Thalictrum dalzellii Hook., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 9: t. 868 1851. (Syn: Stipularia dalzellii Delpino);
India (Maharashtra, Karnataka) as per POWO;
Common name: Hill Meadow Rue • Hindi: श्वेतांबर Shwetambara • Marathi: श्वेतांबर Shwetambara
tha-LIK-trum — from the Greek name of this plant
¿ del-ZEL-ee-eye ? — named for N. A. Dalzell, collaborator with Gibson, of Bombay Flora


    31st July, early Morning 02:00 AM, … called me on my mobile to inform me that he will be picking me from my residence. We had made a plan to visit Purandar Fort. This is for the first time we were to come face to face. I had been interacting with him for so many years but never- ever got an opportunity to go on a Flower-hunt together. Ceropegia’s were in our mind but more than this, it was the exitement to meet. Within no time we reached Pune where we were joined by .. and ….
    Almost by morning 8:00AM, we were on top of Purandar. It was raining and not a good weather for photography. Nevertless, we had a wonderfull experince interacting as well as capturing some flora from Purandar.
    Beautiful flowers of  Thalictrum dalzellii (श्वेतांबर) were literally dancing  along with the cool breeze and rain showers. Looking very pretty. We could not resist capturing this.
It was a memorable trip.
    Thalictrum dalzellii is the Flower Picture of the Year 2010 from my side.
I take this opportunity to share a small poem written by my Son (Master Shantanu) on the Rain..

         ” Water droplets every where,
            now it is time to cheer;
                   Rain has brought along a lot of Joy,
                   Note book paper has become a paper boat toy;
           Paper boat is travelling along with the Stream,
           Riding on the real boat is one of my dream.
                    Clouds are playing Hide & seek,
                     Nature is full of many such tricks.
           Green fields and Wild Flowers,
           All enjoying pleasant Showers.
                     Lets join them and go on a Trek,
                     It is good to have one such break. “

– It was such a thrill to go through the poem as well as your posted picture.  .. among the greatest flower hunters on the group.

– PLANT EXLORER was a better word. Will tell you after few weeks why (Actually I am writing an article on
it INFAMOUS CASE OF XZXZXZXZXZ. This proved out to be the most infamous plant ever described in the history of botany.). But we shouldnt use HUNTING as a word to describe ourselves as it sounds a bit unethical.


Ranunculac​eae Week- Thalictrum dalzellii -PKA1:
Thalictrum dalzellii, beautiful erect herb from Purundar Fort, Maharashtra (Date/Time: 31-07-2010/ 11:50AM)

Extraordinary catch … the water droplets looks really awesome


Ranunculac eae Week- Thalictrum dalzellii -PKA1:
As requested by .. sharing few more snaps of this plant.

… was along with … at Purandar fort.

[image: Thalictrum dalzellii] <>
[image: Thalictrum dalzellii] <>
[image: Thalictrum dalzellii] <>


Names of Plants in India :: Thalictrum dalzellii:
Thalictrum dalzellii Hook.
[image: Thalictrum dalzellii Hook.] <>
[image: Flowers of India] <http://www.flowersofindia.HillMeadowRue.html>
[image: Discussions at efloraofindia] <…>
[image: more views in flickr] <>
[image: more views on Google Earth] <…>

tha-LIK-trum — from the Greek name of this plant
¿ del-ZEL-ee-eye ? — named for N. A. Dalzell, collaborator with Gibson, of Bombay Flora

commonly known as: hill meadow rue <…>
• Marathi: श्वेतांबरा shwetambara <…>
botanical name: Thalictrum dalzellii Hook. … synonyms: no synonym

– – – – – – –
Photographed at Purandar fort on 31 JUL 10 … more views at…
Would like to know the name of this plant in Kannada.

Thalictrum dalzellii :: Purandar Pune:
Thalictrum dalzellii
Family: Ranunculaceae
Observed on Purandar Fort Near Pune. Aug 2012

yes very nicely demonstrated the diagnostic traits


Ranunculaceae Fortnight: SMP JAN 03 : Purandar,Near Pune :: Thalictrum dalzelii : 1 post by 1 author. 4 images.
Thalictrum dalzellii
from Aug 2012
Fort Purandar. Near Pune


Ranunculaceae Fortnight::Thalictrum dalzellii at Purandar : PKA-Jan-21:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Came across this beautiful erect herb at Purundar Fort.
(Date/Time: 31-07-2010/ 11:50AM)
Bot. name: Thalictrum dalzellii
Family: Rananculaceae


Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum dalzellii at Kulang Fort: PKA-Jan-01 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Thalictrum dalzellii  photographed at “Kulang gad”. 

How the anthers are too much colourful here as against those we have seen on Purandar.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Thalictrum dalzellii :: Tikona :: DVJAN17/87 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Thalictrum dalzellii Hook. at Tikona on July 23, 2011

Excellent photographs

ANAUG10/10 Thalictrum sp. for identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Family: Ranunculaceae
Date: 2nd August 2015
Place: Chikamagalur, Karnataka
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Grasslands

The following three species are found in Karnataka:
1) Thalictrum saniculaeforme DC.
2) Thalictrum javanicum Blume
3) Thalictrum dalzellii Hooker

Thalictrum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Thalictrum dalzellii Hook. for sure.

Tri-foliate leaf, reniform crenate leaflets and auricled petiole base- these characters are distinct.
Anurag deserves much appreciation for the detailed snapshots.

