Common name: Wedge-Leaf Taverniera, East-indian Moneywort • Hindi: Jethmad

Please suggest id for this shrub recorded from Morni Hills, Haryana…
I think generic level id is right..!!

Not Indigofera to me

I do not have any record of Indigofera and i won’t be able to say if it can be / cannot be Indigofera. I would rather like to learn why it cannot be Indigofera. is it because of fruit/legume?

Assuming … is correct (again i would like to say if … played opposite role in this thread i would have taken … is correct) I searched alternative probable id. What i find depends on Nidhan Sir’s verdict –

Please also note, in Taverniera nummularia DC. Fl. Br. Ind. ii. 140, the wings are significantly shorter (thank standard and keel). Please also refer to Wight. Ic. Pl. t 1055.

Thanks a lot … for giving initial lead, … for digging out the id with pertinent links..

As this is not earlier recorded from my state, I was not aware and took this as any species of Indigofera..


For ID 170209ET73 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

I took this wild flower picture near Jamnagar, Gujrat, when I went along with WWF, Nature camp to Marine National Park, Pirotan island.
Please give ID

Fabacacea week Image of Tavenaria cunaefolia from Nasik : 1 post by 1 author.  Attachments (1)
attaching image of Tavenraria cumaefolia from Nasik


Fabacaceae week Tavenaria cunaefolia fron Nasik : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

attaching Image of Travenaria Cunaefolia from Nasik



Taverniera cuneifolia from “Morni hills”.. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
There am uploading some shots of Taverniera cuneifolia from Morni hills taken on March2018..!!