-toh-pet-al-OY-deez — resembles lion’s-petals … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: African arrowroot, batflower, East Indian arrowroot, Fiji arrowroot, Hawaiian arrowroot, Polynesian arrowroot, Tahiti arrowrootAssamese: কেতুৰী keturiHindi: बाघ मूंछ bagh-moochh, देवकन्द devkandaKannada: ದೈವಕಂದ daeva kaanda, ಹಂದಿಗೆಡ್ಡೆ handigedde, ಸೂರಣಗಡ್ಡೆ suranagaddeKonkani: देवकंद devakamdo, कोळ्याचो माड kolyacho mad, सरडेचो माड sardecho mad, ಸೂರ್ಣು surnuMalayalam: കാട്ടുചേന kattuchenaMarathi: देवकंद devakanda, जटाशंकर jatashankar, पेणघागरा penghagara, तवकीराच झाड towkiracha jhadOdia: ଧୋଇ dhoiSanskrit: देवकन्द devakanda, सूर्ण surnaTamil: சேனை cenai, ககனம் kakanam, காறாக்கருணை kara-k-karunai, காட்டுக்கருணை kattu-k-karunaTelugu: అడవిదుంప adavi dumpa, కంద kanda, పెద్ద కంద గడ్డ pedda kanda gadda, రిత్త కంద ritta kandaTulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟುಕೇನೆ kattukene
botanical names: Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze … synonyms: Leontice leontopetaloides L. • Tacca pinnatifida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
July 5, 2008 … along Saphale Ghat

Please help me with the name kanchinda no velo in native script. Tacca leontopetaloides yields starch, thus part of first word of the name would be કાંજી kanji (and I do not think it would be કાંચી going by the first transcribed word kanchi***). The last words: નો વેલો meaning creeping  / climbing plant of.
The first word kanchinda is either a typo OR a compounded word ****** + કંદ, which I am not able to make out.
Please help me with the first word of the name:  કાંજી**** નો વેલો



Jogi badshah

Thanks very much Naren ji for the name jogi badshah જોગી બાદશાહ … must be a local name, not much popular – I could not find any instance on internet of this name jogi badshah OR જોગી બાદશાહ relating to Tacca. Though in some parts of Maharashtra, this plant is known in a similar fashion – जटाशंकर jatashankar … the long thread-like bracteoles, inflorescence, leaves, all together giving an allusion of Lord Shiva’s head with matted hair … Lord Shiva is indeed King of Yogis … thus the name is fitting.
In the north, Saussurea simpsoniana is known by this name, jogi badshah.

કાચિંડાનો વેલો

Thanks very very much Bhasker ji for the name કાચિંડાનો વેલો kachindano velo… literal meaning – chameleon’s creeper / climber. The Konkanis and Malwanis too relate this plant to chameleon; they call the plant as  सरडेचो माड sardecho mad … literal meaning – chameleon’s palm (tree).

It is called Polynesian arrowroot, or Fiji arrowroot,
and the words કાંજી**** નો વેલો
here કાંજી means starch and વેલો stands for a plant it is not necessary creeper always

