

Unknown from Amboli Ghat:
This plant i got in Amboli ghat , yet could not get ID,

It could be Dimorphocalyx lawianus (Muell.-Arg.) Hook.f (If the tip of branch does not end with male flowers), and if it is ending with than it could be Blachia denudata Beth. (Family Euphorbiaceae); Please send me some more picture of this plant it will be nice.

It is Dimorphocalyx galbellus Thwaites var. lawianus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.
Distrib. India: Evergreen forests, at 150 -1100 m altitudes. Scarce. Maharashtra,Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Endemic.


Request for ID : 211210 : AK-1:
Taken on the 16th of November at Dambulla, Sri Lanka. This bush was used as a hedge.

– This is Dimorphocalyx lawianus, a small tree of Euphorbiaceae. It has unisexual flowers, the one seen in the picture is a female flower with broadly lobed calyx.


Bot. name: Dimorphocalyx lawianus
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Photographed at Chandoli Forest
Enclosing snaps of flower with 5 lobed calyx and fruit (3 lobed).

–  here are mine from Matheran taken in October 2010. Dimorphocalyx lawianus (Muell.-Arg.) Hook. is the synonym of Dimorphocalyx ramiflorus (Graham ) Almeida (comb. nov.). An explanation of this neotype is given in Dr. Almeida’s flora.


Dimorphocalyx lawianus:
The evergreen tree of evergreen forest, at Matheran.
D lawianus is endemic to Western Ghats.
Photographed at 714 Mtrs (MSL) on 2nd March`12.

Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus:
Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus of Euphorbiaceae family
Matheran, Maharashtra
20th Sept., 2012
Note : This small tree of evergreen forest is known to be
Western Ghats endemic.

… this is the female flower showing enlarged calyx. The male flowers have a simple calyx, hence the name dimorpho calyx. Both unisexual flowers are seen on the same plant (monoecious).

Plant for id: AVD: 26 th Oct 2012:
Need help in identifying a small tree. Images are attached herewith.

Other relevant information is as follows:
Place : Matheran
Habit: A small Tree
Features: The calyx lobes were increadibly large.
Would appreciate identification.

Dimorphocalyx lawianus

I remember … has shown us flowers of this on Sep 20th. … had responded with description of it. You may search the earlier mails for it.
It is indeed Dimorphocalyx lawianus. Now you got it with fruits too.

Incredibly strange looking fruit…
we dont eat it , do we?

Plz id this tree: pa43 – 22nov2012:
Plz id this tree from Matheran region. The photos of flower, fruit and leafs are attached. Tks.

That is Dimorphocalyx lawianus and the flower that you are holding, …, is male.

Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus in n Western Ghats :: DV20 : 8 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.

at Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary on 05 NOV 11
near Lion’s Point, Lonavala on 15 OCT 10


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Dimorphocalyx lawianus : Dambulla,Sri Lanka : 061113 : AK-2 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Seen at Dambulla, Sri Lanka during visit in November, 2010.
Posted on our group earlier and identified by …

Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus.


Came across this small flowering tree at ‘Prabalgad”.
Bot.Name: Dimorphocalyx lawianus
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Marathi name: Jodpakli

Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus.


Pls ID : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Location- Sadavali, Dapoli, Maharshtra

Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree
Height-7 meter

Flowers-White colour
Fruits- Green (may be not mature)

Dimorphocalyx glabellus.

I think Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus as per images herein.
Pl. confirm.

Yes …, Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus … I did not check the full name in my notes.

Yes, D. glabellus var. lawianus.


349 ID wild tree: 18 high res. images.
Please ID wild tree, very rare.  I think it is dioecious(?) having all characteristics are similar except flowers, Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 10.04.2022, 12.50pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, shady, rocky hill streamside
Plant habit: dioecious (?) tree, erect, branches, hard woody stem 30 inches base diameter, rough flaked brown bark
Height: 05 meters
Leaves: alternate, ovate, apex, simple glossy, serrated margins, size upto:18×9cm
Flower: Male: axillary racemose, diameter:10mm, off-white, good fragrance
Female: terminal panicle racemose, 05/04 sepals, off-white, non fragrant

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

Sharing male flower images.

Both male and female are growing very closely, only 03 meters distance.

it is Dimorphocalyx species

Yes, appears close as per images at

Yes, it is , thank you very much for ID my plant and providing ID link,

It appears to be Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr., as per keys in BSI Flora of India.

it is not D.glabellus, the leaves have impressed veins, not found in glabellus; the ovary is very hispid; the calyx lobes shape is also different; it must be some other species,

This is what BSI Flora of India says:

Leaves elliptic, oblong to obovate or oblanceolate, rounded, obtuse to acute at base, shallowly glandular-crenulate (particularly in young leaves), crenate-serrate to entire along margins, acuminate to acute or often obtuse to rounded at apex, 4.5 – 19 x 2 – 7 cm, thinly coriaceous to chartaceous; lateral nerves 6 – 14 pairs; petioles 2 – 20 mm long.

The identification is correct. Accepted name: Tritaxis glabella (Thwaites) R.Y.Yu & Welzen var. praerervisa Chakrab. & G.Krishna.

Great identifying!!
Yes, it is, thank you very much for ID my plant,

