Voacanga africana Stapf ex Scott-Elliot, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 30: 87 1894. (Syn: Voacanga africana var. glabra (K. Schum.) Pichon; Voacanga africana var. lutescens (Stapf) Pichon; Voacanga angolensis Stapf ex Hiern; Voacanga angustifolia K.Schum.; Voacanga bequaertii De Wild.; Voacanga boehmii K.Schum.; Voacanga eketensis Wernham; Voacanga glaberrima Wernham; Voacanga glabra K.Schum.; Voacanga klainii Pierre ex Stapf; Voacanga lemosii Philipson; Voacanga lutescens Stapf; Voacanga magnifolia Wernham; Voacanga puberula K.Schum.; Voacanga schweinfurthii Stapf; Voacanga schweinfurthii var. parviflora K. Schum.; Voacanga schweinfurthii var. puberula (K.Schum.) Pichon; Voacanga spectabilis Stapf); . Voacanga; . Request Tree ID 0006: In lalbagh, looks similar to ‘crape jasmine’ Tabernaemontana Divaricata NO this is not TAGAR… a very popular bush with white flowers in Calcutta gardens and streets, and almost all over the world , gardeners love it in warm climates or for green houses, Tabernaemontana Divaricata does not have such large prominent green calyx as in your picture…. For me looks like Gardenia sp. of family Rubiaceae (coffee family) I looked in wiki for gardenia, nothing matches the flower I have. It look like some Tabernaemontana species (or may be hybrid) in Family Apocynaceae.. It definately dont look like any Gardenia sp. or Family Rubiaceae.. Come to think of it…. efi thread In the photographs it is not very clear, but if interpetiolar stipules are there then undoubtedly it is a Rubiaceae member. Otherwise possibility of Wrightia/ Holarrhena (Apocynaceae) can not be ruled out. In the first picture there is one lone flower on the bottom left side of the photograph which looks very much like Tabernaemontana Divaricata. Has this flower fallen there? The other flowers definitely do not look like Tabernaemontana Divaricata. It looks like Pootia grandiflora The leaf arrangement and branching looks like a Rubiaceae shrub or treelet. It is Vocanga africana, I confirmed with the Lalbagh curators Here are the fruits
Picture taken in Nov,13. Tree for ID – 110614 – RK : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Lalbagh, Bangalore – 11/05/2014. Request ID. May be Ervatamia heyneana. Need more conformation. efi page on Tabernaemontana alternifolia (syn: Ervatamia heyneana (Wall.) T.Cooke) Thank you for helping out with ID … This has been identified as Voacanga africana on Indian Flora. Voacanga africana : 2 posts by 1 author. Please ID the tree photographed at Lalbagh on 9th August 2018. Voacanga africana, Stapf. <=> Akan Tree the fruit in this case is indeed similar to Raman’s pictures of Voacanga africana
thanks … i found additional picture of the fruit in this utube video about Voacanga africana seems similar to this case here , so do the leaves. now Mahadeswara ji has to confirm if his tree is what Raman has in this second Thanks … I will check the flowers during my next visit to Lalbagh. By the by … when is the flowering season of this tree? . Images of Tabernaemontana pachysiphon in FoPI, are of Voacanga africana as per images and details herein. Looks different from Tabernaemontana pachysiphon as per http://www.centralafricanplants.senckenberg.de/root/index.php?page_id=34&id=2541 Pl. correct. I have already noted this for correction. Thank you very much. . References: |
Voacanga africana (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)
Updated on December 24, 2024