Tradescantia virginiana L., Sp. Pl. 288 1753. (syn. Ephemerum congestum Moench, Tradescantia brevicaulis Raf., Tradescantia congesta (Moench) Penny ex Loudon, Tradescantia rupestris Raf., Tradescantia speciosa Salisb. ….);
Virginia Spiderwort, Lady’s Tears;
Commelinales and Zingiberales Week: Tradescantia virginiana (Dreimasterblume) from Ritterhude: this plant is used as a garden decor here in Canada too ! Tradescantia virginiana ATJUNE2016/50 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Tradescantia virginiana
Synonyms: T. congesta, T. speciosa, Ephemerum congestum Virginia spiderwort Solan (H.P.) April 2014 Yes … Good clicks.
Plant for ID, Sikkim NAW-JUN16-06 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this herb with purple flowers photographed in Sikkim in May 2015. spiderwoart a Tradescantia.
closest i can think of because of the tallish wide grass like blades and the color is T. virgininiana Apparently seems to be Tradescantia virginiana.
Commonly grown as ornamental.
Seen this herb in a Home garden at Leh. Liked the 5th one most. Marvelous details. . Tradescantia virginiana L. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 600 kb each. Location : Golphutar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation : 4400 ft.
Date : 2 June 2018 Habit : Cultivated
Yes, it is.
Garden Flower for ID – 150813 – RK – 2 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Pics taken in Vienna,Virginia,US – 10am – local time – 15/06/13. Request Bot. & Common ID It looks rather like Tradescantia virginiana or a close relative
. Id for Darjeeling Commelinaceae: Mixed thread: 1 high res. correct image.
Locality Darjeeling Alubari TN Road Date: May 2018 Tradescantia virginiana L. ! Locality: Darjeeling Alubari TN Road
Date: April 15
2 high res. images. Tradescantia virginiana L. ! , References: