
from Mr. U.C.Pradhan’s private nursery in Kalimpong Hello to all – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Bakkala botanical garden Orchid from Bakkala | ID.Request 14Jul10AR01 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Vanda ‘Miss Joaquim’;


efloraofindia:”For Id 06102011MR1’’ ?Orchid Pune:   ?Orchid photographed by my friend at her farm in 2009

This seems to be a hybrid, very close to Vanda concolor.


Hybrid Vandas flowering in our glass house.:  Some hybrid Vandas flowering in our green houses currently….

I wonder how do they come up with so many different coloured hybrids?


Orchid For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 130712 : AK-2:  Picture taken at the Flower Show, Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 25/2/12.

Id please.

This is a hybrid of Vanda.

Orchid for id from Trade Fair Delhi
This was in W Bengal Pavilion indicating orchids of Darjeeling

Id Pls

This is another hybrid of Vanda.


Orchidaceae fortnight : Orchid for ID : Singapore orchid garden : MN 53 : : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors.

Looks like hybrids of Vanda, cant see the flowers clearly…

Vanda hybrid.

Orchid for id from KFRI Kerala

id Pls

Interesting Vanda hybrid.


Vanda Orchid-National Orchid Garden Singapore-MN181011:  Sending a photo of Vanda Orchid shot during our visit to the National Orchid Garden, Singapore.
Date : June 2007

This actually looks like Mokara, a trigeneric hybrid between the Ascocentrum, Vanda and Arachnis.
… may be able to confirm if I am right or wrong.

Looks like an Ascocenda to me as there is no true red colour in Vanda.
It could also be a Kagawara (Renanthera x Ascocentrum x Vanda) but I would need a closer look at the lip to confirm. As for mokara, usually they have thinner floral segments, but these days they are being bred
back into vandas to get a rounder shape so that possibility also exists.

Looks like an Ascocenda hybrid to me.

Vanda hybrid

Orchidaceae fortnight : Orchid for ID : Singapore Orchid Garden : MN 55 : 1 image. 3 posts by 3 authors.

Hybrid of Vanda and Ascocentrum.